Reviews For Holidating
Name: Anise reviewed Remembrance Day 2006 on Jun 17, 2021 05:51 pm
I was finally able to listen to this chapter, and it's great! Ginny's unsureness and self-doubt come through so clearly in this chapter, but also her readiness to start again, to find someone who really cares for her (okay, she's not really aware that she's ready for this yet... ;) But Draco's reaction is understandable too. BTW, I'm completely picturing Harry proposing to Cho during the yearly Memorial Day event at Wilhelm Memorial Mausoleum. He's down in the spookiest part of the basement. There are so many hallways and corridors and nooks there that it would be really easy to overhear someone.... and the romance involved! (Or not.)

Author's Response: Yay! Yes, both Draco and Ginny are so oblivious to their own feelings. They're like, "I know I have these feelings, but also I'd rather not think about them!" And as soon as they admit it to themselves and accept it, they'll be one step closer to true happiness!! Get your acts together, guys!! Haha, the Harry/Cho proposal is kind of morbid, but it works for them! Thank you for reading (or listening, rather)!
Name: sweet gurl reviewed Remembrance Day 2006 on May 29, 2021 03:15 pm
This is such a fun story!

Author's Response: I’m so glad you think so! Thank you for reading! n_n
Name: Silvryn reviewed Remembrance Day 2006 on May 28, 2021 11:35 pm
Ahhh what an emotional chapter!

Author's Response: Yes, it sure was! Quite a rollercoaster. Thank you for reading!
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Remembrance Day 2006 on May 28, 2021 07:36 pm
Awww! They came so close!

Author's Response: Sooo close, and then it all exploded in their faces! Thank you so much for reading, Goldie! And for taking the time to comment on each chapter. I'm so glad you're enjoying the story. n_n
Name: quirky_vixen reviewed Remembrance Day 2006 on May 28, 2021 01:12 pm
Your writing always blows my mind, how you are able to capture all the delicate emotions. This was definitely my favourite chapter and it made me breathless to read it. I for one do enjoy slow-burn and love how their love is slowly blossoming and how they express their unspoken and unacknowledged feelings. This was perfect and what a turning point in the story indeed because I didn't see that coming. I was expecting it to go in a different direction after that sexually charged dancing and snog :P
I am really excited for the next chapter.

Author's Response: This is such a nice thing to say. Thank you so much! ;o; I’m glad you’re enjoying the slow burn because it will continue. XD Thank you for reading and commenting!
Name: SniperTeamTango reviewed Remembrance Day 2006 on May 27, 2021 07:20 pm
Before "I need some air" your dialogue was killing me XD
after, your dialogue was killing me :'(

Its a mark of talent to be able to capture emotion and describe it so well, that it resonates with your reader. Off the record as a recent divorcee, it hurts my brain a little bit to acknowledge how well put the thought process about being reassured is. just, mind boggling.

I thank you for this one, twas quite an experience.

Author's Response: Thanks so much, STT! ;o; It's good to hear that Ginny's plight resonates with you (though of course I wish it wasn't so relevant!). I feel like Ginny's fears are relatable whether someone has been in long-term relationship that ended before or never been in one, and I just drew from those feelings of uncertainty. So many people are asking Ginny to do something, to get back together with Harry, to be nice to him, to move on, to look for someone else--but, no! Not THAT person! Maybe she did too good of a job hiding how much pain she was in, or maybe they saw it and they're tired of her moping. Either way, she's in need of some care that she's not receiving and I think we can all relate to needing support and reassurance when big things happen to us. As a side note, I actually added that line about her reassuring her parents but wanting reassurance in return during my very last round of edits, so it was a last minute addition. Haha. Glad that came to me when it did.
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