Name: Anise reviewed Chapter 1 on May 15, 2012 09:00 pm
You know what really struck me about this? Part 1 and Part 2 could be the beginning and end of the same story. I wonder if you meant it to read that way... As time went by, Draco could just not admit that he loved Ginny, so she ended up planning to marry someone else.

I think a big part of what makes D/G so compelling is that out of all of the Draco ships in existence (that aren't actually canon), it's the only one that feels realistic. I've read some very well-written D/H, D/Hr, etc., but it just never feels like a pairing that could actually happen, given who these characters are. The thing about D/G is that it always feels as if either would be a spectacular success or a horrendous failure. So these ficlets could be seen as the two halves of that failure, and as readers, we can feel exactly why it would turn out that way. More soon, I hope! :)

Author's Response: I actually did not intend for it to turn out that way; however, I am really glad that they do appear to go together. It does make sense now that I think about it.

I completely agree with you. They are the epitome of "opposites attract," and while that makes for an interesting relationship, it also makes for an explosive one. I can't imagine writing Draco with anyone else, to be honest, because it just wouldn't be that interesting. I'm glad you were able to feel that emotion between these two parts. I am going to submit the next chapter soon, though. I promise :)
Name: hpffaria reviewed Chapter 1 on May 14, 2012 10:29 pm
Ooh my heart burst when she kissed him! I knew she wouldn't be able to resist it... Lol! So looking forward to the rest of it!

Author's Response: Oh, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed these. I'll post the next one soon. :)
Name: janelove reviewed Chapter 1 on May 13, 2012 09:06 am
I liked it! please continue this!

Author's Response: Thanks! I actually have two more chapters written that I will be posting very soon. :)
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