Reviews For The Safe House
Name: Kittyluv reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 06, 2011 04:32 am
If there's nothing happy in the next chapter, I might just stop reading. But lucky for u I really want to know the ending. But again, if there is no happy, I might be forced to threaten u until I have my rather wondorous happy ending!

Author's Response: Please don't give up! I know it's just been one bad thing after the other, but there will be some happiness in the next chapter. Something that I think many of you are anticipating. I will hopefully be safe from threats. :) Thanks for reviewing! I can't wait to see what you think after the next chappie!
Name: Erica T reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 05, 2011 05:44 am
I say vial, shmial. Maybe the ritual wasn't actually binding, but they went through it anyway because they were in love, and have been living as if it was because they believed it was. And I love George by the way, he'll at least be a voice of reason here, and that will go a long way.

Author's Response: This made me giggle! Vial, shmial indeed! And who knows, maybe you are right about the ceremony. I guess I know actually:) Anyway, so glad you are loving George. He was kind of a surprise. I didn't think he would take on such a pivotal part when I started this fic. And you are right. He's is defintely the voice of reason within the Weasley clan. Thanks so much for the review!
Name: sweet gurl reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 04, 2011 11:31 pm
Her heart was racing, and she wanted to drop to her knees and cry. She started shaking her head no, staring at the pieces of the broken vial, when her mother spoke the exact thought that she was trying desperately to suppress.

So powerful. The emotion was so artistically woven in the words at first it hurt to read them because you know something is bad is coming but like Ginny you are desperately hoping it's not true (great idea of taking meaning out of a breaking vial, I had never come across something like that). I even skipped the rest of this part after she falls and went down to read a couple other sentences before going back and reading it a few times. Loved it.

And I also loved this --I will be raising your son. He won't even know who you are.-- made me sooo mad I just wanted to jump up and throw something at his head for Draco but at the same time it made me kinda happy cause I want Draco to stick it to him ;)

One part I thought was a bit weak (at least in comparison to the rest) was when she steps out of the burrow. I think it was lacking a bit of detailing to make it more believable.

The last scene was a bit hard to get through for the mere fact I was screaming at George to go home in my head so loud! But that last sentence when he says he trusts him, gosh it was heavy in all the right ways! A great ending to a heart stopping, head banging, nail biting chapter.

Oh and kudos for your Ron cause every time he comes in or is even mentioned I stop breathing for a second just waiting for something, anything to happen, as I'm sure it must feels for every character that comes into contact with him. It happens every time. Every single time.

Can't wait for more :)

Author's Response: Well, firstly, thank you for this epic and amazing review! So many wonderful compliments and I am so grateful for them. And even the constructive criticism is appreciated. In fact, I think you are completely correct. I may just rewrite that paragraph. :)

I LOVE your reaction to Ron! I have so enjoyed writing this Ron. He's been so changed from the war and his hot temper and short fuse have morphed into something almost dangerous.

The vial thing came out of nowhere. It was never planned when I wrote the wedding scene. So yay! And I'm really glad you like the mystery behind its breaking. All will be revealed ... eventually.

Thanks again for this awesome review! I look forward to hearing more from you.

Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 04, 2011 06:39 pm
I think that once George finds the note Ginny left in his flat he's going to be furious. As for the broken vial, Draco was trying to remember the ritual it was always a possibility that he messed it up or did it wrong somehow. It doesn't particularly matter that the binding ceremony didn't work, they still love each other and the hopeless romantic side of me says that Narcissa will throw them a proper wedding once Draco gets out of custody.

Author's Response: I love your take on the mystery of the vial. I am also a hopeless romantic - probably obvious from the ridiculous amount of fluff in this fic. :) Thanks so much for reviewing!
Name: DwellingInDreams reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 04, 2011 05:52 pm
I will be holding my breath until I find out what the deal is with the vial breaking! This chapter was wonderful (just like all the chapters before it). I love the way Draco and Ginny handle themselves in this chapter. I like George here, too. He loves Ginny, he loves Ron and the rest of his family, and he's supportive of the Malfoys as well. He really doesn't have a lot of information about what's going on just yet. He's just kind of a safe, neutral person who has everyone's best interest at heart. I think they all need that.

Author's Response: Well don't do that! No answers on the vial for several more chapters. Sorry.

Thanks so so much for your super sweet compliments. And I like your take on George - it's spot on. More to come soon!

Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 03, 2011 07:17 pm
love it!! love it!!! love seeing george!!

Author's Response: Thank you! Thank you! So glad you are loving it. There will continue to be more George. :) So glad to hear from you again! Thanks for the review.
Name: ChickbabeC1 reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 02, 2011 07:48 pm
Yes I am new to reviewing. This!! You are making me doubt Draco and I really don't want to!! I just hope Ron gets what is coming to him. He is soo cruel!! Don't make us wait too long.

PS the broken vial tore at my heart!!

Author's Response: Yay again for reviewing! And thank you for the compliment.

So you're starting to wonder about Draco? I can't tell you much without ruining it, but let's just say that everyone comes clean in the end. More will be revealed about the vial in the next few chapters. Thanks again for the review. :)

Name: Dracogirl reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 02, 2011 06:54 pm
I'm glad I went and bought fudge today. I feel like Ginny... I will never forgive them! Never!

Author's Response: I smiled when I read this review. Not because you needed the fudge, but because you quoted Ginny. Awesome. And hopefully the next chapter will not require any self-medication through sugar. :) Thanks so much for reviewing!
Name: rockmysocks8687 reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 02, 2011 05:08 pm
The broken vial was crushing! What is going on?

Author's Response: I know it's not looking good, but well ... just hang in there. It can't stay this bad forever, right? Thanks so much for reviewing! I'm glad you are still reading this and enjoying it, I hope. I look forward to hearing more from you! :)
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