Reviews For The Safe House
Name: misslimelight reviewed Chapter 36 on Jan 18, 2012 02:44 pm
Sadly I don't review as much as I should. Just wanted you to know that I adore this story and your doing a fabulous job. So excited to see where you are going with this story and I maybe want to see Harry spontaneously burst into flame...

Author's Response: No need to apologize - I'm just super excited to hear from a new reviewer! Yay! So glad you are enjoying this story. It's kind of special to me since it was my first attempt at fiction. And I love your thoughts on Harry - or rather his demise. Everyone has been sharing similar ideas, but yours is the first involving spontaneous combustion. Love it! Thanks again! I would love to hear more from you in the future, but I totes get being busy, etc. :)
Name: black_adder24 reviewed Chapter 36 on Jan 18, 2012 11:51 am
Of course he went too far! Rita Skeeter? Really? He has now reached an all time low for me. Stupid pompous little....*calms down* As for the Weasley's? I'm not so sure. There is the biased part of me that wants them to get over themselves, but I understand Ron's anger. That issue really needs to be cleared up. Although the stone seems valid, I don't think that will stop the delusional trio from thinking it was set up. Even if Draco is acquitted of his charges. Boy, the plot thickens. Great job :) Can't wait for the next installment!

Author's Response: Thanks so much for this awesome review. Wow! You really covered a lot. Yeah, Harry is an idiot and the Weasleys are following his lead - and thanks for at least having some understanding of Ron's anger issues. And all things will be resolved - well, not all things - like healthcare and war and poverty. Sad, that. Anyway, all the big questions will be ansered by the end. Thanks again! Next chappie will be out soon.
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Chapter 36 on Jan 16, 2012 03:52 pm
what did hermione ind conerning the gem? happy that some of ginny's brothers are on her side! a great chapie!!

Author's Response: Good to hear from you again! The answer to the stone will be revealed in chapter 38. Promise. And thanks for the compliment and the review!
Name: Dracogirl reviewed Chapter 36 on Jan 15, 2012 07:38 pm
Great chapter except for the cliff hanger. {People are looking at me for screaming b/c of the cliff hanger). I'm dying to know what Hermione found out, probably not what she wanted to learn or else she would be telling Harry. I'm glad that George and Bill are looking out for Ginny, I just wish Arthur would come off of the fence, he seems to really care about what is best for Ginny and not what they THINK is best for her.

Tell Harry to use the wizards version of Google or Bing to find some drugs that will help his delusional problems.

Author's Response: I know - another cliffie. I tried to bury it in the middle of the chapter, but I don't think I fooled anyone. Sorry it caused screaming and onlooking from others. :) But also thrilled that you are getting into it so much! Love your thoughts, or advice, for Harry. He is a bit delusional when it comes to Ginny. She broke up with him months before she was taken, but he clearly is acting like that never happened. Anyway, thanks so much for reviewing.
Name: DwellingInDreams reviewed Chapter 36 on Jan 15, 2012 05:30 pm
I continue to love the flow of this story. I know that the end will come eventually; and I look forward to it with both excitement (to see how everything works together) and sadness. For now, though, I am enjoying every bit of it. I'm VERY curious to know what Hermione found in her research. I have my own theory about the broken vial and the stone; and I'm anxious to see if I'm even close to what you've come up with! I'm glad Ginny is finally going to get a wand; and I'm glad that at least a few of the brothers are supportive, and looking out for Ginny. It's good that some of the Weasleys have settled down; but I don't think they've really changed their opinion at all. What Harry did going to Rita - that was UNbelievable! No good can come from her. That was low, even for him. I'm kind of hoping that in the end (when they're cleared) it makes him look like even more of a jerk. His "love" for Ginny at this point is just completely selfish.

Author's Response: Aww, thank you! I'm anxious to see if you have guessed about the stone, too! That will all come out in chapter 38. And your thoughts on Harry are really interesting. I think he is very seflish. That's pretty much the driving force in how I write him in relation to Ginny. She's a prize or possession to him, not a person. But that being said, he's really not a terrible person in this fic. He's desperate and scared - and yes, making some poor choices. Thanks so much for reviewing!
Name: wolfxlover reviewed Chapter 36 on Jan 15, 2012 10:05 am
yes i think he went way too far in contacting Rita (the b*tch), he has gone seriously deranged and i cant get my head around ginnys family not acting how they should act (like narcissa)……my initial thought on the stone was that it was physical proof of a true binding love (going on the fact a lot of pureblood marriages were arranged possibly under duress so the vial didnt break for them and the stone didnt form either if that makes sense). cant wait for the next chapter….will all the mystery Qs in the story be answered by the end??

Author's Response: I know, I know. The Weasleys, and Harry, are not reacting at all like we want. But honestly, they have no reason to trust Draco and truly believe that he has done something to Ginny. Also, I think there was a bit of mob mentality going into their initial reactions. Add in Ron's unstable anger issues, and well ... there you go. Love reading your thoughts on the stone - can't wait to read your reaction when all is revealed about that. And yes, all mysteries should be answered by the end. There's even an epilogue! Thanks so much for reviewing!
Name: Butterbeer Corks reviewed Chapter 36 on Jan 14, 2012 08:29 pm
AMAZING CHAPTER. Yeah, youve probably guessed it. I want to punch harry square in the face xD this chapter was great. I Love how percy is more on the side of Ginny and Draco. And i absolutely adore the fact that Bill was the peacemaker of the family. See you at the next chapter!

xx Butterbeer Corks

Author's Response: WOW! Thank you. My, you readers have become increasingly violent when it comes to Harry. Thanks for appreciating my Weasley brothers and for all the love. :)
Name: marinamermaid reviewed Chapter 36 on Jan 14, 2012 09:06 am
Like everyone else I could kill Harry, how delusional is he! Thank you for the regular updates and I cannot wait until Draco, Ginny and Thuban are reunited. When I find out you have updated I inwardly do a mad dance of happiness! XXX

Author's Response: So good to hear from you again! And yes, I believe there is a hit squad assembling amongst the readers for Harry. And WooHoo for mad dances of happiness - I just did one thinking about that. And I will do another one each time you review! *hint hint* Seriously, thanks for reviewing and so glad you are still enjoying it.
Name: lilactree reviewed Chapter 36 on Jan 14, 2012 08:53 am
Blunt...object...Harry. I KNOW that won't happen but my subconscious is whispering absurd things in my ear today. LOL Ah well I will have to wait and see how things turn out later in the story. It seems the fate of this story is already pre-written so what comes, comes. I really liked that very sweet moment Draco had when it came mention of his family. He's very dedicated and Ginny deserves that :) I loved this chapter!! But Still... blunt.. object... :P I have to read some fluff so I can stop laughing maniacally.

Author's Response: This made me laugh. I should just write an outtake where Harry gets his arse handed to him. I think many readers would just love that. Yes, the ending is already written, but I do take into account what people are saying as I go over the next chapter before posting. I save all my editing and reworking for right before I post. I love that you picked up on that little moment with Draco. Anyway, thanks for this delightfully funny review. I hope you found a good fix of fluff. :)
Name: Kittyluv reviewed Chapter 36 on Jan 14, 2012 03:35 am
Cliffies again??? ... Well either way, awesome job as always! Percy is so nice in this story. Usually, he's portrayed as the family betraying guy that no one likes... Love this Percy! Will there b any luna and blaise??? I love that pairing almost as much as I love D/G. Thank goodness for sensible elder weasley men! The red stone means the ritual suceeded right??? Ur story has made my week...

Author's Response: I know. You are always calling me on the cliffies. It's really not a huge objective of mine to leave so many unanswered questions, but so many things will come out in the end and I didn't want to ruin that. Glad you are enjoying Percy. I figured he's learned from his mistakes at this point and just wants to do the right thing. Luna and Blaise don't really factor into this story. I almost added it, but I thought it would just muddy the waters. They play a much bigger part in my other fic. And the red stone cliffie will be answered in chapter 38. Thanks so much for the review. And I'm so happy that this made your week. That comment made mine. :)
Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Chapter 36 on Jan 13, 2012 11:03 pm
Yeah, he's letting Rita Skeeter manipulate the situation to make Draco sound like a total villain and Ginny a poor defenseless victim. I don't like it. I kinda want to hit him.

BTW, sorry for being a horrible reviewer the past few weeks. It's been a crazy few weeks with the holidays and everything...

Author's Response: It's so funny to me how much everyone is hating on Harry. I really didn't think he'd be such a villain when I was writing this. I honestly thought that some people would sympathize with him a little. What do I know? Sorry he's making you want to resort to violence. :) You're so not alone. Anyway, no worries about the reviews lately. I totes understand things getting crazy. I'm just glad to hear from you again. Thanks!
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