Reviews For On Fire
Name: Mgblood reviewed Tears on Sep 24, 2004 09:00 pm
Made me wait a long while, eh? 'twas good anyways. You need to hurry up with the next chappie! Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes*
Name: Lovely Lioness reviewed Accusations on Sep 19, 2004 07:37 am
No! No no no no no no no no no no no! Please, God NO! I'm going to sob and sob and sob and sob! Gin is so STUPID! WAAAAAA! NO! Ok, I'll try and act civilized now. I loved that chapter, i really did, but still. . . . I really don't like the whole Gin/Harry thing, at all, but thats just cause I don't like harry. I think it fits well for the story though. Poor Blaise and Draco!!!!! The Malfoy smirk thing almost had me thinking that Harry was actually Malfoy. I don't know though, Its late at night so I'm not thinking coherently. Really brilliant plot development though, can't wait for more, PLEASE update more quickely this time!!! *gets down on hands and knees and begs* Loved it - The Lovely Lioness
Name: luthien reviewed Accusations on Sep 19, 2004 06:09 am
Name: Esus reviewed Accusations on Sep 19, 2004 06:04 am
Harry is the same idiot as always... but I thought that Ginny was more intelligent than this. Why she want to take a revenge? Why she hadn't said that she didn't want to be Harry's girlfriend?
Well, at the end, I've made my own theory: Zabini is lying and using her (even if he really likes her) and Draco was sincere (but fears his same feelings).
So, now Ginny wants to come back to Griffyndors... not too bad, even if I'm just curious about how the two Slytherins could talk to her and explain theri actions... being with the trio, she is nearly untouchable!
So, this is a good chapter, even if there is no D/G... but, I simply want to understand what's on Ginny's mind... so, update soon, plz!
Name: Dracosbaby reviewed Accusations on Sep 18, 2004 09:42 pm
Harry is the kind of idiot where he'd naturally assume that Ginny wanted a relationship. Especially after he tried to kill her. I'm curious what Blaise and Draco will have to say in the next chapter. I enjoyed this chapter by the way. I was sad that Ginny felt that she had been betrayed, and I feel bad for poor Blaise. Please post the next chapter!!!!!!!!!
Name: draco li'l hottie reviewed Accusations on Sep 18, 2004 02:25 pm
omg...great chapter i can't wait till the next one, keep up with tha good work and PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
Name: beads reviewed Accusations on Sep 18, 2004 01:16 pm
That was an excellent chapter. I love the whole revenge thing, even though it might endanger the potential Draco/Ginny stuff.. But, still! Impatient as always when it comes to waiting for a new chapter from you. Can't wait!
Name: beads reviewed Summons on Sep 09, 2004 03:40 pm
Eee! Can't wait, can't wait! I'm so excited. I loved how she went through her memories, as the others said. It was very lovely. Extremely well-written, as always. Don't torture us so much as you did with this last chapter, taking so long to post it. Much love.
Name: Lovely Lioness reviewed Summons on Sep 09, 2004 01:20 pm
How could you end there????? I'm dying! In desparate need of more! Since I quite obviously can't get any D/G yet, I'll try to be satisfied with Gin's Draco analyzation, which I thought was done very well. Please update soon soon soon soon soon! Loved it as always - The Lovely Lioness
Name: pinksunryse reviewed Summons on Sep 09, 2004 12:53 pm
good job! Gosh I hate cliffys! I hate them! Great job and can't wait for the next chapter.
Name: dracos_beauty927 reviewed Summons on Sep 09, 2004 10:45 am
I thought this chapter was great! Please update soon! I want to know what happens when Harry explains! Oh, and when is the D/G going to start?
Name: smprsgrrl reviewed Summons on Sep 08, 2004 11:20 pm
I'm a little bit concerned by Harry's actions - first the nightmares, then barrelling across the room to try and strangle Ginny? Not normal. I adored the way Ginny sat there, going through all of her memories of Draco & Blaise, trying to determine what happened when. However, she should really stop fighting the Draco thing now. Soulmates, those two are. I don't want the war to kill Blaise - because then Draco will think she's only come to him because Blaise died. Or he might feel it's his responsibility to take care of her... which is definitely not what I want. They love each other and should be together because of that. Great job.
Name: Esus reviewed Summons on Sep 08, 2004 10:44 pm
Hi! This is my first review to your fic... I've read it all now and I think it's very beautiful. I mean, yourt idea of a friendship between Ginny, Draco e Blaise is very original and well explained. When Ginny kissed Blaise at the three broomstick, i was nearly to kill her: WHY she was so fool? Jealousy... the worst motivation in the world. As if it wasn't clear that he was fell in love with her -.-. But, than, the strange Draco's attitude makes me thought, and now I'm plein of doubts... why Blaise said that he would make things that Ginny won't like? And Blaise knows that even Draco loves his girlfriend? I think so. But, probably, he hadn't notice that also Ginny loves his friend. And what would happen now? Why Harry bleeded from his scar? Well, the plot is very intricated and I love it: this story isn't only a D/G, there's something else, and it's a very good work. About your style, nothing much to say: good descriptions, the characters are quite IC and dialogues are realistics. So, write soon next chapter!
Name: Beads reviewed One Happy Thought on Sep 05, 2004 07:21 pm
Please, PLEASE! I beg of you! Post the next chapter soon! I'm suffering from withdrawels! Can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter!

Author's Response: Hang in there! I was suffering from a bout of writer's block earlier this week, but I'm now on page 4 of chapter 12. It'll be done and posted in a couple of days.
Name: dracos_beauty927 reviewed One Happy Thought on Sep 01, 2004 03:56 am
Wow! I love this fic! It's so creative, and VERY well written. I really like the G/B, but I can't read it for long, because I'm a D/G shipper all the way. Please update soon... and get a little D/G action in there! :D
Name: smprsgrrl reviewed One Happy Thought on Aug 31, 2004 02:36 pm
I read most of the story today - and I have to say that I'm intrigued. Blaise is probably my favorite male character, because he tends to be seen as a true rival for Ginny's affections. You're writing the triangle spectacularly - although I'm pulling all the way for Draco. (This is a D/G site, after all.) I'm curious to see where this is going - so write faster! This chapter was excellent.

Author's Response: yay! I've converted another one! On a more serious note, thank you so much for the compliment(s). I've always wondered if this story seemed believable.
Name: draco li'l hottie reviewed One Happy Thought on Aug 30, 2004 03:32 pm
woah...ggreat chapter, perfect bit with the death eater and everything but can we PLEASE have ginny and draco together soon...please???

Author's Response: eep. You're going to hate me. The D/G is going to be a LONG ways away, where LONG = many chapters. I'm sorry! Don't shoot me!
Name: Dracosbaby reviewed One Happy Thought on Aug 30, 2004 11:50 am
What is going on with Blaise?'ve definitely piqued my curiousity. I can't wait for Draco and Ginny to get together! Please post the next chappie soon!!!!!!
Name: Lovely Lioness reviewed One Happy Thought on Aug 30, 2004 11:20 am
I missed Hermione's line, and when I went back I couldn't find it. And at this point I really wish you had given up on Blaise. Isn't that cruel? I just love Draco too much. I'm at a loss as to where you're going now, and so have resigned myself to waiting for the next chapter. PLEASE update soon. I mean it! And I'm stooping low enough to get on two knees and beg for some D/G, though I'm still resigned to 'the harder the journey the sweeter the end' thing. This is definitely one of my fav D/G stories. Possibly in the top five. or four. Okay, maybe three. Fine, fine, you got me. Tied for first with Never Forggotten. LOVE IT! -The Lovely Lioness

Author's Response: Well, I can't say anything about Blaise because that would ruin the story. Hermione's line is "That's strange. It's moving fast, and against the wind." Oy, I don't know what to say about the D/G stuff. It's still simmering in the background, but I don't know if you'll see anything straightforwardly D/G for a while. *Ducks thrown objects* I'm sorry! That's just the way the story is! And I'm REALLY flattered that this stupid little story is one of your absolute favorites. Wow. Thanks so much for the support!
Name: Dracosbaby reviewed Quidditch Widow on Aug 27, 2004 05:33 pm
I loved the D/G!!! I want more!!! Stupid Blaise! She needs to get rid of him and get with Draco!!! Please post soon!!!

Author's Response: Oh man, this is just TOO funny. I should've known that you guys would turn against Blaise. *sighs and throws hands exasperatedly in air* What am I going to do with you people?
Name: draco li'l hottie reviewed Quidditch Widow on Aug 27, 2004 04:16 pm
please update soon...this chapter was soooooooooooooo good -P

Author's Response: It's coming soon, I promise. Five days or less.
Name: Lovely Lioness reviewed Quidditch Widow on Aug 27, 2004 04:14 pm
Stupid Blaise. Can't he just be happy with what he's got? No where near enough D/G action, but hopefully you'll compensate later. Loved this chappy, as always!
Name: Beads reviewed Quidditch Widow on Aug 27, 2004 04:08 pm
W00t! Let the fun begin! >]!! Ah, I kind of like this side of Blaise.. Especially since it could mean a breakup..... Sorreh, I love Draco more than Blaise. Draco=Heartbreaker
Name: Beads reviewed Warnings on Aug 23, 2004 09:48 am
Well, good to hear that Blaise -will- end up with someone.... As long as it's not Pansy. Blech. Write fast!

Author's Response: ok, all I can say is that I hate Pansy with a passion. There ain't no way in HELL that someone as great as Blaise will end up with that pug-faced bitch. Ugh.
Name: Dracosbaby reviewed Warnings on Aug 22, 2004 08:27 pm
All I can say is wow! That was just amazing. I love this story. I can't wait to see what happens with the Ginny, Blaise, and Draco triangle. Thanks for posting, but please post soon!!! :)

Author's Response: I'm writing, I'm writing!
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