Reviews For Die, with a "T"
Name: thenilaughed reviewed Chapter 1 - Admit the Problem on Mar 31, 2009 08:08 am
Fantastic! Very original, I don't think I've ever seen a Fat!Malfoy. I can't tell you how eager I am to read more!

Author's Response: This started when I was thinking of how perfect he is always described to be in pretty much every fic, and well, an alternative description just sort of popped into my head. And, I had a craving to write some fluff. Thanks so much for the feedback!
Name: ginnywitch reviewed Chapter 1 - Admit the Problem on Mar 31, 2009 07:54 am
lovin' it so far lol

Author's Response: I've been having a great time with this, glad to see that you are too!
Name: shezachica85 reviewed Chapter 1 - Admit the Problem on Mar 31, 2009 07:18 am

Author's Response: Yes, poor Draco will suffer. and it *will* be funny. Wish I could say the same about my own weight loss program. :)
Name: readhead1755 reviewed Chapter 1 - Admit the Problem on Mar 31, 2009 04:58 am
gigglesnort. Seriously. I hope that when I get a super high paying stressful job I can also get an awesome assistant.

Author's Response: Yes, poor Edwina. When I came up with her name, her entire personality simply wrote itself. Thanks for the feedback!
Name: shalita reviewed Chapter 1 - Admit the Problem on Mar 31, 2009 04:54 am
*giggles* I like the start of this! Ah yes, the good days when I was an exercise science major in college. (Albeit short lived lol.) I like the mental image of a pudgy Draco, definitely brings on the giggles :)

Author's Response: So glad it made you laugh! The original idea came to me ages ago, but my muse deserted me after only a few paragraphs. Suddenly, it all seemed to fall into place. Thanks so much for letting me know you're enjoying it.
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