Reviews For Absolution's Price
Name: Anise reviewed A New Day on Apr 08, 2011 06:52 pm
Draco is fascinating here, isn't he? There's a little of bit of real cruelty in him, I think, but then, there would be. He does not understand why Ginny has acted the way that she has. Part of this is because he does know that they've ended up on different sides, and part of it, of course, is that he doesn't know what's actually going on in her head. I wonder what woud happen if he truly started to understand more of this.

Author's Response: I've tried my best to resist whitewashing him; he's the boy who stomped on Harry's face and sent Buckbeak to the slaughter over hurt pride. He can be selfish and cruel, and Ginny's incomprehensible behaviour brings that out in him. But he's got good qualities too, once his needs are being met....
Name: openskys reviewed A New Day on Apr 05, 2011 11:28 pm
Ooooo! Please update soon! Did Ginny and Harry plan the whole thing together? And wow I love Draco in this his characterization is spot on!

Author's Response: Something rotten was definitely afoot last year. And thank you for your comments on Draco - I tried to start from a canon!Draco and although he's been changed somewhat from this bizarre association with Ginny, I've been hoping he hasn't strayed too far afield from his core self. More coming soon!
Name: Boogum reviewed A New Day on Apr 05, 2011 01:51 pm
//Blind obedience had given him a sort of peace and numbed his anxieties, and five minutes in this room had torn his fragile calm to shreds.//

I really loved this line. Simply beautiful.

This was an interesting chapter. I'm enjoying seeing the way the characters are developing, but I admit that Ginny is still eluding me, and I think that may be intentional on your part. I do wonder what she is playing it, trying to act like the 'hurt' one when she and Draco both know she just stormed out of that room and almost killed him. I think Ginny has quite a bit of explaining to do.

Author's Response: *blush* Thank you! I don't typically consider myself to be a quotable writer. Yes, Ginny has been inscrutable on purpose and I know that makes her seem inconsistent, to say the least (you've been very patient). Why should Draco always get to be the mysterious one? ;) She is pretty self-righteous here, all things considered. She has loads of explaining to do, pages and pages of it.
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