Reviews For 1000 Miles
Name: Chucky reviewed Undercover on Jan 01, 2006 03:33 am
kinky...I hope you are still writing this's very good.
Name: meomy reviewed Undercover on Dec 29, 2005 11:07 am

wow .. what an amazing story ... i love it .. very creative, real, and well written.  .. plz update soon .. i cant wait to read more

Name: Corvidae reviewed Undercover on Dec 07, 2004 08:20 pm
reading this story is absolute pleasure, a delight to read, ALWAYS. I'm so glad that your updating again as well! And how could i not love you for always keeping in mind this chapter how very sexy malfoy is, lol, delightful. The only thing was that it seemed like jsut a lot of verbose dialogue between malfoy and zabini which made the whole point of their plan kind of confusing. I hope that it will be cleard up soon? thanks again for the awesome story and please continue! *-*
Name: deia reviewed Purple Haze on Nov 22, 2004 04:02 am
I can hardly wait for your next me I feel your pain when you say you're lazy...I'm like the biggest procrastinator ever but I really think you should give it an extra push and try to go on with this fic, it roxs... can't wait until "Draco dear" falls in love, I hope Gin gives him a run for his money...anyways I've said enough, so great story and keep up with the good job ; )

Author's Response: I'm certain that I'll finish it...eventually...time is definetly a factor...I'm making an unhappy face right now. Thanks for the praise, it all helps! ~Saint~
Name: Funnykido reviewed Purple Haze on Oct 19, 2004 11:18 am
Hey! This story is REALLY! Good! I love how Ginnys always in control, and Draco's just shocked continually! I love it!! Its hilarious! Cant wait until you update!

Author's Response: I love a shocked Draco, and Ginny is in control...for now...insert ominous silence! ~Saint~
Name: KLIME reviewed Purple Haze on Oct 19, 2004 09:31 am
OK! Bunny slippers (if those are pink it's even better), arse Draco (that's totally normal), sex encouraging Hermione, life sized portrait, snake clock, and Ginny in control over the uper mentioned arse.... that an excellent mix!!! Please keep it up!

Author's Response: The bunny slipper thing isn't over yet ! Thanks for the review! ~Saint~
Name: samantha reviewed Do Ya Think I'm Sexy on Sep 16, 2004 05:38 am
I demand an update! Okay, I beg? Please. I'm going back to demanding pretty soon.

Author's Response: Who am I to refuse a demand? And begging is even better, it appeals to the slytherin in us all ;) Thanks for the review! ~Saint~
Name: One of Those Girls reviewed Do Ya Think I'm Sexy on Aug 28, 2004 04:14 pm
wow, your a good writer. And this is an idea i've never seen before. Fantastic

Author's Response: When I was brain-storming for this story the things you find in it are actually the more LOGICAL things, believe it or not :) Thanks for the review! ~Saint~
Name: Mell8 reviewed Do Ya Think I'm Sexy on Aug 28, 2004 12:39 pm
This is very interesting. Please update again soon.

Author's Response: Interesting is good :) Thanks! And the updating will occur as soon as I have the right balance of homework and "free time". Too much homework and there's no free time, too much free time and I'm just slack. ~Saint~
Name: Corvidae reviewed Under Pressure on Aug 27, 2004 07:41 pm
i love it, its hi-LARIOUS! it took me far too long to get the california pun, but that only served to make me laugh harder and may i say, lovely job. *-*

Author's Response: Lol, I was sooooo close to cutting that, but as soon as it popped into my head I knew it had to stay. Glad to see it was well received. ~Saint~
Name: kaerra (too lazy to log in) reviewed Under Pressure on Aug 01, 2004 10:57 pm
There're some very funny lines in here--you've definitely got me smirking a lot, and that's rare nowadays in a world full of lousy fanfiction by "I loff Draco!!!1!" and "Ginny rulz!" type fangirls. The one quip about Draco holding the spoon in a way that would be poncy on anyone else had me cracking up. And Harry as the poster boy for abortion, ha! Very funny. And who couldn't love the way Ginny flipped Harry the bird, and how he reacted to it? Hee. Moving along now... If you're somewhat unhappy with the way your prose is turning out, I have a few suggestions for you. Mostly stuff I picked up in creative writing workshops in college, things I always try to apply to myself under threat of death. I hope it will be helpful for you. For one thing, try and vary your sentences a bit more. This issue, I think, causes the biggest problem for you in this piece. To provide a good example, if you look at the first full paragraph in the story--the one that describes Ginny in the happily sated bliss after a great shag--you would see that almost every sentence starts with the subject. By that, I mean an article like "The" (which precedes the subject) or the actual subject--"Ginny", or any personal pronoun. The effect of doing this, sadly, often leaves an almost sing-songy feel to the prose. Try starting a few sentences with verbs to mix things up a bit, and I think that feeling will completely disappear. It's something that even the best of writers do, and more published authors than I can count. Which is probably why it's one of the first things I point out whenever I'm doing a beta. I'm weird like that, heh. :P Another thing to try is not using the same adjective or catch-phrase more than once in a paragraph unless you absolutely can't avoid it, or are specifically doing it for dramatic effect. Like in the second to last paragraph, you use the exact phrase "gelled back" three times. It might spice things up a bit if you found a slightly different way of saying it. Lastly, the one thing I really took to heart from those classes was that less is often more. No matter how cool something sounds, if you basically said the same thing two sentences ago, it really doesn't need to be repeated. Admittedly, that rule never really sat well with me--for it's always so much fun to come up with different ways of saying the same thing--but damn it, it's right on the mark. That, and the one about being careful not to let too much exposition (aka backstory or character internal monologue) ruin the action in a scene... dear god, it all makes the actual writing harder to do than ever before! But it's worth it in the end. You'll see. ^_^

Author's Response: Thanks so much for the long review. I have the next four chapters already written and I'm too lazy to change them, but starting with chapter six I'll be taking your advice to heart. Thanks again! :) ~Saint~
Name: daywahyn reviewed Under Pressure on Jul 29, 2004 10:12 am
I like the beginning of this story very much! Keep it coming.

Author's Response: If I weren't so damn lazy it would still coming. Thanks for the review! ~Saint~
Name: Glass_Mermaid reviewed Under Pressure on Jul 28, 2004 04:20 pm
I really think this story is good. Lots of funny little jokes... And Ron is very in character. Keep it coming!

Author's Response: Thanks. Ron can be a hard character to write, and I've seen others try valiently and still fail, so thank you! ~Saint~
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