Knowledgebase and FAQ
The Fire and Ice Archive > FIA Support > Knowledgebase and FAQ

Why can't I add favorites anymore?

Solution You can. There's an extra step from before. The option to add a reason why something is your favorite is now available. After you click "add to favorites" or select it from a dropdown, you will be directed to a page that shows the story info with a box underneath titled "Comments". If you have something to say about the fic or author, then you can type in the box; leave it blank if you have nothing to say. Then, hit "submit" underneath. You should then be directed to a page that says, "This action was successful."
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Article details
Article ID: 14
Category: Profile
Date added: 2010-01-07 02:59:07
Views: 273
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.2/5.0 (5)

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