Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Cigarette Tips and Stars on Jun 30, 2011 02:12 am
Yes, I most certainly am enjoying the story. It's really well written and I like how your characters are complex without being ridiculous.
Name: Mungihead reviewed Cigarette Tips and Stars on May 09, 2011 03:08 pm
Ginny is haunting...but a fantastic character! Draco is actually the lighter side of this story, but still well done. So I have a few guesses: the 'guy' is Tom Riddle, and the venom is a suicide attempt. Hopefully she'll cancel her order for Draco? :) Keep it up! :)

M :)

Author's Response: It's true. Ginny isn't really a little ray of sunshine in this story, but Ive always thought that the Chamber of Secrets would have affected Ginny a lot more than it appears to in canon. Also good guessing!!! - Draco does work this all out sort of soon and he stops her committing suicide. I promise now and in writing that they both will live. It may or may not be happily or together - that would be telling too much ;)
Name: ChickbabeC1 reviewed Cigarette Tips and Stars on May 09, 2011 08:44 am
French the Llama, I can't tell you how amazing it is that you used John Green. I recognized as soon as I read it. NERDIFGHTERS FTW!!

Author's Response: I KNOW!!!! I ADORE HIM!!! I was writing this when I was reading looking for alaska and I read that line and decided that I was stealing it ;) Im glad you knew it.
Name: Boogum reviewed Cigarette Tips and Stars on May 08, 2011 06:15 pm
Interesting chapter. Ginny is intriguing, and I guess I can see why Draco is interested in her. But she is messed up, oh yes she is.

Author's Response: Thank you for your lovely reviews. I must admit, she gets worse before she gets better... But she does get better in the end, I swear :)
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