Name: Esoreeanna reviewed Addiction on Jul 27, 2011 02:53 pm
nvm confused lol great story

Author's Response: Haha yeah your name ;) But I am glad you liked the story!
Name: Mollie reviewed Addiction on Sep 25, 2010 01:31 am
Oh my God, agony and pain fill me! I was sad for Ginny after the first chapter, but seeing Draco's reasoning, I am miserable for him... This is tragic! I love it! Wonderful story of sacrifice and love and the cost of war!

Author's Response: I feel sorry for both of them :X Thank you very much for your review.
Name: chocolate_snow reviewed Addiction on May 03, 2010 07:23 pm
o man............ :(
great job, but um still itching for a happy ending...

Author's Response: Me too. But this story just didn't seem to fit that.
Name: FiveOhFirst reviewed Addiction on Jan 12, 2010 06:23 pm
That was amazing. Your imagery is perfect. I could see the scene in front of me as I read.
You mentioned that people say you need to eat more chocolate and hug some puppies? Well, maybe you should hold off on that for a bit, because the sad stories- especially yours, it seems, are my absolute favorite to read. ;P

Author's Response: Thank you! I haven't finished anything in a long while - But i'm working on something sad and horrible now :)
Name: The_Real_Weaslette reviewed Addiction on Nov 15, 2009 12:25 pm
Nooo! ;_; Draco!Draaaaacoooo! D:

(LOVE IT! Its so, so good. Draco's part especially was so emotional.)

Author's Response: :) Thank you for the review!
Name: KTT reviewed Addiction on Sep 08, 2009 03:54 pm
AHHH!! This story is making my heart totally heart in a very good way. :) It's beautiful!

Author's Response: Thank you :)
Name: The_Real_Weaslette reviewed Addiction on Jul 30, 2009 10:09 pm
No more? He's just gonna leave her there? I love this story, it's wonderful, don't get me wrong but- That's not fair!! D:

Author's Response: I never claimed to be a fair author! Thank you for the review!
Name: Necie B reviewed Addiction on Jul 19, 2009 07:43 am
You write so well that it hurts!

Author's Response: Thank you :)
Name: WhiffleBird reviewed Addiction on Jun 25, 2009 06:58 pm
You are such a powerful writer! The emotions you are able to portray are amazing, and deep.

Author's Response: Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed the story.
Name: Perpetual Illusion reviewed Addiction on Jun 10, 2009 09:17 am
Beautifully written and hauntingly sad. :) In my own little head come with various little scenarios of what could happen and shouldn't and... So many what-ifs. ::sigh:: But amazing for them. :)

Also, college has killed my fandoms completely. My writing has gone from little to zero. Hope you have better luck!

Author's Response: Yeah we'll see how badly college kills my muses :-P Thank you for the review! I appreciate your feed back.
Name: nelly reviewed Addiction on May 16, 2009 05:27 pm
No he can't leave! Make him come back.

Author's Response: sorry...sometimes they really do leave :'(
Name: SlytherinBeauty reviewed Addiction on Apr 23, 2009 07:32 am
oh gods...
when i started this story i thought its was spoof off of the second twilight book, new moon. where edward leaves bella to prove his love after delcaring her his own brand of heroine.
but then i read the whole story and im utterly transfixed. please! dont stop there!! i want to hear what happens next! hopefully ginny wont let her entire life just walk away that easily (like bella did)
amazingly written, too, by the way :)

Author's Response: Well. Who knows, maybe someday I'll keep going, but it is likely this is the end. Now that you mention it, I see the parallel between this and New Moon, I think I came up with the idea before I read the book, but a I've done both of which a while ago, I honestly can't remember. Thank you for the review!
Name: leximaex reviewed Addiction on Apr 02, 2009 03:42 am
and did i mention that this fic was born to be called 'Set the Fire to the Third Bar'?
Seriously, listen to that song while you're reading this, and you'll see what I mean.
Seriously, legend.

Author's Response: I do really like that song and I have thought about doing one for it before, but some one's done it -- you might want to check it out. Thanks for this review too ;)
Name: leximaex reviewed Addiction on Apr 01, 2009 11:34 pm
I love it. Tons and tons. Seriously, it made me teary :(
Totally adding it to my faves.

Author's Response: :) I'm glad you liked it
Name: draco_and_ginny_4evr reviewed Addiction on Mar 01, 2009 08:22 am
fics like this mess me up for days... i cant get over them till i find a different one to read... >.

Author's Response: >_< Go read something fluffy- wonderfully wonderfully fluffy! Thanks for the review :-)
Name: sunkistaddiction reviewed Addiction on Feb 28, 2009 11:54 am
Draco's POV was so heart-wrenching, especially the part where he said, "To prove my love, I would leave her forever."

It was simply lovely. I loved it.

Author's Response: I do try to leave the story with a line that captures people's attention. I'm glad you liked it :)
Name: LovesFantasy reviewed Addiction on Feb 27, 2009 07:37 am
College can put quite a damper on writing, can't it. I started working on my Masters about a year ago and haven't written a single word since. :o( If only I had a time turner...

The story is fantastic! Loved it - lived it, once upon a time (minus the war bit). It does leave me wondering what happened to him. Did he make it through the war? Does she ever move on?

Really enjoyed this, even without the happy ending. :o)

Author's Response: Oh, the things I could do with a timeturner!! I have no idea what happens to them actually, my brain never got that far, maybe yours can ;-)
Name: CCC reviewed Addiction on Oct 04, 2008 02:45 pm
Okay, now in chapter three he comes back to her. Right? Right? *pout* There better be a chapter three. (One small note. You used tired in place of tried several times. Spell check doesn't catch those little beasts.)

Author's Response: Oh come on, I think you'd know my writing well enough by now to KNOW there isn't a third chapter coming. There was a second chapter though, and that is a start. : ) Thanks for your review. Thank you also for point out my word mishap. I'll get on that. ;)
Name: shaded reviewed Addiction on Oct 02, 2008 08:43 am
Aw! How very upsetting. :'( I had a feeling that Draco was leaving Ginny just to protect her, but from the first chapter, I'd thought that Draco had planned on telling her his vision of their future together just before leaving her forever, but I see now that he actually meant to carry through with it all.

I thought that the scene with Draco not countering Bill's curses was ever so moving. It shows how deeply Draco cares for Ginny, more than his pronouncement of his love ever could.

I love this story, even though it is so heart-wrenching. I really look forward to your stories and this one surely didn't disappoint. I hope that there'll be more fics from you in the near future. :)

There are a few spelling mistakes in this chapter.
Second paragraph - 'Nigh after night' should be 'Night after night'
9th paragraph - 'however truth be told I had the patients' should be '... patience'
Near the end - 'a drug a doubted' should be 'a drug I doubted'.

Author's Response: Thank you, I will look into those mistakes and clean them up. Also, thanks for such a long review!
Name: slygal reviewed Addiction on Oct 01, 2008 05:04 pm
Now I definitely think that she should find the cottage, Malfoy heir in tow to discover the spot his Mum and Daddy had planned to escape. Charlie and Severus are her only confidants and they help her thru her trying times of bearing the enemie's child.

Can u tell that I NEED a chapter for resolve?

Author's Response: lol sounds like you have it all planed out in you head ;-) That's the point of leaving it like this - lets you work your imaginative side. ;-)
Name: deadsnowwhite reviewed Addiction on Oct 01, 2008 04:44 pm
this is one of the saddess and best storys i have read if it should be made a classic.

Author's Response: Thank you, it means a lot to me when someone enjoys my work.
Name: ronlover reviewed Addiction on Oct 01, 2008 03:32 pm
Love it. :D

Author's Response: : ) Thanks
Name: darkloveangel reviewed Addiction on Sep 30, 2008 06:02 pm
no!!!!! come back!! tear*

Author's Response: I know, he's a silly boy who dosen't quite get the rules : ( Thanks for your review.
Name: Dracogirl reviewed Addiction on Sep 30, 2008 05:25 pm
Not even a letter so she could know he really did love her?

Author's Response: Which would have hurt more, knowing he loved her, but couldn't have him, ever, or having him leave you? He wanted her to be able to get over him. Its the way his mind works, no matter how we girls see differentially. Thanks for your review.
Name: BIQxoxBOHICA reviewed Addiction on Sep 30, 2008 04:42 pm
No happily ever after?

Author's Response: not always unfortunately :'(
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