Name: TheTimeMachine reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 31, 2011 09:38 pm
Ok, I read this again and now I'm finally reviewing because I've been playing with theories from the main story and now either I'm just really tired or I'm seeing a pattern. I kept playing with the idea that Ginny will have to go back in time to be with Draco as his companion at the crystal palace but that would mean she is infact Marie and thus why Marie dissapeared is because Ginny went back to the present time. (seriously I think I'm just really tired and my minds grasping at straws but hey...I really like this plotline you have going.) Astoria...she refers to the "we" thing alot. "We arn't like them" that word seems be repeated alot I've noticed. You know what doesn't add up? How is Ginny supposed to go be Draco's companion and teach him if she knows nothing about the subject and hasn't been with anyone before? So that leads to more questions. Astoria certainly has him wrapped tightly around her finger. It's almost like he's hiding this horrible secret from her just like Ginny is hiding this horrible secret about Tom Riddle from him and if they both just admitted there darkest secrets to each other then things would be so much easier and Draco could divorce Astoria. Still, I can't help but notice the difficulties in the vows Ginny made. My guess is that the only way is for Ginny to be with Draco before he marries Astoria. So, therefore going beyond the time in which she made the vow, so she could easily drop in on Draco sometime before the wedding via time turner. However this is only supported by the theory that Ginny is using a time turner to visit Draco when he is sixteen. ( I'm really not so sure about that idea. How old is Ginny anyways? Now that I think of it really, the idea seems a bit....scary? Of course historically speaking women were older anyways in those whore houses. I don't know....I'm probably just grasping at straws.) I think I reread this and decided to review because I'm going a bit mad over here waiting for the next chapter of the main story but I would much rather you take your time and make it amazing rather then hurry through it and make mistakes. I love how careful you are with historical accuracies. I majored in history in college myself, I was going to be an archealogist. I settled for wild life biology in the end. I'm going back to college for that when I get enough money for it. Anyways, history is something I really am interested in and it's always delightful to see people writing about it. I like that you show both side of this particular bit of story. So I'm guessing at some point after then end of this Ginny shows up? I don't want to give away to much for those who havent read the main story yet. Curious however, could Draco possibly use the male version of the spell Ginny used to visit her instead? Could be a possibility in the main story. I've been contemplating writing a story myself here lately but despite my vast knowledge of big words and pretty phrasing I'm rubbish at grammar. Never the less, this was an interesting little peice you wrote and it will keep me thinking about the main story for quite a while.

Author's Response: Yay! (settles down with beautiful, long, thoughtful, juicy, delicious review. It's kind of like a big peach... those are in season right now in the Northwest... anyway...)

I'll *try* to at least address everything, although there are some things I can sort of answer, and some I can't-- a lot of big reveals are coming, and some more are on their way after the PBB. We already know that time travel is involved in Book 2 and that Ginny will be Draco's companion in *some* way; the question is exactly how this will happen. The answer to the mystery of Marie is very simple in a way, and it actually also ties up a lot of loose ends as far as what happened with Astoria and Draco before Draco returned to wizarding society. You'll also get the answer to the question of how Ginny could be an experienced companion for the 16-year-old Draco (she was born on August 11, 1981, btw, so she's 20 years old by the present time of the fic... oh, wow, happy birthday, Ginny! It's August 11th today! :) As far as that goes, the age of majority in the wizarding world is 16, not 18-- I actually got that idea from another author, but I think we see a number of hints in canon that this may be the case, including Draco's initiation as a DE shortly after his 16th birthday. So pureblood male wizards have their traditional sexual initiation ceremonies at 16, and it's very much accepted in that world.

Back to Astoria... in Chapter 21, in May at the cottage in Lyme Bay, Draco actually told Ginny that Astoria had found out Lucius escaped from an unnamed location that night. She was threatening to tell the Aurors about it. (Astoria doesn't know for sure where Lucius was, but Draco certainly does. He doesn't have any idea how his father managed to escape in the first place, though.) That's what Astoria is holding over Draco's head, although there's more going on than Draco knows. After telling Ginny all of this, Draco Obliviated her, and of course he also did some other exquisitely cruel things to her that he later came to desperately regret. But it wouldn't be enough for Draco to simply tell Ginny about all of this-- he's tied to Astoria, just as Ginny is tied to her vows. There is a way out, but nobody's guessed it yet (cackles at knowledge of evil plot.) More coming soon... and I would love to see a fic from you! :)
Name: Why1817 reviewed Chapter 3 on May 09, 2011 09:26 pm
Dracos mind and heart, and well self, is a very confusing place! But it helped me understand him better. Really liked it, the part about his hair killed me! :)

Author's Response: Thanks! Reading *Wedding Night* actually helps with understanding some crucial details about the upcoming chapters of DDD, especially when it comes to some clues that are dropped. ;)
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 3 on Jan 31, 2011 05:41 pm
Perfect ending. I really enjoyed this. It was a good way for me to pass what was going to be some very tedious hours.

Author's Response: Thank you! I really felt that Draco wanted to express his POV, and he doesn't get a chance to do it in DDD because it's all from Ginny's perspective. So there it is (at that point, anyway. ;) Of course, we don't know what's going on in his head by THIS point in the fic...
Name: TuesdayNovember reviewed Chapter 3 on Nov 10, 2010 07:34 pm
Oh goodness me. I don't know what to say about this. Your writing is erratic in this fluid way that makes it not erratic in a bad, spastic way, but in a way that everything seems to be mixed together in turns. I mean, you've got weird, creepy dreams, drama and humour. Piles and piles of humour. Loki literally made me laugh, he's so...I don't think there are even words for what he is. But then of course there are the intense dreams and the Draco/Ginny/Astoria drama as well.
This little added bit of the story was awesome and interesting and just all round super. =)

Author's Response: Snerk. Thanks.... Anyway, this ficlety fic was... I don't know if I would exactly say it was FUN to write, because that seems to imply a degree of ease in writing that really did not happen here. Many revisions went into the making of TWNoDaAM (it even has an unwieldy acronym.) But I think that it was important for the development of Draco's character. It was the only way that he was able to get even a *little* bit of distance from his obsession for Ginny. That obsession has never really gone away, but he's made a conscious decision to let go of as much cruelty as he can. As extreme as he's sometimes been since, the frightening Draco that we saw at the cottage in May has never really returned, and it's because of the choices that he made here.
Name: Floating Fairy reviewed Chapter 3 on Nov 05, 2010 10:22 am
Insightful exploration into the depths of Draco and Ginny's characters. The true extent of Draco's obsession with Ginny's innocence and purity is revealed here. Glad to see that Ginny still maintains her independent spirit,though. And he begins to really see her for the first time. But it's obvious these two have to grow and evolve a bit more before they can be together...which helps explain why DDD is gonna be so long!:P

While reading DDD, I get the feeling that Lucius was somehow very involved in the whole Marie betraying Draco situation. It's in the way he tells Ginny that he made sure Draco is incapable of loving anyone. You don't have to reply to this if you don't want to give anything away,though.

Anyways,great job (as always) writing these chapters, and I can't wait for the next installment of DDD!:)

Author's Response: I actually did happen to look through this fic again so that I could check something for the upcoming chapters of DDD.... and wow, a new review. :) (Does Shiny New Review Dance. ) Great theories! And that's all I'm going to say. Nothing confirmed or denied. :) More DDD soon.
Name: candiceleigh- reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 04, 2010 08:00 am
I can't wait for DDD to start back up again. I've read all your stories and find myself engrossed in all of them. I do get a bit depressed when you decide to kill either Ginny or Draco, but I usually find that, that is what makes your writing great. You never know what to expect when you click on a story writen by Anise. Never. The stories make you feel though. They make you want to hit something when they can't be together, they make you want to shout when they are together, they make you want to cry when one of them is being stupid, and yes they make you feel all three when they finially have those hot steamy sex scenes. Keep on writing, its great, and I can not wait to read more. So finish up DDD so you can get started on a new fic. :D

Author's Response: Thank you! (does Happy Wonderful Review Dance)

Don't worry. Without promising anything for the future either way (of course), the character death warning isn't meant for Ginny or Draco. It's great to know that a reader has been moved by the fics. :) DDD will start up again soon-- after this AWFUL work week is over, I'll start working on it again.
Name: thistattooedbody reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 04, 2010 07:56 am
Wow... I can't even begin to really write a review, I'm... speechless... That was amazing, truly.

Author's Response: Thank you! :) I tried to show the beginning of Draco's growth and character development here. He has a long way to go, but it's not all his fault.
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 03, 2010 09:57 pm
Since the crate opened for Ginny, when Draco believes that it would only open for Marie, that seems to indicate that Ginny is Marie. But that doesn't make sense to me, so I think I've missed something here.

Though it would be some lovely poetic justice if Marie turned out to be an older Ginny wanting to get revenge on Draco for hurting her when she was younger - so she goes back in time and breaks his heart.

Author's Response: Well, to be completely accurate... it doesn't actually SAY that Draco thought it would only open for Marie, but that it could only open for one reason, and that he believed it could never open again. ;) But I'm not admitting anything either way, of course. I don't think anybody is going to guess exactly how the whole Marie thing plays out.
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 02, 2010 07:30 pm
Argh! I have to run in the middle of reading so I'm leaving a review for part of the chapter, and will review more later...

Ah Loki. I've been expecting you. It funny to see Draco begging him for information when it's usually Ginny doing the begging. I rather like this turnaround. Making Draco beg.

Punish him, Loki!

BP stock - hhahaha!

Author's Response: Loki's job is pretty much to drive mortals crazy, and he'll get his chance in this fic. ;)
Name: cindy reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 01, 2010 01:02 pm
I ran across your story,read it,loved it!you are an awesome writer!keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: Thank you! More soon.
Name: pitzi reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 01, 2010 05:16 am
Aha, Loki makes an appearance and he's very much like the Loki in MMoM here, isn't he? Only he's not really helpful. We'll just have to wait for his other appearances.

That dream at the beginning was very VERY interesting and I feel I don't understand even half of it! I suppose it features the fact that Draco thinks that he is rescuing Ginny from some terrible fate (of which we only have partial information) by his self-sacrifiyng marriage, but Ginny clearly is set to free herself on her own and I like the fact that she kind of showed him a way for himself too (when he contemplates her decision to wake up and desides to do something along the lines too).

There was an interesting part were Draco pictures himself a hero of sorts and I'm actually glad that Ginny in the dreams isn't falling for it! Ilike that Draco realises he can't own Ginny. He also seems to begin to realize that there's more to her than what he pictured in his mind.

There's the whole thing with Draco's heart again and Ginny holding the key to it. I hope it means he will find love in there.

We sawacreepy part of Draco where he contemplaits having a dark binding spell on Ginny so that she'll have to seek him out (did Loki appear at that particular moment to prevent him from doing it?). I'm really happy he didn't go through with it.

And I really really like the ending where Draco finally shows some start of inner growth because his obsession was becoming really annoying.

I suppose the 2 part of DDD will be about Ginny's journey to maturity of character. It will be fascinating to see what she'll be up to. Perhaps someof it will be concentrating on her art (I can totally see Draco anonymously purchasing her works at outrageous prices and keeping them locked in some secret room away from Astoria's dirty hands). Can't wait for DDD!

Ido hope we'll have some Ginny - Astoria interaction where Ginny has the upper hand of course (preferrably publicly embarrasing Astoria).

Author's Response: Thank you, as always! :) Yes, Loki is definitely a supporting character here. I wouldn't say that he has a *lot* of screen time, but he's going to make the most of what he has. I think that both Draco and Ginny need to change a lot in order for them to even have a chance at a real relationship (actually, one of my D/G pet peeves is when they don't change, but get thrown together anyway.) I'm not even sure who has more work to do, but Draco clearly has a LOT further to go in terms of his understanding of other people, especially Ginny. He's definitely learned to be cruel from Lucius, and he has to break free of this if there can ever be a D/G here. Good theories about Part 2... some of them are very good... ;) And DDD will start up again soon!
Name: purrbecomesthenight reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 01, 2010 12:23 am

this is just...really...excellent. satisfying. intriguing. apologies for not reviewing the last chapter, i've broken my impeccable record.

very witty draco, but i enjoy that he actually develops and changes throughout this three-shot. having his POV was a very good idea., loki is getting involved eh? thats VERY interesting.
how is draco going to get out of this? for all intent and purpose he's bound to astoria and finally realises what martyring himself really entails. but that is not all. it can't be. because there is still the regency ball to attend, and i think he'll go with ginny.

i would like ginny to rip astoria to shreds. verbally, i mean. they need to have a showdown. i think astoria with break the marriage contract somehow (sleeping with lucius?)

cannot wait for chapter 27 of DDD. i really love this.

Author's Response: Thank you! :) I really think that Draco's character develops here too... he has to do this if he can ever be with Ginny, and also if he's really going to live a meaningful life on his own. Yep, he's kind of got himself stuck with Astoria for now. He had good intentions, bless his heart. ;) But that's FAR from being all, and we will see much more in Part 2 of DDD.
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