Reviews For No Rhyme or Reason
Name: shaded reviewed Rough on Feb 28, 2010 07:48 am
Wow. This is lovely. There's so much hurt festering under the surface, that I'm sure will be very intriguing to explore. I don't even mind that it's EoD-compliant, since the dynamic between Ginny and Draco is very interesting.

I must say that I love the opening part. For a moment I thought that Ginny was standing in front of Harry, right up until the mention of his eyes! I had to go back and re-read it to wonder at how seamlessly Draco's identity had been hidden. :)

I really like the level of detail of the plants and gardening. It's just enough to make it feel totally natural that Ginny has been a gardener for years.

Now off to the next chapter...

-Sareh (aka shaded_sun on lj) :)
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