Name: abby reviewed Broken on Oct 30, 2008 05:07 pm
That's so effing mean! Gosh!...can you update please? I love bad Dream Team fics! :)

Author's Response: Thank you. I know you'll love this fic, stay tuned.
Name: gemini reviewed Broken on Oct 27, 2008 07:28 pm
this is actually pretty good. I hope that you continue with this story!

Author's Response: Thank you so much!
Name: beckysue2 reviewed Broken on Oct 27, 2008 02:33 am
Can I punch Harry now?

Author's Response: Absolutely.
Name: Freedomflyer reviewed Broken on Oct 26, 2008 07:17 pm
Can't you just kill them all in a particularly violent, well placed accident? The Dream team. Then Draco and Ginny can rule the world and everyone will be happy. Except maybe JK. But Hey Who cares.

Author's Response: I don't! Thank you! I can't wait to off the Dream Team, and I'm trying to do it as soon as possible.
Name: tinamarie reviewed Broken on Oct 26, 2008 06:07 pm
Wow I would have been completely pissed off too. They are really full of themselves huh? Good chapter, can't wait to read the next one.

Author's Response: Ginny does get pissed, right now she's just in shock. Thank you and keep reading.
Name: bella vita reviewed Broken on Oct 26, 2008 08:55 am
did they just ?!?!
did that just ?!?!



Author's Response: Yes they did, those bastards. Keep reading, an update should be up soon. Thanks!
Name: AuntAnnie reviewed Broken on Oct 26, 2008 12:52 am
Good chapter although you may have jumped the shark there on the pregnant thing, he was a memory and she was eleven after all, but it still has good writing style and it is interesting. You made me want to smack all three of the trio. Cant wait to see where this is going.

Author's Response: Thank you. I know that her being ppregnant sound wierd, but it has a purpose. Tom was gaining substance when Harry found him, he was able to pick up a wand and fight Harry. Thos is just my take on how, and the stress of her first year caused her to start her period before it was time. Thank you for asking, and I think you will like where it goes!
Name: deadsnowwhite reviewed Broken on Oct 25, 2008 02:04 pm
that was amazing I wanted to cry for ginny the golden three were @&& but very good set up and i love how ginny knows more about the headquartes then they do could be usefull later on but that ending ahh !! (in a good way) i cant wait for the next chapter^_^

Author's Response: Didn't it just break your heart? I almost cried too...and I knew it was going to happen! Stay tuned the next chapter will be up soon. Thank you!
Name: AudsMalfoy reviewed Broken on Oct 25, 2008 01:12 pm
Awesome. Purely awesome.
More soon.


Author's Response: Thank you. I was nervous about how this chapter would go over. I glad you liked it, more to come soon.
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