Reviews For Marry Me
Name: Boogum reviewed The Grand Gesture on Jun 11, 2011 01:46 pm
Poor Ginny. That is a devastating realisation - knowing there's a chance you can't have children. And while I understand why she ran, poor Draco is really going to suffer for her lapse of explanation.

I have to say that my favourite part of this chapter was seeing Draco with Rose. I do love seeing him with children.

Author's Response: It's a terrible ending, I know. But there's only one more to go! And I love Draco with Rose, too. I just couldn't resist making him her favourite uncle. :) Thanks for the review!
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed The Grand Gesture on Jun 10, 2011 02:37 am
I have faith that you'll do a lovely job with the conclusion. You did with this one.

Author's Response: Awe, thank you. I can't even begin to tell you how much I debated about this chapter so it means a lot to me to know that it turned out okay. And now, of course, I'm freaking out about the last chapter. But, it's written already. Just waiting to hear back from my beta.
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed The Grand Gesture on Jun 09, 2011 11:22 am
okay.. not completely ginny's fault this time. i'd be freaking out as well if i were her. jeeze. that sucks.

Author's Response: Yay! Some sympathy for Ginny. And I would be freaking out, too. It's very bad timing, isn't it? I guess that's my fault. :) Anyway, thank you for reviewing! I love reading your thoughts!
Name: Prolific Wonder reviewed The Grand Gesture on Jun 07, 2011 05:36 pm
She shouldn't have freaked out. The doctor said she couldn't have children. Umm so that doesn't mean she can't. Which Draco may have told her if she'd listen. Plus a doctor told my mom that when she was yound and I and my brothers are here.

Author's Response: Well, I think her freaking out is coming from her deepeset insecurities. That she doesn't deserve to find happiness and that Draco is better than she is. And you're right. She didn't really think about this logically. She is a very reactive kind of girl, which again is a product of her unresolved emotional issues.

Thank you for taking the time to review. There's only one more chapter left. :) I'd love to hear your thoughts again!

Name: Anise reviewed The Grand Gesture on Jun 07, 2011 12:46 pm
I really do love the way that this story tackles a task so few D/G fics do: to portray Draco and Ginny's relationship over time as they try to make it work, and to subtly show all the reasons why it continues to go through the cycles of love, loss, and rejection that it does.

I really, really do understand why Ginny freaked out at the end. I absolutely do. Her entire family has always been manic about children. Everyone MUST!!!! procreate!! It's as if the Weasleys represent the one opportunity to repopulate the earth, and the negative side of that line of thinking is that if one of them can't do it, well... aren't they kind of substandard? (I don't know how you feel about that premise, but I am so over it. Maybe that's why Molly always turns out to be such a bitch in my fics.) I can comletely see how Ginny would have been set up to be afraid of Draco judging her because she didn't turn out to be a breeder.

The really funny part is that I've thought about writing a fic revolving around the fact that Ginny finds out she can't get pregnant. A little bunny has been hopping around... I know how mine would unfold... I'm very curious about yours. ;)

Author's Response: I never set out to write anything unique or different. It was just something that popped into my mind and the more I wrote the more real they became. As you can tell, the first chapter was compete fluff. And even the second chapter was headed that way. But once I realized that I had set myself up with coming up with 6 (or 7) rejections, I knew I had to dig in a little more. So thank you so so much for appreciating my version of these characters.

As for Ginny's infertility, I love the way you see the Weasleys. I, too, have a fondness of Molly being a bitch, and I think it showed a little bit in my third chapter. I think her reaction is defintely influenced by her family, but even more by her believing that her fears are coming true - that she really is unworthy of Draco (or really anyone).

And I would love to read your take on this topic. I am still very much unsure of how mine will end, which is crazy since I thought it was done ages ago. Anyway, thank you again for your thoughtful and interesting reviews. They have been very motivating, especially since I am so new to this and many have not really liked my Ginny. Thank you. :)

Name: Dragonness186 reviewed The Grand Gesture on Jun 07, 2011 09:51 am
You shouldn't be afraid, the story is wonderful! Thank you very much for this wonderful piece, I only hope they end up together, even if not married... :D

Author's Response: Thank you. So much. That means a lot to me. I have had so much anxiety over these last two chapters. I am still debating about the ending. :) I'm so glad you are enjoying it. Thank you again for taking the time to review.
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