Reviews For The Safe House
Name: wolfxlover reviewed Chapter 33 on Dec 29, 2011 04:12 pm
i literally have not stopped reading this story since the first chapter, no word of a lie iv read it from start to finish and i have to say this HURRY ON THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!! it is brilliant!! god i hope it ends happy, i much prefer the happy ending for D/G

Author's Response: Well, thank you! That's so awesome. And I love hearing from new readers. Yay! You are in luck because I just logged on to upload the next chapter. It should probably be out by tomorrow. I post every week so I look forward to hearing more from you! Thanks again for the review. The ending is coming in about 7 more chapters I think. :)
Name: Xandra reviewed Chapter 33 on Dec 28, 2011 02:10 am
LOVE! Seriously, talk about a crazy cliff hanger. Please post more soon . . . or your 2nd thread for the story to be continued or whatever it is you will be doing with this story. I absolutely love it and can't wait to find out what is going to happen next. oh, and p.s. on a more practical note, your story is very well written. :)

Author's Response: Wow! Another new reader and reviewer! Thank you so much for giving my fic a try. So glad you are enjoying it. I love hearing from new readers. Also, thanks so much for the review itself and the love! I try to post weekly so there will be a new chapter hopefully by Friday. I look forwrad to hearing more from you! :) Thanks again.
Name: Butterbeer Corks reviewed Chapter 33 on Dec 27, 2011 09:19 pm
This is just....Guhh I'm breathing wierd thanks to your little cliffhanger....goodness this is just...AMAZING so far this is one of the best fanfics ive ever read. Its made me cry and laugh..AND NOW ITS MAKING ME DIE! Hahaha, cant wait for the next chapter! I will be coming back very soon!

xx Butterbeer Corks

Author's Response: Well, first of all. So glad to have a new reaer and reviewer! Yay! I love hearing from new readers. :)

Thank you so much for this review and the really generous compliment. So glad you have been enjoying it so much and especially that it has moved you to tears and laughter. That's awesome. I post weekly so I can't wait to hear more from you. Thanks again!
Name: DwellingInDreams reviewed Chapter 33 on Dec 27, 2011 07:25 pm
I love the banter between George and Pansy. You make them so much fun to read! And I love Percy's little slip about excuses to spend time together. Maybe it will help them move along a bit. ;)
The healer is awful - which I'm sure is what you were going for. hehehe I was hoping it would be someone unbiased, who would be willing to tell the truth if Ginny had not been manipulated; but I'm pretty sure this woman will just tell Harry whatever he wants to hear. It was horrible for Ginny to hear the half-truth about Lucius killing Severus - I can't wait for her to find out the whole story.
The bit about Ginny (maybe) being pregnant was (I thought) a bit confusing. Or at least out of the blue. Don't get me wrong...I've been waiting for baby #2 since they decided in Part 2 to start trying. It just seemed sudden, since we hadn't heard of any possible indications before this. And I'm still not sure if she is, or if she just thinks she could be.
Finally, I think the cliffhanger was wonderful. I'm fairly certain it's George stepping out of the fire, but I can't wait for the next update to find out for sure! :)

Author's Response: Thanks. I think Pansy and George kind of fill the Draco and Ginny void well in this fic. They have a similar kind of banter.

Glad you enjoyed the healer in her awfulness, yes that is what I was going for. I wanted her to remain professional but clearly more interested in her theories than in helping Ginny. Plus, she was hired by Harry and that did play a part in the way she treated her.

Anyway, I know the pregnancy may have been a little out of nowhere, but they just started trying at the end of July. It's only Sept 5th (according to my handy little timeline). A lot has been happening in a short amount of time, so they haven't really thought about it.

Glad you enjoyed the cliffie, and who is waiting in the Floo will be revealed at the beginning of the next chapter. Thanks so much for this awesome review!
Name: Sleepless reviewed Chapter 33 on Dec 25, 2011 01:25 pm
Greatness, but what did we doctor deserve a clif hanger like that??? More soon! PLEASE!

Author's Response: Thank you. Really. And I'm sorry about the terrible cliffie. Especially during the holidays. Sorry. But next chapter will be out soon and I think you will enjoy it! Thanks again for the review!
Name: cherryredxx reviewed Chapter 33 on Dec 25, 2011 11:36 am
I just started reading this yesterday and I've already finished everything you've written! I can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response: Yay! A new reader and a new reviewer! Thank you so much. This was an awesome little Chrismtas gift! I try to post weekly, so the next chapter should be out by Friday. I look forward to hearing more from you. :)
Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Chapter 33 on Dec 24, 2011 12:06 am

Oh, and the healer... Well, honestly? I kind of wanted to punch the healer in the face. haha

I love George & Pansy. I think they'll be a lovely couple once this whole mess is over with. lol

Author's Response: It will be answered at the very beginning of the next chapter. Promise. I love your reaction to the healer. I was wanting her to be kind of awful but in an extrememly professional and dismissive kind of way. Did that make any sense? More George and Pansy to come, but they are definitely slow going. :) Thanks so much for the review!
Name: Dracogirl reviewed Chapter 33 on Dec 23, 2011 05:31 pm
It's official, I HATE HARRY!! He knows Lucius killed Severus to save Ginny, either he's really delusional because he's convinced himself that Ginny still wants him despite of all that has happened, and I'm not even counting Draco in that equation, or he's a lying b@#tard. Why all the cliffhangers?? Lucky it's the holiday season. Christmas will help me deal with waiting for the next chapter. Have a Happy Holiday!

Author's Response: Okay, I just answered your previous review so I won't address Harry again. :) And sorry about the cliffie - especially considering it was kind of like a terrible White Elephant Christmas gift, huh? I started posting weekly a long while ago and had no idea it would time out this way for Christmas. So thanks for the review and I hope you had a great holiday as well.
Name: Kittyluv reviewed Chapter 33 on Dec 23, 2011 06:20 am
Stop with the cliffhangers! Please? Sorry for that. I just really am very excited
For the next part! Its George in the fireplace right right right??? Please say it is. This is just awesome! Lucky for gin that there is at least one sane person in the family. As much as war changes a person, this is just crazy! Maybe Molly just doesnt want to lose her daughter... Or maybe she's just hoping for her to marry harry... Can u please please please give me a clue to the next chapter??? Please???

Author's Response: Sorry. I know this was a big cliffie, but I should be updating again by Friday. Molly doesn't want to lose her daughter, yes, that's true, but she also really believes that Draco has messed with Ginny's mind. Thanks so much for the review! Next chapter starts with who is in the Floo and will also have a really happy scene in it. :)
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