Reviews For Somewhere I Belong
Name: Anise reviewed Chapter 3 - Hopeful Hearts on Aug 30, 2016 07:57 pm
LOVE this chapter! I don't have very long, so this will be a shorter review than I would really like... but it's so, so good. Draco and Ginny both feel so real, for want of a better word. This is such a believable Draco, in all his good points and faults. SO GLAD you're writing again. :)

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad I'm writing again too! I forgot how fun this all is. :D
Name: ginatoms reviewed Chapter 3 - Hopeful Hearts on Aug 26, 2016 11:00 am
The anguish i feel for Draco. I love and hate how damaged he is by the war, which is only right and beautiful to see but I also just want to give him a hug. Your writing is so beautiful. I cannot wait to read more!

Author's Response: Aw, thanks! And I want to hug him too. ;). Hope you weren't too late for your dinner. :)
Name: quirky_vixen reviewed Chapter 3 - Hopeful Hearts on Aug 19, 2016 06:25 am
Love! Love ! Love it! A quality DxG story in a while. Keep it up and keep writing. :)
I loved the story and the characterisation. It's perfect and don't worry about the length. We love long chapters

Author's Response: You maybe shouldn't have told me that... I do like to ramble... lol! But thank you! :D
Name: Leann reviewed Chapter 3 - Hopeful Hearts on Aug 16, 2016 03:06 pm
What an awesome chapter! I feel like every chapter is better than the previous one... if it's even possible. I love the way the relationship between Draco and Ginny starts to progress and change. And the stories from their past... Ginny's miscarriage and Draco's cutting himself... those were heartbreaking.
I also like how humble Draco is and how he thinks that he does't deserve Ginny and how much out of his league she is. This is a very refreshing point of view and I like it way better than a Draco who thinks that the world revolves around him.
Words cannot describe how much I'm looking forward the next chapter. You're quickly becoming one of my favourite D/G fan fiction writer. :-)

Author's Response: I hope I can keep that going, it's kind of a long story... ;) But thank you. It makes me really happy to hear that you are enjoying it so much!
Name: Desertisle reviewed Chapter 3 - Hopeful Hearts on Aug 15, 2016 07:04 am
Another great chapter! I had a feeling who was behind it, he never lies quiet. Draco's and Ginny's backstory are fitting and sad, but it makes a lot of sense. I do love the true friendship that Luna and Draco share especially after her being inprisioned in the manor. I'm glad you explored that. Looking forward to the next chapter and other stories. You write so amazingly! Thanks :).

Author's Response: No, thank you! :D I'm really glad that you're enjoying it so much. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for more. :D
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Chapter 3 - Hopeful Hearts on Aug 14, 2016 09:04 pm
What a great great grrreat chapter!! There's so much to appreciate and love in this chapter, starting with Draco's cowardice. His fear when he goes after Ginny feels so spot on. Honestly, I think anyone would feel, physically, exactly the same way he does. He's in the dark, underground, walking into danger - it's natural for him to be afraid, for his body to shake, for him to be close to tears. But he also wishes he could just go home, wishes he didn't care so much about Ginny and Luna. If he didn't care, he wouldn't be in that situation, and the fact that he IS in that situation means he has grown.

Seeing Lucius when Draco looks at Flint Polyjuiced as himself is such a great scene, too. I loved his awareness that he can't escape his past no matter how good he is simply because he looks like a man who supported evil. I'm just loving this Draco so much. He's everything I think Draco should be.

And could Draco be LESS convincing when he's giving Harry all these reasons he paid the ransom even though he and Ginny have nOoOooOOoo relationship besides that of patient/Healer? XD If I was Harry, I would have thought Draco doth protest too much.

Ginny and Draco's secret backstories are so sad, and I continue to love the relationship Draco has with Luna. There's clearly a lot of love between them, even if it's platonic, and it looks like Draco is in desperate need of her support and friendship. Where would he be if he hadn't had her when he came back to England? Though we have no idea how they became friends, this chapter makes it clear that he would be in a much darker place. Or, at the very least, his recovery and the slog through daily life afterwards would have been more difficult.

I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. Thank you so much for sharing!

Author's Response: Aw, thanks so much! I was actually a little nervous posting this one because it's taking away all that mysteriousness everyone seemed to like from before. I feel like this is the Draco that would emerge from the events after the series, but I know he's not what everyone expects. Reading this right after it was posted was quite a relief. :D I'm really glad you liked it so much! Also, thank you for the heads up on all my typos... :S I know I've said it before, but you really are fantastic!
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