Reviews For Four Days Later
Name: Askaron reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on Aug 30, 2011 04:56 am
Nice Story. Enjoyed reading it.

Best regards
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on Apr 25, 2010 05:01 pm
great story!!! love the plot!!
Name: lovelywendy reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on Jun 09, 2009 07:44 pm
looove iit!!
Name: mj123 reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on May 09, 2009 03:58 pm
has the story finished cz sounds like there is more to come??

Author's Response: Thank you for reading! Yes, I left the ending open for a sequel. The sequel will come out this summer. Hope you'll come back to read it. :D
Name: thelovemachines reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on May 05, 2009 12:18 pm
The last chapter was great! It felt nice and epic the way HP fics should!

You should add a bit about the job and what happened afterward, like an Epilogue, short and sweet.

Author's Response: Thank you! :D I tried to make it climatic. Haha. Yes, a sequel is definitely happening this summer. I'm sure you'll make sure of it.
Name: spazzingqueen reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on May 01, 2009 10:15 pm
Oh Wait. It's done?! :'( butbutbut! ..Okay. Well it needs a sequel! :D

Author's Response: Thank you, a sequel is in the works! It will come out this summer. :D Hope to see you there!
Name: spazzingqueen reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on May 01, 2009 10:13 pm
Whee! Aah thanks for the bedtime story. I will be dreaming happily tonight! Great chapter, can't wait for more, although I don't want to, I get the feeling we'll be seeing Major-domo later on, the creep.

Author's Response: Thank you for reading! I'm glad that you enjoyed it! Major-domo was a creep, wasn't he?
Name: Rashonda reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on May 01, 2009 05:44 pm
This was a great story.

Author's Response: Thank you for reading! :D Hope you come back for the sequel. Look for it this summer!
Name: suzymaholic reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on May 01, 2009 01:28 pm
NICE! I am really liking this plot, as well as the fact that you're showing that the Malfoy family is historically worthy of their wealth and fame and that Draco's dad was a twot. Can't wait to find out what the business in the morning is :)

Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :D A sequel is in the works. We'll find out about that business this summer!
Name: KarmaKiller20 reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on May 01, 2009 06:59 am
aw, it's over? i'm so sad :'-( well, anyway, it was a good story and i did enjoy reading it. and by the way, when narcissa said she saw something interesting, was she referring to them?

Author's Response: Yes, she was. :D Don't be sad because I have a sequel in the works. Look for it this summer! Thank you for reading!
Name: lily_malfoy reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on May 01, 2009 04:51 am
Hey love your fic!
Just wanted to tell you that:"Ferme tu grande bouche!" is not good french. Maybe it`s supposed to be like that but I`m not sure since the Malfoy family is french... if you wanted to say Shut your big mouth= Ferme ta grande bouche. If you want to say shut up= Tais-toi!
anyway keep on writting!!!

Author's Response: Haha, thanks! I don't know French, so I asked my sister to write the lines in French for me. Thank you for catching that mistake. :D
Name: Kalira reviewed Day Four - Business is a Pleasure on Apr 30, 2009 07:03 pm
A job from Narcissa? Oooo interesting.

Author's Response: Yes. We'll find out what that job is in the sequel. :D Wait for it this summer! Thank you for reading, hope to see you back!
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