Reviews For Intertwine
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed 1/1 on May 02, 2014 07:07 am
Draco is absolutely wonderful in this. Such a smooth talker! As I've said before, you have a way about dialogue that feels very real and genuine. It doesn't feel like you just use dialogue to move the plot along. I mean, you do do that, but you do more than that, because when I read your dialogue it sounds like real people having a conversation and talking and reacting.

I liked the mystery aspect of the story, but besides Draco, what I like most is how everyone sort of protects Draco. Everyone knows that he's a wanted man, but it seems like there are a lot of people, a lot of strangers, who are willing to hide him from the Ministry. I don't know if that's out of fear of what Draco will do or money or what, but the fact that people seem to know that he's innocent, despite the rumors, and want to protect him from an unjust fate, that's pretty cool. The Malfoys have come a long way if there are people actively trying to keep him out of Azkaban. And maybe that's kind of telling, because Draco isn't his father, and society seems to realize that.

Anyway, thank you so much for the story!! I loved it!

Author's Response: Thanks so much for the review, and you're very welcome :]
Name: researchinmotion reviewed 1/1 on Apr 23, 2014 08:37 pm
Congrats on a good story.

Author's Response: Thanks very much.
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