Name: Silvryn reviewed Of Sleepy Redheads and Twirling Moustaches on Dec 22, 2014 11:56 am
Absolutely loved it. Although it's decidedly amusing to imagine a moustached Ginny making love to Draco. hahahaha.
Name: lilactree reviewed Of Sleepy Redheads and Twirling Moustaches on Aug 11, 2012 11:12 pm
You had me at the permanent mustache! I could not stop laughing!!

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it. ^_^
Name: Anise reviewed Of Sleepy Redheads and Twirling Moustaches on Feb 22, 2012 09:17 pm
Yay!! (loves fic) I've been very very very uninspired lately. I think I actually got some ideas from this. (Poor Ginny. I hope she gets some sleep, eventually. WHAT made you think of the mustache?? I sincerely hope that she gets revenge on Seamus.) BTW, a reviewer on said that you'd told them about DDD... very muchly appreciated. :)

Author's Response: Oo, an Anise review. My favourite. ^_^

I really need to catch up on your stories. I'm so, so behind on everything, but I shall get round to it! (that has become my motto of late - you'd think having no job would mean I have more time to read, but somehow I never end up doing it now. Strange). Anyway, I'm glad my little story was able to inspire you. I know I was feeling very uninspired and grumpy about writing this back in October (I was going through some major health issues, so I ended up channelling a lot of my own frustration into poor Ginny), but I actually like how this turned out. I have no idea where the moustache came from. I just thought of blind date with a dumb marketing man and then suddenly the image of turning up with a moustache drawn on her face popped into my head. Poor girl really does suffer in my fics.

I recommended DDD at The DG Forum a while back with much praise and exclamation points, so I'm not surprised people are telling you I've been directing them to your fic. So they should, too. It's about time people develop some taste and read and review the fics that actually deserve it instead of raving about rubbishy fics with rubbishy, cliche plots.
Name: pitzi reviewed Of Sleepy Redheads and Twirling Moustaches on Feb 22, 2012 02:43 am
ha ha! that was absolutely adorable! Love it!

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. ^_^
Name: cherryredxx reviewed Of Sleepy Redheads and Twirling Moustaches on Feb 21, 2012 09:41 am
Soo cute! I loved it. :)

Author's Response: Thanks! ^_^
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