Reviews For Learning to Fall
Name: ChosenOne reviewed hogsmeade on Feb 04, 2020 09:20 pm
What happy and sad news! I've really loved catching up on your fic and am glad we're getting an ending for LTF. Good luck in your future endeavors and hopefully see you around!

Author's Response: Thank you so much!! I'm hoping to be able to post the last chapter of LTF soon, but even after that story is over, I still have a couple things up my sleeves that I need to post. :)
Name: Cara reviewed hogsmeade on Feb 02, 2020 02:54 pm
Cannot wait for the next chapter! Very happy for you and your decision to start your novel. Even though I am a bit sad to probably seeing a bit less of you in the next time. I’m sure you can do it! (Will Start looking for updates for the Dating Charade regularly though :D )

Author's Response: Thank you for always reading and being sweet enough to leave a comment! While I plan to eventually move on from fan fic, I still have another multi-chaptered story I haven't even started posting yet, the last chapter of Learning to Fall, and the last few chapters of The Dating Charade. So I still have plenty of stories left to tell before this year. :)
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