Reviews For The Safe House
Name: drinnylover reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 19, 2012 11:46 am
wait did you already answer whether ginny's pregnant or not? or did i miss it?

Author's Response: Firstly, YAY! I love getting reviews from people I haven't heard from before. I was going to say 'new people' but that sounds funny - unless you're an infant, but I have a feeling that you probably are not. :) Forgive me, I'm in a slap-happy mood tonight. Anyway, thanks for the review and no I did not answer that question yet! You haven't missed it. It's coming very soon. :)
Name: DwellingInDreams reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 10, 2012 06:50 pm
I enjoyed this chapter so much that I didn't realize til quite awhile later that you left out the result of Ginny's pregnancy test. How very sneaky of you! lol I'm thinking maybe you'll tell us when she tells Draco; but what do I know? I think you made a good choice by summarizing the newspaper article instead of rewriting stuff we already know. I like that Ron made a teensy bit of an effort to soften up a bit. I'm also curious about the gem from the wedding vial - whether that might mean it partially worked, or something like that. I still have my speculations as to why it failed. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter. :)

Author's Response: Yay! Glad you enjoyed it! And yeah, the pregnancy test results will be known soon. *smiles bashfully* And thanks for answering my question in regards to the article. Also, good to know you picked up on Ron's efforts, albeit small, to show some kindness. More on the stone in the next chapter. Thanks so much for reviewing!
Name: Miss_Spencer reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 10, 2012 10:33 am
I just found this two days ago, and have already finished it! I am loving it! You are doing an amazing job for it being your first fic. Please continue soon, I am dying to find out what happens next!

Author's Response: Well, I am so thrilled you found it and took a chance on it! I love to hear from new readers so thank you for reviewing. And also thanks for the sweet comment. It was so scary to start posting this, so it's awesome to know that people are actually enjoying it. I post weekly and it's been completed, just needs editing and reworking. I would love to hear more from you! Thanks again. :)
Name: black_adder24 reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 09, 2012 01:03 am
DON'T STOP! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, please don't stop writing this story! This is such a brilliant and amazing and heart-wrenching and engaging story. I don't read fanfics as often as I used to but it is these kinds of stories that make me come back eventually. Oh ma gosh, I could not stop reading. For your first fanfic you dang sure started with a bang. I'm still reeling over the past events. Draco's capture and Ginny's retarded family. I think I have cursed at the stupid golden trio more than once. Never hated Harry more than ever than in this story. Most D/G has some baad Harrys. What I love most about this story is that the concept of Ginny trapped in a safe house has been done before but you have just molded it into your own unique twist. It's brilliant. I even like that Weasley's dont trust him, because you woud have expected otherwise from a reunion. Wow. That's all I can say now. Wow.

Author's Response: Yay! I love to hear from a new reader/ reviewer! Thanks so much! And no worries, this puppy is completed already. I just need to rework and edit, which I do weekly, and then post the next chapter. And I'm so blown away by your comments. Really. Thank you.

Sorry for causing all the cursing and hating, but I'll take that as a compliment that I've done my job in writing good characters. And I was hoping this story would bring something a little new to the whole trapped (or bound or forced marriage or unknown curse linking them together) plot device. This little plot bunny lived in my head for probably a year before I began writing. So glad to know it's coming across unique in some ways.

Again, thank you so so much for this generous review! I hope to hear more from you. :)
Name: lilactree reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 08, 2012 09:21 pm
Ugggh :P Can someone PLEASE get rid of Harry? For someone so heroic he sure is selfish, nasty and thick-headed! He's so stubborn -it blinds him from the truth. I'm still cheering for team D/G!! Wooo!!! I think Hermione will pull through in this one though. She'll find out what the stone actually means and hopefully it will favour Draco's case :) Shutting Harry down will be the cherry on top.

Author's Response: If I get rid of Harry, then I have to completely rewrite the ending. Sorry, but I can't do that. Yes, he is selfish and stubborn, but I think even canon Harry could be stubborn and a bit narrow-minded at times. Plus, I always thought he took Ginny for granted - even when I used to ship them. Yes, sadly, that's true. But gladly, I have seen the light and I'm completely team D/G. Wooo!!! too!! More to come with Hermione and the stone in the next chapter. Thanks so much for the review!
Name: Sleepless reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 08, 2012 07:53 pm
I really can't wait for this to all blow up in Harry's face. And I'm so pulled apart by Ron, with loseing the babyhe needs someone to blame but what happens when there isn't anyone to push that on... great work as always!

Author's Response: You are definitely not alone in the anti-Harry camp, but it is refreshing to read some sympathetic thoughts on Ron. There's some more Ron scenes to come, and I look forward to seeing what you think. Anyway, thanks so much for the review and the compliment!
Name: Butterbeer Corks reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 08, 2012 05:16 pm
Great chapter! Well, I can Honestly say, I officially hate Harry and Ron. I mean, because you shifted the canon to make them suit the story, it makes them all ignorant, so THATS why i hate them... Still, its nice to get away from the original fluttery buttery harry and ron xD anyway, i was just wondering what happened to Ginny's pregnancy test? Eagerly waiting for the
next chapter!

xx Butterbeer Corks

Author's Response: Thank you! Sorry you hate them, but I hope that it's not felt completely OOC. I tried to write enough backstory to explain their choices. And yes, the pregnancy test has not been forgotten. Thanks so much for reviewing. Next chapter should be out tomorrow.
Name: cherryredxx reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 07, 2012 03:10 pm
I think that I would have liked to read the article, but I am sure we all have an idea of what it said. Very good chapter!

Author's Response: Sorry you didn't get to read it, but I promise it wouldn't have said anything new. Thanks so much for reviewing! And the compliment!
Name: Dracogirl reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 06, 2012 06:54 pm
Still can't stand Ron..he was more human in this chapter, but not where it counts. Yes he was 'kind' for his parents when he said 'Ginny is strong. We all know that.', but I don't think he CARES!!

Really love George, Pansy and Narcissa. I hope you keep including them in the chapters.

Please let Harry wind up alone...of course not Ginny...let Pansy have George...and let Luna be to smart to be with him.

Author's Response: Yeah, I tried to show a little more of Ron's 'human' side, but I get your feelings, too. There will be more George, Pansy, and Narcissa. And there is an epilogue so you will find out everything in the end. Thanks for reviewing!
Name: sweet gurl reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 06, 2012 01:30 pm
And once again, a Friday made happy thanks to you:)

Sorry for not reviewing before but finals got crazy and then family gatherings went over the top, the only time I had left to read this was sometime after midnight when it was not so crazy..

So I just wanna know, is she pregnant? Or is that like an extended cliffie? Cause if it is, cool just don't stretch it out too too much cause I might die

I think pansy and George should be locked in a room by themselves for a few hours ;) I think the result would make Harry suffer a coronary.

Yay for mysteriously found red stones!! Double yay!!

I liked the small smile Ron gave hermione at the burrow, that was enough to humanize him and show a bit of how deep his pain and anger really goes.

And I liked how dumb Harry sounded when he explained his meeting with shacklebot to Ron, I totally thought, did you really think that was gonna hold up? for reals?

And I realize I sound a bit too much like Harry hater but I actually love him in canon, you just have made him this way ;P

Can't wait for the next chapter :)

Author's Response: Aww! That really made me smile, so once again, a review from you made ME happy! No worries about being busy - totes understand. Thank you!

And yeah, the answer to the pregnancy is coming, but not next chapter. Sorry. You aren't the only observant reader who caught that missing bit of info. :)

And I like your thoughts on George and Pansy - and Harry's reaction! Yes, yay for mysterious stones. (More to come on that ... eventually.) Glad you picked up on Ron's little moment. He really is just an open wound. Both happy and sad you hate my Harry. I guess that means I have written him well? I know he's not canon, but I tried to build off of some of his canon qualities.

Anyway, thank you so much!
Name: Rinney reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 06, 2012 08:51 am
*claps for Pansy*

Unf, I'm glad her infatuation for Harry isn't blinding her to doing the right thing. I swear, I have such the giddyness for the 'side' characters, but Pansy and George and Narcissa are just quickly becoming my favorites.

No, I didn't mind not reading the article. We pretty much get the gist of what happened, and how Luna made them appear, which was good! You're doing excellent~!

Author's Response: So glad you are enjoying the "side" characters. That was one of my big concerns when I started working on Part 2. I was afraid no one would care about anyone but Draco and Ginny. So thanks! Also, thanks for answering my question about the article. Good to know you didn't miss it.

Glad to hear from you. I should be posting tomorrow. :)
Name: Kittyluv reviewed Chapter 35 on Jan 06, 2012 03:55 am
Harry is stupid. If there weren't any lost memories, how can they supposedly 'recover' them??? Either way, splendid, absolutely splendid! Wish it could be longer though... If u wouldn't mind, I would like to strangle everybody that is being stupid, but that would mean u wouldn't be able to continue the story cos their dead and I wouldn't be able to read more cos I'll be convicted for the murder of 'the great Harry Potter', and family blah blah blah... How many chapters are there left??? Can't wait for the next chapter. Would u mind posting bi-weekly when u
r not so busy??? Please??? Oh and does ur beta write stories???

Author's Response: Yes, he's stupid when it comes to accepting change. And Healer Cerletti did not get to finish her testing so they are still under the belief that with further testing, Ginny will recover her real memories. Yes, please don't strangle my characters, even if you wouldn't be convicted, I'm sure the rest of the readers would like to finish the story. :)

There are about six chapters left. And I post weekly because it gives me time to reply to the reviews and clean up the next chapter. I just spent quite some time last night reworking a scene from the next chapter. Sorry I can't get it done faster.

Thanks so much for the review! And for the love! I should be posting tomorrow. Oh yes, my beta does write stories. You should check her out. She's on this site and Thanks again!
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