Reviews For Velamentum
Name: katelyn_d_89 reviewed Proposition on Aug 27, 2008 05:13 am
Loving it so far!

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: Nakita reviewed Proposition on Aug 26, 2008 07:59 pm
I really love this so far. It has a different twist to it. I really can't wait to see where this goes.

Author's Response: Thanks! I was going for something original.
Name: dracois4ever reviewed Proposition on Aug 26, 2008 05:50 pm
Alright, this second chapter is pure evil from a reader's perspective. You see, I really want to read more of this most excellent story, but there is nothing there to read...makes me feel kind of empty and anxious for more. (I am quite pathetic really!) In all seriousness, this has the makings of a brilliant story, I truly am looking forward to updates!

Author's Response: Wow, well the beginning of the comment made me sad. But then it became better. ;)rnThanks. I'm working out the kinks to the next chapter. It should be out in a few days.
Name: dristi reviewed Proposition on Aug 25, 2008 01:09 pm
hi, the plot is .... different and captivating! pls update soon...

Author's Response: Thanks! Happy to hear that the story is captivating!
Name: wandap1016 reviewed Proposition on Aug 25, 2008 07:05 am
I was so happy to see you've updated, I absolutely love your story! I literally yelled "oh no" when I read the last line lol. After two chapters you officially have me hooked. I'm looking forward to reading about Draco and Ginny trying to work together.

I can't wait to read more, please try to update soon.

Author's Response: I'm so glad that you like it! Lol yes, Draco and Ginny's relationship will not get off to the smoothest start, I can promise you that much. :DrnI am working on the next chapter, which should be out in a couple days.
Name: Imaiya reviewed Proposition on Aug 25, 2008 06:29 am
YAY :)

I'm so glad you updated. And I must say, I really applaud you for completely apandoning canon. This is one of the most AU centric stories that I have read. It's gonna be a challenge, but I'm really looking forward to reading it. Great second chapter :D

AHH, there are so many questions. XD Does everyone think all the members of Velamentum are dead? That would mean that Ginny shouldn't have know where Harry, Hermione, and Ron are. But you're probably answer that later, which means I'll have to wait patiently. Damn it. :)

Anyway, awesome job. I'll definetly be reading more.

Author's Response: Thanks for the great review! Yes, unfortunately you do have to wait to have your questions answered. ;) But don't worry, they will be answered. And y es, this is definitely not going according to canon. I'm glad you enjoyed the second chapter!
Name: niffer reviewed Proposition on Aug 25, 2008 05:59 am
Great story so far. You really have me interested. I want to read more.

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you're intrigued, and I am working on the next chapter. :)
Name: Katzegeliebter reviewed Proposition on Aug 25, 2008 04:15 am
I would say that in this chapter the characterization of The Order of The Phoenix is a little off, but I am no stranger to OOC. I find it hard to believe that they would ever sacrifice Ginny, but desperate times call for desperate measures, yeah? I think in their minds they would be trying to justify it, perhaps by thinking they were going to do everything to prevent her from dying. Anyways, this chapter was great, and once again, I am waiting for the third. I cannot wait to see how Draco and Ginny interact.

Author's Response: Yeah, I do understand that the actions of the Order seem extreme, but don't worry, more insight will be given on that later in the story. Thanks for the wonderful review. And the interaction between Draco and Ginny... well it will be interesting. ;)
Name: Akt5us reviewed Proposition on Aug 24, 2008 08:14 pm
I really like this, and it's got an interesting twist to it! I can't wait to read more! :D

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you're enjoying the story
Name: layn reviewed Proposition on Aug 24, 2008 06:25 pm
nuff said.


Author's Response: Heh thank you! I'm glad you like the story
Name: darkloveangel reviewed Proposition on Aug 24, 2008 05:06 pm

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! I'm pleased that you like it, and I am working on the next chapter.
Name: joey101 reviewed Proposition on Aug 24, 2008 04:57 pm
o wao...quite original. love it so far! cant wait to know whoz the leader of this oraganization.

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you like it. And the leader is... well, I'm not really allowed to say. ;)
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