Draco’s part in HBP

Is it just me? Or is anyone else a little bit upset that Draco's part in this book was really overlooked? And it was also very mysterious- though, a bit clear. All we really have, is that Voldemort wanted him to kill Dumbledore, but he didn’t want to do it. In all the books, actually, we’ve not seen a lot of Draco, but JK often said that Draco’s role would get bigger as the series continues, and in Half-Blood-Prince, we see proof of that. Draco obviously is not a minor character, greater than, I think, Neville Longbottom and such. After all, Draco’s name is on the school crest, and I remember, years ago, when I got the first book, I found it funny that such a minor, and ‘bad’ character as Malfoy was featured on the crest. With JK’s style of writing, which usually has a lot of things foreshadowing each other, I don’t think that Draco’s name on the crest is a coincidence. ‘Draco’, is also the very first word on the crest. I think that Draco has just as big a part in the series as Ron or Hermione, or even Ginny, because as the books go along, if you can look clearly, you can see how Draco grows and has a lot to deal with too.

Like, in their third year, when the Dementors arrived on the train, Fred and George later informed Harry that Draco ‘had run into their compartment, nearly wetting himself.’ JK carefully hid the fact that some memory from Draco’s past was really horribly enough to reduce him to such a state, by having the gang of Gryffindors laugh at him and move on to other topics. As usual, that set of persons discount everything that doesn’t deal with Harry. Most people walked off the train with no big deal, but Harry remembered horrible stuff, and the others were all over him with worry. Ginny remembered bad things too, and Ron said she was shaking like crazy, but he didn’t bother to find out what his own sister could have been through to have such a reaction- he didn’t even bother to remember Tom, when it was only just two months ago that the Dark Lord resided in her mind. And of course, they didn’t bother to link Draco’s reaction with a horrible memory either.

Maybe, after that memory, Draco began to stray from his father. After all, as a young boy, he would obviously idolise his father- any boy would. But in CoS, we see Lucius treating Draco worse than the guy who ran Borgin and Burks. Lucius obvious didn’t treat his son all that good, but as we later see in HBP, he kept Draco sheltered from his life as a Death Eater. Maybe, Draco didn’t really know (he may have had an idea) what his father was, but it was obvious that his mother gave her son attention as he is so protective of her – in HBP, he would kill to save her and his father. The only times we see Draco spring into action really fast and blow up, is when someone insults his mother. A mother’s love is a very precious thing, and we see in HBP, the similarities of Harry’s mother and Draco’s, and what they would sacrifice for their sons.

Lily actually gave her life trying (and succeeding for a time) to protect and safeguard Harry’s life. Narcissa did not give her own to protect and safeguard Draco’s but she was willing to do it, as we see in ‘Spinner’s End’. Narcissa was hurrying to get to Snape’s, despite ardent protests from her sister, who was trying to stop her. They spoke about a plan that no one is to know, not even Snape, and that they were all forbidden about speaking of it. She defied Voldemort’s orders, and would have died if Snape himself had not know about the plan. The plan, of course (as was very easy to figure out as soon as the words ‘the plan’ and ‘my son…my only son’ was mentioned) was to have Draco kill Dumbledore, or die trying. Narcissa knows that her sixteen years old boy is not a killer, and that he would die, so she goes to Snape, and risks her own death for treachery to the Dark Lord, to make Snape lay his life on protecting Draco. Narcissia even goes on her knees and begs. The extent of her love for her son and her willingness to believe the good in him and to lay down her own life for him, can be summarised in one sentence. Early on in the chapter, Narcissa threatens Bellatrix and says “There is nothing I wouldn’t do anymore!” Through her vow with Snape, she safeguarded Draco’s life, and instantly, we know that Draco would not kill Dumbledore, and that Snape would do his best instead. I was really no surprise that Dumbledore died… but sad all the same.

Through the series, since he began to move away from his father in his third year, Draco has been sending heavily veiled clues to the trio, who are all too thick and stubborn to understand. That is proof that there was hope for him. As an example, the Quidditch World Cup in GoF, shows Draco hiding in the forest as the trio came in. Now if he really was evil and hopeless, he’d be in the thick of the debacle, but he was hiding, out of sight. Then, practically everything he said to the trio was a very badly veiled warning for Harry and Ron to get Hermione out of there, as the Death Eaters would show no mercy if they got their hands on her, but the stupid three thought he was baiting them. As JK refines Draco’s character, he gives what is expected of him, and as the trio baits him, and are too thick to heed or decipher his warnings, he gives them what they deserve – cold sneers and smirks.

Also, in OOTP, Draco sends an indirect warning to Harry when he mentions the word ‘dogging’ when he taunts them on the train. He tells them about his father spotting Sirius, and Hermione catches it, but thinks it’s a coincidence. This shows that Hermione is not perfect, and Harry is once again, stubborn and thick. Basically everything Draco says to the trio in OOTP has a hidden meaning to it. He is deliberately, yet secretly giving away information that may help Harry, Ron and Hermione, yet they ignore him, and are too silly to figure that Draco was actually helping them. It’s too long to write in here, but go soo in the book, how Draco tips them off. He in unknowingly plays a junior double-agent, and, maybe Dumbedore catches on as he is supposed to know everything that goes on in his school. This brings us into HBP. The evidence that Dumbledore approves of Draco shows at the near end of HBP, when Draco comes to kill him. Dumbledore tells Draco that he is not a killer, and that he was an innocent.

Draco had asked him, if he knew everything, why didn’t Dumbledore confront him. Dumbledore said that he knew what pressure Draco was under, and that he feared for the young boy’s life because Voldemort would read his mind and know. He obviously had no idea the Draco was learning Occlumency from Bellatrix, or he would have intervened sooner, and all this could have been avoided. Dumbledore told him, that Draco’s heart wasn’t in killing him, and though Draco knew it, he protested because he had to remain strong for the sake of his own life, and his family’s. Dumbledore knew all along that Draco would not be able to kill him, and, in a previous argument that Hagrid overhears, probably told Snape to kill him himself. That conversation could go both ways, but it think it is likely that Dumbledore pleaded with Snape, not for his life, but to take it. I know that that theory is very funny, but it is imperative, I think, that JK needed Harry to grow up without Dumbledore. Besides, Harry must do his bit in Voldemort’s downfall, alone. Didn’t the prophecy say so?

Anyway, back to Draco… the few scenes we see of Draco, he doesn’t look all that well. When Harry sees him up close for the first time that year, he describes Draco as ‘looking a little ill’, and having ‘dark shadows under his eyes and a distinctly greyish tinge to his skin.’ Now, shouldn’t Harry have figured out that something was wrong at that moment, if not anywhere else, and he did, but after spying on Draco’s argument with Snape, all he suspects, is that Draco is up to something, and Snape knows about it. Now, any first year could have figured that out, and it’s kind of thick headed of Harry to fish only that bit from the argument. Coupled with the way Draco was looking, Harry should have known that Draco was being forced into something… but no, he takes everything at face value. What kind of hero is he, if he keeps missing these stuff.

In the argument itself that evening, we note that Draco has been avoiding Snape, whom he usually likes. We also note that Draco knows about the unbreakable vow his mother placed Snape under. Draco doesn’t want to tell Snape anything, saying that the professor would steal his glory. Everything in here shows that Draco is confused. He has a plan that must work, or he and his family will die; he doesn’t want to do it, and the few previous attempts to accomplish his task was sloppy and foolish- as he very well knows; he knows that Snape has to protect him, yet he also knows that Snape is jumping between Dumbledore’s side and Voldemort’s side. Draco cannot trust his housemates, and he is not sure about his favourite professor either. He is quite alone in all this.

Draco's grown up... he hardly picks fights with the trio anymore. I also think he was very astute to detect Harry in his compartment. We've seen more of Draco than we really ever have, and I don't think he's all that evil. He didn't want to kill Dumbledore, did he, and he was only working so hard to formulate a plan for killing him to protect his whole family. I think he cares about them... obviously. I mean, if someone with a lot of power told Harry to kill Snape, or else he'd (the evil wizard) would kill him, Harry, Ron and Hermione, plus the Weasleys etc, wouldn't Harry do it. He’d not be able to tell anyone, so… He’d kill Snape. That's the position Draco's in.

Also, in the compartment of the train when Draco broke Harry’s nose, I think Harry should have expected it. If Draco hadn’t caught him in the compartment, he would have cornered him somewhere else, to exact revenge for putting Lucius in jail. It’s almost second nature to a human anyway. Harry shouldn’t have taken it so personally, and go running to everyone about what a bad person Draco is. It just shows how thick he is.

Another example of how stupid Harry and his friends are, was when they were lurking in the boys toilet, and Moaning Myrtle told them accidentally about a boy who comes there to cry and is not afraid to show his feelings and cry, that he’s bullied, he’s lonely and hasn’t got anyone to talk to. Naturally, Harry and Ron were shocked, but they didn’t know who that boy was. We know instantly that it’s Draco, but they don’t. When Harry catches Draco crying in that same bathroom weeks later, mumbling and crying about someone going to kill him, he doesn’t catch on. They have a duel when Draco spots Harry, but afterwards, Harry only feels some guilt. He didn’t show any mind power after the incident when he had time to think about it, and totally forgot what Draco had said. If he had pondered over the incident, he would have realised that ‘whatever Draco was up to’, he was being forced into it, that he didn’t want to do it. I mean, if Harry had caught Neville or somebody else in that position, he would not have forgotten it.

Throughout HBP, JK drew out Harry’s existence, but really, Draco had a lot more to deal with. Through the book, he displayed a determination to complete his task. Not because he liked Dumbledore or anything, but he wanted –needed- to protect his own family. He showed, for once, a certain nobility to save his family, and maybe, his friends. Voldemort wouldn’t really let his parents, or maybe his friends and his relatives alone if Draco failed. They’d all be punished in some way, and Draco’s parents killed. Just like Voldemort is punishing and threatening Draco for his father’s failure with the prophecy.

And really, Draco’s sixteen, he barely knows what he’s doing. When Snape offered to help him, Draco didn’t know if to give in or not as he didn’t really know which side he was on. And when Dumbledore tried to redeem him, Draco didn’t know if to trust him… he wanted to, but could he? Besides, Dumbledore was weak; he couldn’t protect himself, much less Draco. You could see, but his hesitation, and his lowering wand, that Draco wanted out, but Snape came and finished the job off.

Draco had had plenty of time to kill Dumbledore in the tower, but he didn’t he just stood and stared at him. Dumbledore tells him that he is not a killer, and that he knew for quite a while what Draco was up to. Draco replies that he did terrible things that Dumbledore did not know about, referring to his foolish attempts with the necklace and poison. Dumbledore knew however, and told him that he knew all along that Draco’s heart wasn’t in it. He tells Draco that killing isn’t as the innocent believe, implying that he knows that Draco has been sheltered for most of his life.

Then we see what a great mistake Dumbledore made in trusting Snape. He doesn’t know about the vow Narcissa and Snape took, and thinks that Snape kept watch on Draco because of his orders. Draco tries to tell Dumbledore that Snape wasn’t to be trusted, but the old man wouldn’t believe him. After some conversation, Draco tells Dumbledore that he doesn’t have any options. That he must kill, ore else Voldemort would kill him. Every single thing in that conversation shows that Draco is not evil or bad.

I often wonder, with great unease, what would have happened if the Death Eaters came in later than they did. I believe, that through his conversation with Dumbledore, and his lowered wand, that Draco was fully crossing over in those few moments. But Snape had to come and disrupted it.

Now, with Snape’s betrayal, if Draco went over to the Order, they wouldn’t believe him. They’d be afraid to trust another person so close to the Dark Arts, so Draco’s chances are gone. Maybe now, Draco’s with the Dark Lord, and he’s making poor Draco do things he doesn’t want to do, under threat. Or maybe, Voldemort is torturing Draco for failing. Either way, Draco has the bad end of the stick.

Now, lets move on to Draco and Ginny, my favourite pairing, and, no matter what, I believe that they should be together! In the book, on the same train ride Harry was spying on, Pansy looks at Draco when she speaks of Ginny, as if she suspects he feels something for the girl. Note that Blaise instantly and without hesitation or thought, snubs the thought of Ginny. Draco says nothing, staying silent, and Pansy takes this as a thought that he feels the same way. But does he?

And the whole Harry/Ginny thing was sort of expected, but sudden. Just out of the blue, he likes her. Wow! I gave my cousin and my brother an earful for hours, ranting on how Harry doesn’t deserve her, and it was so sudden, and WHY must the hero always get the girl? Why couldn’t she end up with Draco? But the series is not over yet, so there’s still hope.

Note, Ginny isn’t shocked or angry that Harry wants to break up with her, It’s as if she mildly cares. She basically implies that it was fun while it lasted, but she didn’t expect it to last for long. And there is also the fact that she never did have a boyfriend for long. We know that Dean and Michael were substitutes for Harry, and they didn’t last very long. Then Harry came along, and he didn’t last long either. It was like she didn’t expect it too. Obviously she didn’t find what she was looking for in a guy, in Harry. Sure she had a crush on him for years, and never really gave up. Then she got him, and it was as if she realised she didn’t really want him.

I think that Draco is the real hero here, just like Sam was the real hero in Lord of the Rings. Sure Frodo had to carry and destroy the ring, just like Harry had to destroy Voldemort, but Frodo couldn’t have gotten very far without Sam. Draco’s part is not yet over, in fact, I think it’s just beginning. There is more to Draco than anyone knows, and if Ginny has to go with a hero, it should be Draco. After all, in Lord of the Rings, Sam got the girl.

So, there’s hope yet (I pray for that) that Draco and Ginny would get together. I know I’m discounting the fact that Dumbledore’s speech about Harry and love foreshadowing his get together with Ginny. But he broke up with her, and really thee was no real love between Harry and Ginny any way. That would be WRONG!

Then there’s Pansy. Draco looks like he’s using her for sex or something. From the way she looks at him when they speak of Ginny, and how she offers her hand to be held by him, she obviously doesn’t feel like the ‘cherished’ girlfriend.

I think, that in the seventh book –which has to be very long to answer all these questions– Ginny would see the good in Draco, and believe in him. Harry lost his chance, and I hope he never gets another one with our precious Ginny. She belongs to Draco, and I think (or hope) that JK would put them together.

Anyway, to conclude, Draco and Ginny belong together. Draco was feeding the dense trio information that they discounted. Harry didn’t care much about what Draco was going through; his obsession with the boy was just to see what he was doing - Harry was convinced that Draco was evil. Draco was slowly, but surely crossing over to the good side, but Snape and the Death Eaters interrupted him. Now he’s vanished, and no one knows what came of him, until the next book.

Author’s Note: This is what I think on the HBP book, and Draco. Throughout the book, from the first page, I was so hurried to get to Draco. I wanted more of him, and I hated the way the trio forgot about him most times. And in the end, After Dumbledore dies, why didn’t Harry tell someone that Draco was being threatened and tortured by the Dark Lord? Harry only wondered about him in the last pages of the book, and that as it.

I really wanted more of Draco. He’s my favourite!

Disclaimer- I don't own any thing in HP. JK does. OH, why aren't my italics and underlined words and bold, not coming out?

End… SS Felton
The End.
SS Felton is the author of 1 other stories.
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