What would you have me do?
What would you have me say?
If you could have lived for one more day?
Would you push me against the wall?
Taking care not to have me fall?
Would you tell me that you love me?
That I was more beautiful than the stars above me?
Or would I be ignored?

You have a little boy now
And he has a little mouse
But you’ll never get to sit with them and see our small little house

I wonder what you would say
I wonder what you would do
If you could see your little boy asking for you

I explained that you weren’t coming back
As Voldemort saw fit to that
But I wonder
Is it too much to ask?

Ginny sat silently at the dining table, shakily addressing a folded envelope to heaven.

She wonders why she bothers. He’s gone now. Her little boy is all that’s left.
But she does, and she always will.

Toby Malfoy always worried about his mother. The returned envelopes he found in the mailbox, addressed to heaven always give him a sinking feeling.

The postman who collected Ginny’s letters is a sprightly young man. And he never could help himself, but wonder as to what caused the envelopes.
If he had been a wizard, he would have known.

Draco Malfoy died in the final battle. He was killed by his own father, seconds before, he, in turn, died.

People often say, when they pass the old widow's house, that her husband took a piece of her with him to the grave.

If Ginny had heard them, she would have sighed and said, “He took a lot more than a piece.”
To Be Continued.
Dex is the author of 2 other stories.
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