Name: HpottersWoman reviewed Chapter One on May 12, 2006 11:04 am
OMG! This was such a good story! I totally love it! I can't describe how much I love it but if I had to rate it it would be 10 out of 10! U totally Rock! I'm looking forward to reading the sequel!
Name: HpottersWoman reviewed Chapter One on May 12, 2006 11:02 am
OMG! This is such a good fic! I'm looking forward to reading the sequel! I can't describe how much I love your writing! But if I had to rate you, it would be 10 out of 10! U totally rock!
Name: TheGoddess reviewed Chapter One on Apr 07, 2006 11:45 am
This reminds me of a student-mentor relationship: "That's why you're not ready for the match, Weasley." I like it. Well written. Intriguing. Good job!
Name: jelous-of-ginny reviewed Chapter One on Apr 04, 2006 10:05 am
I completely love the 1st chap of the batbogeys and will cont. reading!
Name: anna reviewed Chapter One on Dec 03, 2005 06:34 am
i'm just a few seconds away from looking if there is a sequel - if there is, i'm going to cry out for joy and if there isn't, i'm going to be too fruststrated to write a review. so. i *loved* this story and i'm so sorry about the ending, it sounds so hopeless and final(and yet, the last sentence...). i think you portrayed the characters very well, i've hardly ever read a draco that seemed so real and plausible to me - not to mention breathtaking! ginny made me crazy sometimes, all that "must forget" stuff, probably because i would never fight an attraction like that. now i have to look.... oh, thanks a lot for writing this!
Name: Laasya reviewed Chapter One on Oct 29, 2005 11:07 pm
issit over??? i dont understand *confused*
Name: Ada reviewed Chapter One on Sep 04, 2005 06:30 pm
I can't even begin to say how much I loved this. You wove it seamlessly into OoTP, your characterizations are amazing. I'm in love with the Draco you created. I have huge mascara smudges to show how moved I was by the last chapter!
Name: bloodyferret reviewed Chapter One on Sep 04, 2005 03:42 pm
( have you left this open for a sequel or a slight continuation, because i'm not quite sure if i understood the ending otherwise.
Name: Caitlin reviewed Chapter One on Jul 12, 2005 11:04 pm
Absolutely wonderful. I've been browsing d/g fics for awhile and this is by far the best I have read. I told myself I'd stop after the first chapter, but I had to read it all the way through. You have a definite talent here. I love how you took subtle facts and details from the books and intricately wove them into your version. I hope there is a sequel, but if not I applaud your wonderfully open ending... every reader probably has their own imagined ending to this fic, but the beauty of it is that life doesn't have an ending... I'll stop rambling now. It's supurb.
Name: mouseygirl512 reviewed Chapter One on Jun 08, 2005 05:10 pm
Dear Anise On the behalf of the moderators at burningicex2, a Draco/Ginny Recommendation Livejournal community, we would like to inform you that your fanfic The Bat-Bogeys Cometh has been recommended and added to our lists! To check us out here is our address and feel free to inform others about the community as well. Congrats & keep up the good work! Sincerely Hannio & Mousey (mods) P.S. If you have any other or any future D/G fics let us know!
Name: sorcha reviewed Chapter One on Apr 22, 2005 03:59 am
this is amazing. poor draco. i firmly believe that while draco can be nasty ron and harry are as bad and that there will be redemption for draco in the next 2 books by jk. this story was beautifully told but will there be a sequel? i like the slytherin house because they represent for the most part human nature, competiveness etc. brilliant story.
Name: Rae reviewed Chapter One on Apr 20, 2005 02:49 am
That was -magnificent-. I haven't read a fic in ages that raised the hairs on the back of my neck like this one did. Poignant, lyrical, a delicate mix of humour and pathos...a masterpiece. Please write more!
Name: INDYCICURN reviewed Chapter One on Apr 18, 2005 09:25 pm
This was an amazing story very well written. At the start of chapter one is the statement "The sequel is Heavenly Creatures, and the third of the trilogy is Man In Black, the highly NC-17 one." Anyone know where to find these sequels? if so please email
Name: torndeception reviewed Chapter One on Mar 18, 2005 09:41 am
'my feelings for you have ripened, rather like your brother’s Quidditch uniform' - oh so flattering, lol. I love this story so far!
Name: mell8 reviewed Chapter One on Jan 05, 2005 09:47 am
Excellent!!! Very well written and a smooth plot.
Name: Tryphe reviewed Chapter One on Jan 02, 2005 11:06 am
Wow... that was... wow. Definitely one of the best stories I've ever read.
Name: Erised reviewed Chapter One on Dec 29, 2004 08:11 pm
And just when everything was wrapping into the perfect ball of angst you have to go and make it a cliffie. Snape's trace of smile was a nice touch.
Name: Erised reviewed Chapter Four on Dec 29, 2004 07:29 pm
So much has happened and now Ginny is torn once more, not between love and hate but between who she loves. This whole chapter came full circle; so soon after there was resolution there was another conflict that did not hold romantic melodrama. Again, beautifully written.
Name: Erised reviewed Chapter Three on Dec 29, 2004 07:01 pm
Oh Ginny. This chapter was beautifully written, especially the description of Umbridge's office.
Name: Erised reviewed Chapter Two on Dec 29, 2004 06:38 pm
This chapter was so tantalizing it deserved its own review. You write the confusion, curiosity, and discovery very well, weaving them together subtly.
Name: Samantha reviewed Chapter One on Dec 26, 2004 08:51 pm
Wow, that was just amazing. I loved how you portrayed Draco, it didn't seem OOC. I'd love to read the sequel and the third part. I haven't been able to find it at other FF sites. If you (or anyone else) PLEASE tell me where I might be able to read them, please email me at it would be MUCH appreciated.
Name: Sadie reviewed Chapter One on Dec 23, 2004 11:15 pm
That was a great first chapter! I'm really intruiged now - what's Draco up to? Kudos to you! I'm off to read the rest.
Name: Double_star reviewed Chapter One on Oct 30, 2004 03:40 am
Love it! where are these sequels? I can't find them anywhere!!! *tear* I need the sequels.... Please tell me where to find them...
Name: Beccy reviewed Chapter One on Sep 30, 2004 07:26 pm
Hey! Where are those sequels you talk of? Fantiastic story ... am so wanting more!!! my email is so would you be able to email me when you update? Thanks!
Name: Beccy reviewed Chapter One on Sep 30, 2004 07:25 pm
Hey! Where are those sequels you talk of? Fantiastic story ... am so wanting more!!! my email is so would you be able to email me when you update? Thanks!
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