Name: Anise reviewed Chapter 10: A Desperate Gamble on Mar 19, 2013 12:52 pm
A break from finishing the book!!! (well, the first finished version, let's just say...)

Great chapter! You really ramp up the suspense with Ginny. Her courage is brought out so well, but also the stubborn shooting-herself-in-the-foot quality that is so believable for her. God only knows how it's going to turn out. This particular edition of "let me explain" does not look like it will go well. Worried about Draco, too... but hopefully, there will be more soon! :)

Author's Response: Yay! Congrats on the completion of the first draft. Courage plus "stubborn shooting-herself-in-the-foot quality" is definitely very Ginny. Next chapter won't be too long unless the beta gets busy too. Thank you for the review!
Name: pitzi reviewed Chapter 10: A Desperate Gamble on Mar 18, 2013 10:41 pm
I wonder why there aren't more reviews.

The plot thickens. I'm really worried about Draco - if he is going to make it, but even more, I'm worried about what is going to happen to Ginny. Obviously the head auror is going to use her as a leverage against Harry and Harry - he will be angry with her obviously. Actually, I wouldn't be surprise i there was a ploy to get Ginny in the first place.

Waiting for what's next!

Author's Response: It seems quiet around here lately overall, but as long as I'm still enjoying writing the story and there's even just one person out there wanting to read on, then I'll happily continue to write and share. Thank you for chiming in, pitzi, and as to your'll just have to wait and see. ;) I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter too.
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