Reviews For Marry Me
Name: dykeadellic reviewed The Competition on Jun 27, 2011 07:55 pm
This story is much more interesting than I thought it would be. I really want to see how it turns out! Ginny is pissing me off. She needs to stop whinging and be happy with Draco.

Author's Response: Thank you. I know Ginny really tests everyone in this fic. You are not alone in your reaction. :)
Name: Boogum reviewed The Competition on Jun 02, 2011 01:32 am
Wow. What a chapter. I can understand why Ginny is behaving the way she is, but I've never particularly liked females who do that, so I have to say she irritated me quite a bit in this chapter. Which doesn't mean your writing is bad, I must stress, just that I personally don't enjoy the girls who cling to exes and get jealous, etc, etc.

That being said, I'm not surprised why Ginny refused that proposal. He was drunk and was using an old ring. Awful.

Author's Response: Thank you. And I can understand your reaction to Ginny. I think she even hates herself for behaving that way. Sometimes we don't know how much we have healed or moved on until we are tested, and she didn't exactly ace this test. And Draco was definitely awful as well. Thanks again. I always enjoy your feedback.
Name: amethyst-rose reviewed The Competition on May 29, 2011 11:12 pm
I loved this chapter but feel so heartbroken for Draco and so want to curse Harry. Poor Ginny.

Author's Response: Yay! Another review from you! And wow - you are one of very few who have had some sympathy for Ginny. Thank you! And Harry is not a total villain in this fic, but he's definitely no hero to Ginny. Only two more to go! Thanks again for the reviews - I hope to see more :)
Name: Xazou reviewed The Competition on May 29, 2011 01:00 pm
I like this story a lot. Can't wait to read the next part.

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm so happy that you are enjoying it. The next part should be out soon. Thank you for the review - it's so great to get the feedback!
Name: infiltrate the enemy fat kid reviewed The Competition on May 29, 2011 08:31 am
I want to understand Ginny, I do. But ugh... it's so tough! And Draco... I honestly wish he would just stop being so desperately in love with her (and this is a huge thing coming from someone who LOVES desperately-in-love!Draco).

Anyway, I've enjoyed this so far. Can't wait to read how it all pans out. No doubt, with more pain. *winces*

Author's Response: I know she can be difficult to understand. And I'm glad that you can't, because that means you probably haven't suffered like she has - and that's a good thing. Yes, he is definitely "desperately in love" with her. I also think he is very good at ignoring her problems until they are smacking him in the face.

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. I'm glad you have enjoyed it. And there are only 2 chapters left! So the pain has to end soon, right?

Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed The Competition on May 29, 2011 03:11 am

Author's Response: Thanks - this made me laugh. And I know, these two just can't seem to get it together. But, there's only 2 more chapters. Please keep reading and reviewing!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed The Competition on May 28, 2011 12:26 pm
oh jeeze. seriously. ginny keeps screwing draco over. i feel soooo bad for him!

Author's Response: Yes, she has her problems. But he did push the issue and proposed to her with another witch's ring. Anyway, thank you for reading and reviewing. Reallly. I know this fic is testing people's patience with Ginny, but I hope you stick around for the last two parts. :) Thanks again!
Name: Anise reviewed The Competition on May 27, 2011 09:25 pm
This chapter, this chaoter... this is such a fascinating fic, and so different from the type of D/G that we usually see. I can definitely understand how it may not be some people's cup of tea. In a lot of ways, it actually reminds me more of a long-running strip than anything else. (Alison Bechdel's *Dykes to Watch Out For* comes to mind for some odd reason. Except that they're not lesbians. Oh, maybe it's just this weird migraine. It's been going on for two weeks now. Anyway...)

So much of this seems to be based on the way that real people would actually behave rather than the idealized versions of Draco and Ginny that we might usually expect to see, because this is exactly what they might really if they *were* real-- they'd keep on making the same types of mistakes over and over again. Ginny can't truly let go of Harry; Draco can't really let go of his jealousy. Each one of them sees the other's behavior more accurately than they themselves do-- Draco understands that Ginny hasn't yet really freed herself from her feelings for Harry, and Ginny understands that Draco made assumptions about their relationship that he should not have made. The incident with Harry and Cho rips at the D/G relationship so hard that all of its weak points suddenly show, and they just can't make it. But we know, too, that they will not be able to stay away from each other in the long run. The really intriguing part is that you've set up a narrative and a character development where either ending is believable-- either the power of their love is strong enough to keep them together despite everything else, or it isn't. Only time will tell...

Author's Response: Thank you so much for the compliment. And although I know many readers are probably hating Ginny (and me) at this point, I just can't change what is happening. Ginny has her reasons for being the way she is, and there is no cryptic, surprise reason to be revealed. She has been hurt and she is acting out. And I love -LOVE- that you get it. They are definitely, as far as I'm concerned, being real.

And you are the only reader who has seen Draco's flaws, or at least acknowledged them. Granted, his are much harder to find and less damaging than hers, but he is not perfect. As you pointed out, he has made assumptions. But I think more than that he just simply compartmentalizes his life and whatever is not to his liking, he disregards. I tried to show some growth on both of their parts in the next chapter, hopefully it comes through.

And thank you again. It's so awesome to get such detailed feedback.

Haven't heard of Bechdel's work. Sounds interesting. And sorry about the migraine. Even bigger thanks for reading this when you feel so bad. Hope it has already ended. :)

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