Reviews For Wilfully
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 on Aug 31, 2018 10:14 am
Oh dear. Poor Draco. We will mourn his untimely demise. HAHAHAHA

Never test a Weasley!

Author's Response: Haha exactly! Draco's in trouble! Let's see what he'll do to get out of it. Thank you for the review! :)
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 31, 2018 09:37 am
So steamy! I have no words. Just steamy.

Author's Response: Hahaha I am glad you like the steaminess. I might tone it down a bit... but I assure you, it will return in its full force when the time is right ;)
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 31, 2018 08:51 am
Delicious beginning. That study scene harkens back to Kiera Knightly and James McAvoy in the library in Atonement...and I don't hate it.

*fans self*

Author's Response: OMG! I hadn't thought of the Atonement scene while writing this, but looking back I can see the similarities. I don't hate it too! Lol Thank you for the review. I hope you'll like the rest of the story as well!
Name: mickblake reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 27, 2018 03:20 pm
This installment turned out to be pretty intense, in a good way. I think Draco would have to be emotionally damaged to some extent after experiencing the wrath of the Dark Lord, in his own home no less. It's interesting that he doesn't seem to realize that Ginny can relate. I hope he can make it up to her. His behavior was appalling! Great chapter!

Author's Response: You're absolutely right - they can, in some ways, relate to each other's demons but since they have never really talked about the war, they don't seem to realise it. Let's see if that changes in the future... As for Draco making it up to her, I don't know - Ginny has a way of tackling things that even surprise me at times. You'll see! ;) Thank you for the review!
Name: McKenzieMac reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 24, 2018 02:13 pm
Ugh oh, that didn’t end well. Hopefully we get Ginny’s POV/reaction next! Thanks!

Author's Response: Yes, its Ginny's POV next, and you'll see how she'll tackle the situation. I hope you'll like it. Let me know. And thank you for the review! :)
Name: like a falling star reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 24, 2018 12:56 am
Really enjoying this story so far. I like that you've made their characters both extremely likable, and not too extreme. Can't wait to see what happens next! :)

Author's Response: It was my intention to try and stay true to both Ginny's and Draco's basic traits (such as the fact that she's quite independent and fiery, and that he's a proud man who hides his many insecurities behind his arrogance). I am glad you're liking them so far and hope that you'll continue to do so! Thank you! :)
Name: Navarronaomi90 reviewed Chapter 3 on Aug 23, 2018 07:57 pm
I just found this story tonight and love it lol! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: Thank you! I hope you'll like the next chapters too :)
Name: Geet reviewed Chapter 3 on Aug 22, 2018 11:22 am
I am pratically rolling on the floor, laughing.I loved the last part....please do continue, I am enjoying it a lot.Good Job!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed it.
Name: mickblake reviewed Chapter 3 on Aug 20, 2018 06:44 pm
I love it! I smiled reading the whole chapter. He did challenge her and it's not very smart to call a Gryffindor a coward!

Author's Response: Haha, no it wasn't a wise move on Draco's part at all. But he's a Slytherin, he'll probably be able to get himself out of the situation. Maybe? Thank you for the review! :)
Name: bigreader reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 17, 2018 10:01 am
I loved this and the last chapter. It is steaming hot. He seems so dangerous and dominant. I love it.

Author's Response: Yeah... Draco is an enigma, isn't he? Well, you'll soon learn more about him, I promise. Thank you for the review! :)
Name: mickblake reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 12, 2018 07:26 pm
I'm really enjoying where you're going with this story. They seem to honestly enjoy each other's company and seem to be connecting beyond the obvious physical attraction. It's fun and I really like it.

Author's Response: I am having a lot of fun playing with the idea that they both are as attracted to each other (both physically and emotionally) as they are irritated by each other. I am glad you're enjoying the story so far and I hope you'll continue to read and review it. Cheers x
Name: Geet reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 11, 2018 02:51 am
Interesting plot, Can't wait....keep posting

Author's Response: Thank you so much! :)
Name: tipsytoe reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 10, 2018 09:32 pm
Imagine my delight when I saw a second chapter!!! I love the pace and there were some moments where I sense more stories will develop from it and I can't wait! I am looking forward to how their relationship develops.

Author's Response: Their relationship is so much fun to explore. You'll be getting to know a lot more about both of them, individually and together so stay tuned!! And thank you so much for the review! Cheers x
Name: sweet gurl reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 09, 2018 04:33 pm
Oh wow I loved this chapter!

Enough details but not overpowering. I enjoyed the pace you took with this one, it really kept me on my toes but it still felt like a natural progression for their relationship. I haven’t read anything in a while that explored the relationship first before jumping head first into all the family drama and expectations so that was a breath of fresh air.

Cannot wait for more, I am truly loving your writing style and your characterization of both Draco and Ginny.


Author's Response: Thank you so much! I really wanted to explore the dynamic between Draco and Ginny before I introduced the other canon characters. I am glad you are enjoying their 'courtship' (Draco would probably call it that, and then get mad when Ginny makes fun of him! God, I love those two together!) I hope you will continue to read. Cheers x
Name: Desertisle reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 09, 2018 06:36 am
What a fabulous chapter! I love the way you bring in the canon details. Keep going, this fic is too good!

Author's Response: Thank you! I do try my best to keep it as close to the canon as I can (apart from the obvious story changes, of course!). I'm glad you noticed! :)
Name: Anise reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 08, 2018 08:03 pm
I will leave a real review soon!! :) I've just been working outside in the family landscaping business all day long, it was 96 degrees, under the hot sun... smallest violin in the world... ;) anyway, I definitely will post an actual review soon.

Author's Response: Oh no worries at all. Take your time. And enjoy the hot weather and the small violin! :)
Name: sweet gurl reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 06, 2018 07:03 pm
Ok. Ok. Yea. I am *begging you* on my knees pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeeee pleeasssee PLEASE to continue this!

Yea it could stand alone but WHY would you let this type of greatness just remain stagnant? Why?!

The characterization was fantastic, the plot was beautifully detailed to pull you in but not over the top where I had to skip over descriptions of something, the elegance of it all was breathtaking and believe you me I don’t speak French but I laughed out loud on public transit when I read grand mere. I truly did not see that coming. What a joy.

I’m gonna track this story and wait in silence until there’s an update. Kay cool thanks. :)

Author's Response: Awww thank you so much! :) And no need to beg, I have decided to continue the story and have posted the second chapter already. I'm working on the third, which might take a few days. But I'm glad you liked the story so far and I hope you continue to like it. Let me know!
Name: RoterTeufel11 reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 06, 2018 03:38 pm
Wow, I love it!!! This seriously needs more chapters, please.

Author's Response: Thank you! The next chapter is up! :)
Name: tipsytoe reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 05, 2018 07:37 am
Ginny as a Quidditch player is my fave Post-Hogwarts Ginny. I also like your characterisation of Draco – he's got potential. Girl, I'm tracking this story and crossing my fingers the plot bunnies come back with more chapters!

Author's Response: I totally love Quidditch player Ginny as well. And I'm trying my best to stay as close to the canon while obviously diverting from it for this story (Wow, that sounds crazy, but I'm sure you get what I mean!). I'm glad you liked it so far and the plot bunnies did indeed come to me and insisted that I keep writing. The next chapter is now up! :)
Name: lily_malfoy reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 04, 2018 09:37 pm
Although it's a great stand-alone, i really hope this becomes multi-chaptered.
Thank you for writing!

Author's Response: Thank you! :) I've indeed made it multi-chaptered. Hope you'll continue to read!
Name: PlutoniumBunny reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 03, 2018 09:13 pm
multi-chapter multi-chapter multi-chapter!!!
It was a great start; I really hope you continue the story.

Author's Response: Haha I heard you. Multi-chapter it is. Thank you for the review and I hope you'll continue to read it. The next chapter is up btw!
Name: mickblake reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 03, 2018 08:54 pm
I liked it. Sexy but not graphic and fun. I would love more but it was fine all on its own.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I've decided to write more, and I hope you'll check it out. Cheers x
Name: Desertisle reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 03, 2018 03:14 pm
Perfection! Please turn this into a full blown chapter filled fic! Love your writing style. Looking forward to reading more!

Author's Response: My first review - YAY! Thank you so much! I have turned this into a full fic because the ideas wouldn't just leave my head. I hope you'll continue to read it. Cheers x
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