Reviews For Marry Me
Name: WolfStar reviewed The Freudian Slip on May 30, 2011 11:38 pm
How did Michael figure it out?

Author's Response: Good question! I almost wrote it out in a way that let us know that Michael was figuring it out, but I wanted that to be a kind-of punchline for the end. Basically, he could tell that someone had set Ginny up, based on the letter she handed to him, and he does say this to her. But he could see Draco watching them closely, looking irate. And then, of course, Draco stormed over to Ginny and made a scene about the letter. He is a Ravenclaw, so it wasn't so difficult from there. Still, only Blaise really has it all figured out, that the letters are much more of a confession than an evil plot.

Thank you for reading and for the review!

Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed The Freudian Slip on May 04, 2011 12:55 am
Where was the proposal in this chapter?

Author's Response: The "proposal" was when he was confronting her at the ball. He started to read his letter to her but then stupidly started improvising out of jealous anger. I know it's not a real proposal, but since Ginny responds like it is, I counted it. 7 proposals is a lot and I wanted to have at least 2 fun and fluffy ones before the real rejections started.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I hope you are enjoying it and can give me a little wiggle room when it comes to a couple of these proposals.

Name: firefireice22 reviewed The Freudian Slip on Mar 24, 2011 09:32 pm
i love it so far! please continue! i'll be looking forward to an update :) great job!

Author's Response: Thank you! It's actually finished, except for a bit of polishing here and there. And I am waiting to hear from my Beta. Thanks for the review and the encouragement!
Name: thundersenshi reviewed The Freudian Slip on Mar 24, 2011 02:18 am
I love this chapter! I've always wanted a DG fic that involved tension between this particular Ravenclaw (or Ravenclaws) and Draco, or a POV from him (Michael Corner). :) Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Thank you! And I'm glad I was able to provide the Corner angle for you. :) I hope you won't be disappointed that he does not make another appearance. Thanks again for the review. It's always so nice to get some feedback.
Name: tinyriot reviewed The Freudian Slip on Mar 20, 2011 07:31 pm
So much love!!! Seriously, I would copy/paste my favorite lines but would just end up copying the entire chapter. I love Blaise, he's so hilarious, and every one of his lines had me giggling. Hopefully we get some future scenes of Blaise and Ginny interacting. I love how clever Michael was and find it funny how Draco was essentially the catalyst to that relationship forming. Makes me think he's going to be the reason for Dean/Ginny to occur. Lol. I'm getting way ahead of myself. Again, much love!

Author's Response: Thank you!!! What a great compliment! I really loved writing this whole chapter. Draco's plan was quite fun to have blow up in his face. And I couldn't resist having Michael figure it out. As for Blaise and Ginny, there is more to come between the two of them. Thanks again for the great review. I love hearing your thoughts on it.
Name: Boogum reviewed The Freudian Slip on Mar 18, 2011 12:20 pm
OMG! I literally laughed out loud while reading this. Some of my favourites:

"He knew that was partly why he stayed with Pansy; with her, he didn't have to do anything but exist."

"And I am offended; I stopped receiving payment from your father last year"

So funny. But this whole chapter was just great! Draco is so adorable in his 'I'm being so devious, I'm going to write love letters!' plan. And I like that he asks her to marry him in a way that isn't actually asking. I was wondering how it was going to happen.

What really made this chapter for me was Michael sneaking in and actually knowing that Draco was the one writing the letters. Trust a Ravenclaw to figure it out.

Author's Response: Thanks so much. I think I am funny sometimes, but doesn't everyon think that about themselves? So I was not sure if the humour would really come across. It's good to know that it did. And I loved writing Draco in this chapter. As for the proposals, seven is a lot, and when I first started writing this, I almost changed it to five because I kept wondering how I was going to pull off seven. Obviously, the first two aren't real, but I hope it works for everyone in the end. Thanks again for the review!
Name: Safira33oo reviewed The Freudian Slip on Mar 18, 2011 12:08 pm
I like your story. I hope we will find out why Ginny doen´t want to married Draco.

Author's Response: Thank you. Yes, it does catch up to the opening scene, but that is proposal #7. I hope you continue to enjoy it.
Name: dgloves70 reviewed The Freudian Slip on Mar 18, 2011 08:24 am
Absolutely great chapter! I loved it!

Author's Response: Thank you! This chapter gave me a bit of a headache so I am glad you liked it.
Name: Silent Reader reviewed The Freudian Slip on Mar 18, 2011 04:26 am
Haha awesome.

Author's Response: Thanks!
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