Name: Boogum reviewed Detentions Aren't Without Scheming on Nov 02, 2009 08:31 pm
Lily is only fifteen, right? That's very young to be running away. If I was her mother I would be completely horrified. I hope something can be sorted out. Don't they realise that their running away would only tear the families even more apart?

Author's Response: I think they're at a point that they don't see a way to not tear their families anyway. Its a fight or flight scenario
Name: DevineCancerian reviewed Detentions Aren't Without Scheming on Sep 16, 2009 08:25 pm
I love it! Hope you update soon. Definitely one of the best D/G fics I've ever read.

Author's Response: Thank you! And the update is coming!
Name: DracoGinnyLover reviewed Detentions Aren't Without Scheming on Sep 10, 2009 12:54 am
I can't wait ot read the next one. Didn't anyone ever tell them that running wasn't the answer? Good Luck! :)

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: freakwithadream reviewed Detentions Aren't Without Scheming on Sep 09, 2009 11:59 am
I'm speechless. I never would have thought Scorpius would ask Lily to run away with him. I lost my breath about half way through. It was utterly amazing!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
Name: jingsquared reviewed Detentions Aren't Without Scheming on Sep 08, 2009 12:48 am
My favourite parts of this chapter:

- Rose getting her very own Slytherin love interest
- Lily teasing Scorpius
- Scorpius being so comforting and protective of Lily

*sigh* I really feel like these characters are three dimensional people with backgrounds and feelings and stories so I have to give you huge kudos for making me follow a next-gen story!

As always, looking forward to seeing where the next few chapters takes S/L (I hope they don't run away for too long if they do decide to leave) and also more D/G development.

The strange thing is that I'm actually more invested in the S/L relationship and would be quite happy for D/G to just be good friends if it means that S/L can still be together! However, since you dealt with Ginny's reasons for breaking up with Draco so well I have faith in your abilities to come up with a satisfying conclusion!

Author's Response: Kudos accepted, thank you very much for liking it so much! And the D/G development is about to crescendo but I know what you mean about the investment in S/L. I'm always jumping back and forth between chapters focusing on them or their parents and wanting to fit everything in there! Thanks so much for liking the story thus far!
Name: GinnyIsSnazzy reviewed Detentions Aren't Without Scheming on Sep 07, 2009 09:12 pm
I love both of these little stories that seem to be in one world. Scorpius and Lily, Draco and Ginny. But leaving each story is a cliffhanger. I can't wait to see what happens, really... This is so freaking angsty, I love it. I cannot wait for the next little installment!
PS, when will you put up your amazing "Crucio, a love story" on this site? It is easily one of the best things I've ever read and I can't wait to comment on it here. x)

Author's Response: Thank you! And I plan on posting 'Crucio, A Love Story' as soon as I can find someone to beta small parts of it. The beta I had for it originally fell through a few weeks before the due date of the exchange and so I had a friend sit down and attempt to help me with grammatical errors but we never found all of them. As soon as I can get a good beta to volunteer for the job and sort through the story, then I'll be able to meet FIA requirements and be able to post it. If you know anyone willing, yourself or otherwise, let me know because I'd love to get that up on FIA soon. And I'm glad you liked it so much, I really can't wait to post it!
Name: alexis_28 reviewed Detentions Aren't Without Scheming on Sep 07, 2009 03:27 pm
I knew it!!! ..... this is all harry fault!!! , that manipulative bastard!! this is what u get for forcing her to marry you, a lifetime of misery!!!

Ginny is still a wreck!!!

Draco is finally figuring out that Ginny wanted him to come and save her!!

aaawww our misplaced youths (scorpius and lily).....little they know they are just pushing draco and ginny more and more together!!!

loving it...... good job !! keep it coming.

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you like it so much! More chapters to come soonish!
Name: choravenclaw reviewed Detentions Aren't Without Scheming on Sep 07, 2009 02:44 pm
Oh i'm so glad you posted this chapter!
i saw you online earlier but i didn't dare hope
now it made me happy happy happy to know you actually posted!

I was kinda mad at him for the method he chose and the decision he made...
He shouldn't do this, but at the same time, it's nice that he did it and that he brought Lils with him
this way Draco and ginny can be together again to look for them

Damn, you're too good at these cliffs..
it makes my heart hammer against my chest and then it's over and i get all crazy to find out what happened
great story, i love it very much


Author's Response: Oh I was far beyond mad at Scorpius for pressuring Lily that way ;) But it seemed in character for Scorp, so... there you go. I'm glad you liked the chapter!
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