Name: LadyEndymion reviewed Chapter 2 on Apr 08, 2015 05:42 pm
I cannot wait to read this fic! What a teaser!

Author's Response: Thanks!! I think I'll start posting it after *Sun Breaks* (which, believe it or not, WILL all be done and posted this spring.) And I'm going to R and R your fic!! LOTS going on.
Name: SniperTeamTango reviewed Chapter 2 on Mar 31, 2015 10:02 pm
Oh my god, I must read what this came from, right now. Where is it Anise ;)

Author's Response: Um.... it's kind of not up yet. ;) It's only about half done. But it's... um... I'm not really sure how it happened, but it's basically the most NC-17 D/G yet. MOVE ALONG HERE PEOPLE NOTHING TO SEE.
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