Reviews For Holidating
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Boxing Day 2005 on May 28, 2021 05:58 pm
Glutton for punishment indeed!

Author's Response: I think it's safe to say Draco is a glutton in general. ;D
Name: SniperTeamTango reviewed Boxing Day 2005 on May 13, 2021 05:53 pm
Oh this is delicious IDOD. I look forward to making a solid meal out of this. The characterization you have going here is very refreshing.

Author's Response: Whoa, STT!! Long time no see! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story so far and hope you enjoy the rest. Thank you for reading! n_n
Name: NTA123 reviewed Boxing Day 2005 on Feb 06, 2021 06:42 am
Chapter 1 Christmas day and 2 Boxing, chapter 3 can be New years eve? :D lol.

The humour of this chapter is refreshing. The way Draco and Ginny decide to become "holidates" is awesome. No unnecessary drama, no yelling or fights. Two adults helping each other.
But then again it is Draco and Ginny! This is just the 2nd chapter and their families are yet to know about them. That will be so much fun! ;D
Update soon!

Author's Response: Yes, chapter 3 will be New Year's Eve, and it will be posted very soon!! Thank you so much for reading! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story! n_n
Name: EclecticJello reviewed Boxing Day 2005 on Feb 01, 2021 06:13 pm
Biggest reactions:
1. Oh, thank goodness, someone else who knows what the Sacred Twenty-Eight are? Bizarrely, came up 3 times in conversation this past week and every time, people looked at me as if I had sprouted a second head.
2. Kinda cackled at the idea of Pansy dating Justin Finch-Fletchley and then being out snobbed by him.

Author's Response: The Sacred Twenty-Eight might be a bit obscure, depending on how much people paid attention to Pottermore. I thought the Justin/Pansy dynamic was funny, so I'm glad you thought so, too! I can just picture Pansy's parents being horrified listening to him talk about Muggle things, but also just kind of liking him because he's so snobby and must be important in the Muggle world?? Justin miiiiight make an appearance in a chapter later. ;)))
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