Chapter 2 - Room of Requirement

A/N: This is Ginny's 5th year and Draco's 6th, following after book 5. Al though, Ginny did not entered the DA.


“Detention, for a week! That stupid git!” Ginny yelled at no one particular. She was sitting on her bed, thinking about the detention Malfoy gave her. I'm not going! Unless he comes here himself and drags me to the dungeons. Yeah, like that'll happen. Having a bad day is really pissing her off. She let herself fall back on her pillow. The sound of giggling girls were coming this way. Her not-friends. Except for one, Holly.

“So, I told him to just sod off and kill himself. There are other girls in the world,” a girlie voice stated. Ginny scrunched her nose in disgust. The group rounded a corner and saw the little redhead lying on her bed. They totally ignored her. But one of the girls walked up to her.

“Hi Gin. What's up?” the girl said with a sweet voice.

Ginny looked at her friend, Holly. She was a little smaller than herself, had light brownish long hair and big brown eyes. “Nothing really,” Ginny answered with a smile.

She looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Almost 7 o' clock. Her eyes left the clock and she sighed. Like hell am I going to that stupid detention. I don't even know what happened! Ginny scowled at her dorm mates, but replaced her scowl with a smile. I wish I could see the look on his face when I won't show up. Ginny snickered and left the giggling girls for the common room.

It was very quiet. Only a few Gryffindor's were studying. That included Colin; sitting near the fireplace, making his homework. Ginny sat beside him. “Care to tell me what's going on?” she asked, remembering the event from this morning. Colin looked up, blinked and started talking.

“Well, I have to write down for Charms why the hex is called the Bad Bogey Hex. After that I have to explain what exactly happens-” Ginny quickly covered Colin's mouth with her hand. She shook her head and removed her hand.

“I didn't mean talking about homework. How bored can you be? I was talking about what happened earlier this morning,” she started, smiling innocently. She twirled with her bright red hair, he would surely fall for her innocent act. Colin blushed again and focused his attention on his homework.

Ginny pouted and leaned closer, looking at him with big eyes. “Please?” she pleaded. Colin ignored her and scribbled something down on his parchment.
Ginny poked in his side, making him yelp and glare at her. “Come on Colin, you know I'll find it out somehow! So you can tell me now as well,” Ginny pushed, hoping that Colin would tell her what's bugging him. Maybe he has a crush?

He sighed and looked at her with tired eyes. “It's not easy for me to tell you this Gin. You'll probably laugh at me.”

“Oh come on Colin, you know I won't do that,” Ginny whined. Colin looked at her grinning with a mischievous glimpse in his eyes. “Can you keep a secret?”

“Yes!” Ginny cried out, finally happy that she made him crack.

“So can I,” and her smile faded. “Arse,” she said in a teasing tone and playfully hitting him on his arm. “Fine, I'll leave you alone, just for now!” said Ginny and smiled at him. He will tell me his secret this very week, I'm sure of it.

“Hhm. What time is it?” she asked suddenly, placing her finger on her bottom lip. “Ehh. I think it's about 7,” Colin replied. Ginny rolled her eyes at the thought of detention. But then she smiled, knowing Malfoy would be there, alone, all alone.

Rolling her eyes, she stood up and left the common room. Something made her go to the kitchens, maybe because she had skipped lunch after all. She smiled meekly to herself and finally saw the portrait in front of her. This was all a little familiar for her. She frowned, raising her finger to tickle the pair when a voice made her stop. “Well, well. I should have known that you would come back to the kitchens again.”

Ginny whirled around and saw Malfoy leaning against a wall. And for the first time, he didn't had his hair slicked back. They were wet and fell into his silver eyes. Maybe he just got out of the shower, or did the Gryffindors play a prank on him. The last statement made Ginny suppress a giggle.
“Now, off to the dungeons, Weasley,” Malfoy said in a lazy voice, pushing himself from the wall and walked away. Ginny looked at the painting and at Malfoy who was walking away. Argh, darn it. Rolling her eyes, she trailed behind Malfoy all the way down to the dungeons.

Malfoy was taking long strides and Ginny had to jog a little to keep up with him. Her pride did not allowed herself to say that he was walking to fast. If she wasn't busy glaring a whole through his head, then maybe would she have noticed that her necklace was glowing.


“Malfoy, you're not really helping here! Just for Merlin's sake, pull up your feet!” Ginny argued with Malfoy. She was cleaning Snape's dungeon with Malfoy lazily behind the desk. Ginny was really mad at him, it was like 11 o' clock and she was tired and very, very hungry. She held her broom tightly in her hands, wishing it was Malfoy. He didn't even budged.

“Fine, than I'll just have to clean you up too!” she shouted at him, getting ticked off. She swept hard on his shoes, making him yelp and quickly stand up. He glared at her with his silver eyes, but kept his calm.

“Do I look like dirt to you? Go clean somewhere else you ruddy weasel!” he snapped at her. Ginny's face was as red as a tomato, she narrowed her eyes and saw Malfoy sitting again, she smiled and let hold of the broom go. Bulls-eye, or better, His-eye.

The end of the broomstick hit him right in his eye. He jerked back and clamped his hands over his right eye. “Bloody hell!” he yelled in pain and threw the broom back at her. Ginny dodged and looked at Malfoy, groaning in pain. Serves him right. She smiled broadly, satisfied that he was in pain and proud that she had done that to him. Ginny turned around and started cleaning again.

“Now I have to poke my eye out, I've got Weasley cooties all over me!” he drawled from behind her back. Ginny glared daggers at him but continued her cleaning. Good, poke your eye out, then I only have to look at one of those.

After a while in silence, she could hear Malfoy was getting bored. He was sighing randomly and tapping his fingers against the desk.
“Are you done yet? I've got other places to go to,” he said in a bored voice. Ginny answered him with a growl. Like I wanted to come here in the first place! He's making me lose my appetite. Finally she was done. The dungeon was clean, and she just wanted to eat or sleep, or maybe both at the same time. Ginny pictured herself sleeping while eating some potatoes. She giggled, putting back the broom in the broom closet.

“Well, it seems I'm done here so I'll be off. See you never again Malfoy,” and with that, she left. Malfoy watched her go, and noticed something glowing around her neck. But he didn't care, what he did care about was that the littlest weasel hit his eye with a broom. The nerve. He growled and left the dungeons. Tomorrow he will let her suffer.

“Hungry, git of a Malfoy, Filch, sleepy, hungry, homework,” Ginny was mumbling something no one would ever understand, wondering around a corridor. She had no idea where she was headed. Hell, she was lost. Her mumbling stopped as she slowed down. Her eyes scanned the place around. It wasn't really helpful that all the corridors in Hogwarts were exactly the same. She scoffed and got back on to her mumbling.

She stopped when she came to a dead end. There are dead ends in Hogwarts? She wondered to herself, turning back. The corridor wasn't familiar to her and Ginny slowly started panicking.

She has never been here at this part of the castle. She started pacing up and down. Where the hell was she? If only someone drew a map of Hogwarts. And suddenly, a door appeared in the wall. Ginny stopped pacing and looked dumbfounded at the door at the door. She knew a lot of strange things happens at Hogwarts, but doors appearing out of nowhere? The door was like any other door. Should she open it? Ginny's hand reached the doorknob and opened the door.

It was just a normal room. Not a classroom, just a room. There was a large bed at the back, a table near the door, with food. Ginny forgot she was lost as her eyes rested on the food.
“Food,” she said dreamy. “But from who?” she stepped in the room and looked around. It was decorated in her house colors, red and yellow. There was a big map on the wall and, what Ginny didn't noticed, homework on the table too.

“Hello? Is anyone here?” no answer. That was good enough for Ginny, her morals vanished into thin air as she seated at the table. Ginny started to eat the food. After a while she was full. I need a napkin. And suddenly, out of nowhere, a napkin appeared in front of her. Ginny looked at it in shock. Did that just happen? She took it and cleaned her face and hands.

Ginny sighed and looked around. What time is it? Again suddenly, there was a clock hanging on the wall. Ginny's eyes widened. This can't be right, thing appearing out of no where. She pondered on the thought for a minute; before thinking about a quill. A long quill appeared on the table.

“A room that gives what I think? That's weird and unexplainable,” she said softly. Looking at the time, she quickly left the room. She'll come back to it tomorrow, first she has to sleep.

As she walked trough the corridor she heard a noise. It was soft, but nearby. She narrowed her eyes, trying to look in the dark. Then she heard something walking. Little footsteps. There, around the corner two green eyes lighted up in the dark.


Oh, crap. Ginny thought, taking a step back but she stumbled and fell. The weird thing was that she kept on falling. Hitting a few steps she finally reached the ground with a thud. “Ouch,” she said in a muffled voice. Stupid Hogwarts with those stupid moving stairs. At the end of the stairs the two green eyes appeared again.


Ginny quickly stood up and started running. Anywhere was good enough, just not where that stupid cat was. Stupid Miss Norris. Or was it Mister Norris? Ah well, it's a sneaky little creature! Her heart pounded in her chest. What if she got caught? Who knows how many housepoints she loses, or worse, more detentions with Malfoy. She kept on running, ran up stairs, turned left or right, when she finally stopped. She breathed heavily. She leaned against a wall and let herself fall on the ground. It was dark and cold. Maybe she was back again at the dungeons. She stood up and looked around. She saw a door that made her remember she was back at Snape's dungeon. She groaned and kicked the door. It made a lot of sound as it was empty at the dungeons.

Ginny looked around her nervously and then left, running as if a dog from hell was chasing her.
To Be Continued.
BabyPan is the author of 2 other stories.
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