Reviews For Die, with a "T"
Name: drinnychicken reviewed Chapter 7 - Re-focus on the Goal on Mar 07, 2012 04:34 pm
Of course the plant description was included! I also expected Ginny to be a bit more angry about the cruise, she is a feisty red-head after all.

Author's Response: I love that plant! hahaha :)
Name: Karamelhexe reviewed Chapter 7 - Re-focus on the Goal on Aug 09, 2010 11:14 am
Oh no, where are the last chapters? I really love this story and even though I don't want it to end I want to know how it ends. Pleas please update!

Author's Response: Updated! sorry it took so long! Enjoy1 :D
Name: Karamelhexe reviewed Chapter 7 - Re-focus on the Goal on Aug 09, 2010 11:10 am
Oh no, where are the last chapters? I really love this story and even though I don't want it to end I want to know how it ends. Pleas please update!

Author's Response: I have 2 remaining chapters and an epilogue. The epilogue is possibly the sweetest thing I've ever written and I can't wait to post. Unfortunately, the last chapter just wasn't flowing properly and I haven't had a chance to really fix it. I promise that it will get posted tho, because I hate to leave things unfinished.
Name: dracois4ever reviewed Chapter 7 - Re-focus on the Goal on Feb 10, 2010 06:06 am
Great job!

Author's Response: Thanks so much!!!
Name: lilactree reviewed Chapter 7 - Re-focus on the Goal on Jan 24, 2010 02:29 pm
I couldn't stop laughing at the last part of this chapter! I believe he is getting his confidence back. Great chapter!

Author's Response: Glad it kept you amused! He's such a brat in this story and he's so fun to write. Thanks so much!!!!
Name: Dracogirl reviewed Chapter 7 - Re-focus on the Goal on Jan 20, 2010 09:09 pm
This was so awesome. I loved Draco in this chapter. He was the perfect combination of snarky Draco - 'Draco tried his best not to smile in the direction of his plant in the corner, although he did allow his mouth to curve into an evil smirk. He liked his smirk. He'd actually spent time practicing it in the mirror when he was younger, and he hadn't had nearly enough opportunity to use it in recent years. It was a rather celebratory occasion, however, and he took a moment to savor being able to use his favorite expression.' and pouting Draco - "You let me have what I wanted all last week," he said, sounding like a whining child, but he didn't care.; He nodded, deciding that pouting seemed to be working on her at the moment. He came to the conclusion that looking pitiful was his best weapon. After all, he was unhappy and if he was going to get his way, his only option was to evoke sympathy. He gave her the look he used to practice in the mirror as a child. The one that got his mother to buy him just about anything. I loved seeing all of his moods. My favorite: Slytherin Draco (Slytherin may not be a mood, but that's the best way to describe this particular 'mood')- ...he did the only proper thing that any self-respecting Slytherin could do: he plotted ways to eliminate the competition. Two days later, the witch disappeared, having won a three-week, all-expense paid trip, which included a never-ending buffet and dessert bar, courtesy of Blankenship's Flying Carpet Cruise Line. With a bit of luck, he was hoping that the witch might eat so much on the trip that she'd explode and wouldn't be able to come back at all. LOL That was my favorite part of the chapter; even when he's doing something 'nice' Draco is such a good 'bad boy'.

Author's Response: He's such a spoiled child in this fic and I do want to cuddle him for it. So very, very happy you enjoyed it! Thanks so much.
Name: choravenclaw reviewed Chapter 7 - Re-focus on the Goal on Jan 20, 2010 09:45 am
There she stood, arms crossed, foot tapping and eyebrows raised. Her red hair flowed loosely about her shoulders and there was fire in her eyes. In a way, he hated how incredibly gorgeous she was, because he'd forgotten why she had become such a fixture in his life.

I loved her entrance!
She is great, isnt she?
Especially when she gets to turn his brain into mush.

He looked up, guilt written all over his face, looking very much like a child caught in the middle of mischief. Her response completely surprised him.

He must have looked so cute!

He was unceremoniously placed on a treadmill and had to watch while “his” Weasley spent a solid hour coaching an overly rounded witch through some simple weight-lifting and stretching routines.
If she had the gall to wake him up at an ungodly hour, the very least she could do was give him a little attention.

I LOOOOVE possessive Draco!
Whining and pouting actually adds to his charm, especially his boyish side!

In the past, running had only been tolerable because he really enjoyed watching her arse as he followed her around the Quidditch pitch.

Could he find a greater reason for running?
It's simply a show off game!
And i just LOVE it!

So, on the third day, as he jogged on his treadmill and watched Weasley spend her time with the inept, overweight witch again, he did the only proper thing that any self-respecting Slytherin could do: he plotted ways to eliminate the competition.
Two days later, the witch disappeared, having won a three-week, all-expense paid trip, which included a never-ending buffet and dessert bar, courtesy of Blankenship's Flying Carpet Cruise Line. With a bit of luck, he was hoping that the witch might eat so much on the trip that she'd explode .

Oh yeah, a truly evil plan!
Don't you just love his Slytherin ways?
Plus having tons of money to help with his plans DO help!

I love the fact she figured him out the second she saw him, his smug expression must have been giving him away from MILES!
i do have one tiny, itty, bitsy complaint though...
You see, we already know he fancies her, at least phisically and she has some attraction to him, but you take FOREVER! to update so i was wondering when they are goin to FINALLY get together!
I'm dying to see them together!

Oh, can you please update Contractual Obligations?
I'm crazy to see what happens next!!!
I just love your fics!


Author's Response: It would be nice to be independently wealthy so that I could write full time but, alas, that is not the case. Also, I really was quite stuck on the plot for the second part of the chapter. It was lovely to read your long, thoughtful review! So nice to see how many points caught your attention.

Hugs my dear!


Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 7 - Re-focus on the Goal on Jan 20, 2010 02:34 am
Did you mean, "roused by Ginny" in the place where you wrote, "aroused by Ginny"? Hehe. I got a laugh out of it.

So glad you updated! I love this story, though Draco's whining is terribly unattractive.

Author's Response: He is quite spoiled. and thank you for catching that typo! LOL! I did fix that. Only 2 chapters remain, so Draco will probably stop whining very soon. Thanks sooooo much!


Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Chapter 7 - Re-focus on the Goal on Jan 19, 2010 09:57 pm
"Two days later, the witch disappeared, having won a three-week, all-expense paid trip, which included a never-ending buffet and dessert bar, courtesy of Blankenship's Flying Carpet Cruise Line. With a bit of luck, he was hoping that the witch might eat so much on the trip that she'd explode and wouldn't be able to come back at all."

This was AMAZING. I really really hope that you plan on updating regularly for this fic because I am IN LOVE with it. I think this is the funniest fic I've EVER read. I used to think your Omega-13 was my favortie, but now, I think this one takes the cake. I originally skipped over this one too, because I didn't want to ruin my image of a toned, six-pack, buff Draco. But somehow, wow, this was just way too cute! Please update soon and bring sexy Draco back with his physique. Then, he and Ginny can get together. And if I haven't told you before, I LOVE all your characters! Normally, I don't like some characters in some fics, but I love everyone (except that oily Covingworth. Narcissa, even though we don't see her, is amazing, and so is 'Dwina (such a cute name!) Anyways, AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC job on this fic, and please, please, please update soon!


Author's Response: Wow. That's a great compliment. I'm so glad it's bringing a smile to your face. I'm glad you got over your fear of chubby Draco. He's on his way back tho, never fear! Thank you sooo much for your lovely comments. And I'm so happy you like 'Dwina, I love her too. I'm sure you'll positively adore her in the last chapter. Poor Draco thinks he's in charge, but in reality, all these strong women are running his life. No wonder he acts the way he does. LOL

Best wishes!


Name: dancingonstars reviewed Chapter 7 - Re-focus on the Goal on Jan 19, 2010 08:54 pm
that was great. the best part was the end when draco rigged the contest and
"With a bit of luck, he was hoping that the witch might eat so much on the trip that she'd explode and wouldn't be able to come back at all. "
i do love this draco. cant wait for the next update.

Author's Response: He is sweet, isn't he? I just want to cuddle him, tho I'm sure he'd hate that. So happy you enjoyed!

Best wishes!


Name: stracery reviewed Chapter 7 - Re-focus on the Goal on Jan 19, 2010 08:45 pm
Ooh, yay, you're updating! Well, this is a pretty unique idea, and the possiblites for humiliation and amusement are as numerous as the amount of calories in Draco's most decadent little goodies. ;-D I'm lovin' this sweet and funny fic, and looking forward to the next update!

Author's Response: Thanks so much. I actually have very funny scenes that I wrote and cant use because I took the story in a different direction. the original idea was a bit more adversarial. Thanks sooo very much for your feedback.
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