Reviews For Precipice
Name: Rosalie reviewed Chapter 1 on Jan 17, 2009 05:58 pm
As bitter and sad as this was, all well written of course, please, please post the companion pieces, as I'm insanely curious. well done. The last line is so horribly against everything a heart should believe, but it's what Draco believes and that's what makes this so honest and sad and he doesn't even recognize it. Well done.
Name: shaded reviewed Chapter 1 on Jan 17, 2009 03:58 pm
Because really, when you’re made for more, love is never enough. And it never could be.
Gah! I simultaneously love this story for it's realism and hate it for what that realism brings - Draco unable to give up his style of life, his upbringing, to stay with Ginny.

I love Andromeda! I am in total awe of how realistic that conversation was. Her unwavering love tempered by regret. This line made my breath catch:
I know in that instant, if she could go back, which choice she would make. The same choice I know now that I must make.

Is it wrong that I find Draco's family, of Scorpius & Astoria to be adorable? The comfortable banter between them was heart-warming. It's good to have a different perspective of them, as so often both Draco & Astoria are shown to be cold towards each other.

Astoria's receding hairline comment made me laugh. I like that dig at the actual DH epilogue. *g*

I would really love to read the alternate, DG, ending. I wonder if Draco travels to the land of If-Onlys in that piece, also.
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 1 on Jan 17, 2009 02:29 pm
WOW. This story inspires so much emotion in me. It makes me sad, yet it is realistic and true to character.
Name: rowan_greenleaf reviewed Chapter 1 on Jan 17, 2009 01:45 pm

This fic is wonderful. I reviewed it when you posted it back at, and I couldn't resist reading it again here. Truly wonderful, in a heartbreaking sort of way.

You're a very talented writer!

By all means keep posting more of your work. ^_^

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