Reviews For Ashen
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed A Longer Visit to Aunt Muriel on Mar 02, 2023 01:54 am
love reading war fic!!
Name: quirky_vixen reviewed A Longer Visit to Aunt Muriel on Feb 04, 2021 11:13 am
I've just discovered this story and I'm enjoying it immensely. Can't wait to see what's in store :)

Author's Response: Oh! Thank you so much for the comment! I hope you enjoyed the rest of the chapters! I already finished the next one and will post soon! I hope you continue with me! Your comment means a lot to me!
Name: PlutoniumBunny reviewed A Longer Visit to Aunt Muriel on Aug 04, 2020 09:04 pm
Hi! Oh my, oh my, this is sooo good. I really like your writing, but also the story is taking an interesting flight. Please, please update soon! I'm so anxious to know how the D/G story will start developing. P. S.: Arthur is sooo adorable.

Author's Response: Ouuun, thank you so much for your words! You have no idea how much they motivated me to keep writing! As soon as I post my other story, I'm going to continue this one in full swing! I believe I'll have a consolidated chapter in the next few days, bear with me! D/G will take a little longer to consolidate (we'll have to go through H/G hell first, but it will be worth it, I promise). Anyway, we can see little glimpses of how Draco and Ginny are opening up to each other. It's cute. WE ALL LOVE ARTHUR WEASLEY, DON'T WE, he's such a good dad! It's amazing to write about him! Thank you again, my dear. It's a pleasure seeing you around here.
Name: Nickii reviewed A Longer Visit to Aunt Muriel on Aug 03, 2020 11:19 am
This is a lovely story so far! I think it is great that you are taking your time to set things up. I would love to see some more of Draco though!

Author's Response: Thank you for your kind words! It made my day! It's a relief to hear that taking my time is not a big issue. Sometimes, people prefer more objective things, haha Unfortunately for me, I usually write a lot (speaking of quantity), so things take longer to unfold. I'm finishing the next chapter, in which Draco is going to appear. However, as I'm rewriting the final scenes of the book from Ginny's perspective, he still won't have as much action as we would like. But don't be afraid! In a few chapters we're going to have SO MUCH Draco that we're going to be sick of him. (it's a lie, we're never sick of Draco Malfoy)
Name: NTA123 reviewed A Longer Visit to Aunt Muriel on Aug 02, 2020 07:07 am
I had written a long and nice review bit it was not submitted. I don't know why but I keep getting logged out from this cite.
Anyway, I really liked the chapter. Ginny learning potion can be very useful in the story, I think.
Since the trio, Nev and Luna are at the cottage, then Draco must have pretended to not know them? Good! It is a browny point for him :)

Author's Response: Oh, It's a pity your comment was not published! However, just the fact that you had the intention - and still went back to reviewing the chapter again - already meant the world to me. Thank you so so much! Ahh, Ginny learning about potion is THE CORE of the plotline of this story, you're not wrong here. In fact, I think that will be crucial in bringing Draco and her closer together. If my memory doesn't fool me - and it does that a lot sometimes - Draco hesitates to recognize Harry (and this gives Harry the opportunity to escape from Malfoy Manor along with Ron, Luna, Hermione and Griphook). Malfoy is a good boy, in the end, haha Next chapter will be here soon, hope you continue enjoying the story.
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