Name: Desertisle reviewed Shadows On Our Own on Jan 17, 2016 09:05 pm
Very good story! Thanks for writing it.

Author's Response: I'm very happy that you like this story. :)
Name: DOOMSDAYBRUNETTE reviewed Shadows On Our Own on Jul 31, 2010 11:43 pm
Really really like. Best draco/ginny i've read in a while.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! There's definitely more to their relationship, since the story is halfway through. I hope you like the rest of it as much as the first half. :)
Name: Deian reviewed Shadows On Our Own on Jul 31, 2010 06:00 am
What a great story so far!!

I have always enjoyed stories that deal with the ramifications of Ginny's first year. And double treat - we get Katie's as well!

It's one of the reasons I love fanfiction so much. It gives us a chance to fill in the - at times - rather large gaps in the canon. You've used the information we were given and run with it, to create a fantastic story that really draws you in.

And speaking of canon, I like how you haven't made any of the characters unrealistic or act OTT. No Draco suddenly seeing the error of his ways and skipping off into the sunset with Ginny. Just the right amount of angst :)

Keen for more!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I've been writing quite a few DH-timed stories for Katie and Marcus, and this is the first one really dealing with what Ginny and Draco must have gone through that year. I like filling in the gaps from that year, because there are oh so many holes in canon, and it really gives me a lot to work with. :) More chapters coming soon!
Name: LorelaiXMalfoy reviewed Shadows On Our Own on Jul 27, 2010 03:58 pm
firstly: amazing story. i haven't read many stories with katie bell as a major contributing character and i am interested to see what you do with it.
secondly: you realize this story is under the category of long and completed, but you keep posting new chapters? As of chapter 4 it doesn't seem close to finished yet.
anyway i am looking forward to another update:]

Author's Response: I've been writing a lot of Katie/Marcus in the past few months, and I really wanted to do a K/M and D/G story, and one where I *don't* make the girls into victims that need saving all the time. That's how this story came about. I'm glad you're liking it so far. I have it under long and completed because I finished the story before I started posting it, but I figured spamming 11 chapters all at once would be a bit much. Two new chapters a week seemed like a good compromise. That being said, I should be able to post the next one tonight.
Name: shaded reviewed Shadows On Our Own on Jul 16, 2010 11:51 am
This is a great start to the story. It is refreshing to see two strong female leads in a fic, especially since both of them are so realistic. I particularly like the way you have thought in detail about how each of their experiences with the Dark Arts have effected them psychologically as well as physically. I really like Director Stepanov, as well. I wonder if his neutrality will become an issue in the future, when the war intensifies.

I wonder what Ginny's other motives for wanting to start the training program.
In any case, I look forward to seeing how Draco fits into the picture, other than in a passing mention by Myrtle.

Author's Response: I know I'm terribly guilty of writing victim!Ginny and victim!Katie, but a lot of that is an extension of what's been done to them in canon that was just never addressed. I like playing around in the dark corners of canon, and unfortunately that means I've done a lot of victim stories. ^^; So the idea for this story really grew out of the "I want some strong girls for a change!" feeling. :) I really wanted Ginny and Katie to be more than the cardboard cut out victims, and to have grown from their back stories. They have this intense need to prove themselves, and I wanted to take them along as they figure out what their roles are in life. I'm glad you're liking it so far!
Name: wcoast_girl reviewed Shadows On Our Own on Jul 16, 2010 10:50 am
Intriguing! I like it. I always like Katie. Am hoping maybe there will be a little Marcus as well? But I'll live even without.

Looking forward to more

Author's Response: There will definitely be Marcus, but that will take a little while to start. It's more D/G interaction in the beginning, then an even D/G and K/M in this fic. I'm glad you like the story so far. :)
Name: BlackRaven reviewed Shadows On Our Own on Jul 15, 2010 07:06 pm
I feel like Katie Bell is underappreciated character. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this will go.

And my newest story was named for a dave song too!

Author's Response: It's funny. I started playing Katie in an RPG, and that's how I started looking into what little of her there was in canon. And gradually I just fell in love with her and love playing around with various iterations of her character. It's pretty much how my love of Ginny started. Well, minus the RP stuff. :) I'm glad you like the story!
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