DISCLAIMER: None of the Harry Potter stuff is mine. All credit goes to J.K. Rowling, except for the plot of this particular fic. It’s mine, so no stealing. Oh and...Reviews are good. They’re great, in fact. So do great things. Review. Thanks!

Chapter 1: Pleasantries

Hogwarts was in a panic. It had been nearly a month since the death of their beloved Headmaster, and no one had the slightest clue on what to do. McGonagall was a good teacher, but not good enough to be a permanent replacement. At the moment she was sitting at her desk (she refused to take Dumbledore’s office as her own), massaging her temples. She had had no idea how stressful the job would be. And she didn’t mean just the school; the Order of the Phoenix was left leaderless as well. The truth was she was just getting too old. Those stunning spells had really taken it out of her the previous year, and although she’d never admit it, she was well on her way to joining Dumbledore.

Minerva’s brief moment of contemplation was interrupted four short, swift raps in a unique little rhythm…the signal for those on urgent business for the Order. The Headmistress stiffened. Not again…

“Come in,” she said tiredly.

Remus Lupin entered, looking even more haggard and tired than her. “Good afternoon, Minerva.”
Professor McGonagall’s mouth thinned. Why does he still insist on petty pleasantries? We’re at war!

“Just state your business, Remus,” she snapped.

Lupin didn’t seem to hear her, for he continued on quite amiably, “It’s awfully hectic in Diagon Alley, as usual. And as usual, I dismissed this behavior to the usual panic and fear. But imagine my surprise when I saw today’s issue of the Daily Prophet."
McGonagall’s mouth thinned even further, if that was possible. I don't care! her mind screamed. She tried to keep her temper in check. He was just concerned.

“Remus, you know the Prophet can’t be truste-"

“Yes, but even I will pay a bit of attention when the headline has a great big picture of Malfoy Manor, of all places, with the Dark Mark hovering over it.”

Minerva McGonagall looked at Lupin in incredulity. “What!”

"Look for yourself," he said, pulling out a crumpled newspaper from within his raggedy robe pockets.
Minerva took the newspaper and began reading it with growing apprehension.

Death Eaters vs. Death Eaters?

The home of Lucius Malfoy, who was proven to be a Death Eater by the Wizengamot last year, was attacked last night by his very own. When a group of highly trained Aurors rushed upon the scene near midnight, not a single body was found. The house showed signs of a struggle, but apart from several terrified house elves that refused to comment, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Except that it’s human occupants have been missing for two days now. Which leaves us to think, if the Death Eaters will not hesitate to attack their own, where does that leave us…?
(Continued on page E13)

McGonagall didn’t bother reading the rest. She had grown markedly pale. “Draco, and Narcissa…we promised them our protection! And now the Other Side has captu- "

Lupin shook his head. “No, Severus promised them our protection. It’s a good thing that Kingsley remembered, and set up one of the strongest security systems imaginable.”

McGonagall looked at Remus in confusion. “But we have no men to spare.”

Lupin smiled grimly. “No men, but there are plenty of other creatures. Kingsley,” he said, seeming to savor the name in his mouth, “sent a small group of his deceased cousin’s house elves to work at Malfoy Manor, with instructions to contact the Order if they heard or saw anything worth our suspicion.”

House elves…what a brilliant idea. Why did no one else think of that? Then she paused as another alarming thought struck her. “So Narcissa and Draco…are in the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix?”

Remus shook his head again, “No…we couldn’t risk a security leak like that. They’re currently residing in the Burrow.”

McGonagall could barely conceal her horror.
The Weasley’s are going to have quite the little fit over this…


Author Notes-
Next chapter: Look forward to some little fits, a scary vegetable, and lots of Malfoy.
If you're going to flame me, at least make it worth my while by telling me how I can improve it. And that does not include "Go f@#$ yourself and die." Though I'm sure it would amuse you.
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