Ginny ran, sweat trickling down her neck. The Forbidden Forest was thick with trees, and she darted through them at breakneck speed. She wouldn’t have been able to run this fast if she had not been running for her life.

“Stop running, Ginevra, and I might go easy on your torture!” yelled the voice of Nott a ways behind her in the woods. She was thankful for the thick forest, the only thing that was protecting her from a spell from his deadly wand. Run, Ginny! she thought to herself. Keep running, not much longer. You’ll make it. Her lungs felt like they were on fire, but she couldn’t stop. She wouldn’t stop.

“Oh, Ginny,” she heard called from behind her. Nott sounded satisfied with something. “Look who I have. It’s your friend, Luna.”

She stopped suddenly, but still didn’t turn around. Keep going! she urged herself. He’s lying, Luna’s hiding. Still she couldn’t shake her fear that he might actually have Luna. She began to run again, though not as fast as before.

“GINNY, RUN!” she heard the piercing scream of Luna yelling to her. “RUN AWAY AND DON’T LOOK BACK, GINNY!”

No! No, Nott could be magiking his voice to sound like Luna. It’s not really her. But what if it is? She couldn’t shake the thought. She stopped and hid behind a large tree, knowing she would never forgive herself if he did have Luna and she just kept running. Nott’s footsteps were getting closer and she could see Luna’s fighting form flying along behind him against her will. Oh GOD! He does have her!

He was getting closer and she knew she had to do something, had to help her friend. He was thirty-five feet away… thirty feet… twenty-eight feet… She drew her wand and stepped out from behind the tree just as he reached twenty-five feet from her. “STUPEFY!” she yelled, but he ducked at the last moment and the curse zoomed by him and hit Luna full on in the face.

Luna crumpled, and Nott thrust his wand out and yelled, “CRUCIO!” She dodged the curse, but only by diving off to the side. “Stupefy!” He yelled this time, and she just had time to pull herself behind a tree before the curse hit exactly where she had been laying.

She quickly peeked out from one side of the tree and yelled, “Impedimenta!” Nott dodged this curse, too, but with much less ease than the last time. He used a different tactic this time. He knelt down by the crumpled form of Luna and pointed his wand at her.

“Toss your wand out and come out from behind the tree now, Ginevra,” he called dangerously, “or I swear on Salazar’s name, I’ll kill her. And not with the usual killing curse, either; I have something much more painful in store for the little Mudblood.”

Ginny didn’t hesitate; she did as he asked and was standing before him with no wand. “Petrificus Totalus,” he said simply, and she was unable to move, frozen in place. “I think I’ll put on a show for you, Ginny.” His voice dripped with mockery when he said her name. “Ennervate,” he said as he pointed his wand at Luna. She was roused from her sleep and he kicked her sharply in the stomach. Ginny tried so hard, but she couldn’t move. “Crucio!” he yelled, subjecting Luna to excruciating pain. Ginny was forced to watch as he tortured Luna to death.

It was the most horrible sight that her sixteen-year-old eyes could ever imagine. One of her best friends in the world being brutally murdered by a thoroughly evil man. She wished that the spell had taken away her hearing so that she didn’t have to hear Luna’s horrible screams. Though, in reality, it only took minutes for Luna’s screams to escalate piercingly and then fade altogether, Ginny had the feeling that if she looked around, the world surrounding them would be decaying with years and years of age. When Luna was finally dead, Nott began to slowly walk toward Ginny with his wand held laxly in his hand. He was completely casual, as if he had just done nothing more exciting than sit and read a book, not murder somebody. He was just inches from her face now.

“Sorry, Ginny,” he said mockingly, “I’m afraid we’ll have to wait for later before we can play.” That was the last thing she heard before her whole world went black.

Ginny stirred; it was dark and silent. She couldn’t see anything. Am I dead? she thought. Is this what it feels like to be dead? Where’s Luna? She should be here if I’m dead. She… Ginny refused to let herself even think about Luna’s horrible death. It’s dark, why can’t I see? Noise… there’s lots of noise. And she heard it, loud, raucous talking and some laughter. Maybe I’m in heaven, everybody seems happy. Then her blindfold was removed and she saw. She saw her surroundings for the first time and realized that a large number of people were not happy, and it most certainly was not heaven. Then, she remembered the happenings before the incident in the woods.

Students running and screaming, trying to get away from the masked Death Eaters. “Where’s Harry?! Where’s Dumbledore?! Where’s Harry?!” someone screams. The prefects and older students try to protect themselves and younger children. It wasn’t going well. The front doors are thrown open and students gush out like water in a breaking dam. Most don’t even make it into the Forbidden Forest before being struck down by Death Eaters and Slytherins.

Now, there were people all around. Death Eaters and Slytherins were sitting at the four house tables. The inner circle of Death Eaters were sitting at the staff table, and in Dumbledore’s usual spot sat none other than Lord Voldemort. She saw now that she was sitting on the ground in front of the staff table with all of the other prisoners. But, it couldn’t be all of the prisoners; there were only girls. Where are the boys? she thought.

“Hello, my loyal followers,” boomed the cold voice of Voldemort. “We have taken Hogwarts!” he screamed to the cheers of his followers. “I sit here in Dumbledore’s seat.” He spat out the name like it was some vile thing. “As a reward for your efforts, I have these young ladies for you.” Ginny’s eyes got wide in horror. What’s going to happen to us?

“But first, is there any girl in here with the desire to join my side?” Voldemort asked the group. Nobody answered. “Nobody?” Not that he would have let them do it easily. “I’m giving you the chance of a lifetime, you little Mudbloods,” he yelled out. “Nobody wants to take it? All right, we’ll begin the auction.” Auction?

Walden Macnair, who had been sitting at the staff table, got up and pulled one of the girls to her feet. It was HERMIONE! She’s alive, oh, thank God she’s alive. “This is Hermione Granger,” Voldemort boomed, “friend of the famous Harry Potter. She is a gift for one of my most loyal supporters.” He paused. “Mr. Severus Snape.” Ginny gasped at seeing him at the staff table in his usual seat. He’s a TRIPLE agent, and all this time I thought he was loyal to Dumbledore. Hermione was dragged by Macnair up to Snape

There were many girls, but they seemed to come to Ginny quickly. “Why, is that Ginevra Weasley?” Voldemort asked, sounding mildly surprised. “You have grown a lot since I saw you last. You have had quite a fall from grace, haven’t you?” he asked, looking at her bruised and dirty form. “Because we have a history, Ginevra, I will give you one more chance to join my side.” She said nothing. “As you wish, you will eventually be a gift for Mr. Draco Malfoy. Let us see who I can get to take care of you for the present.” The room was noticeably quieter. “Blaise Zabini,” he said, and Macnair pulled her up. He was gripping her arm roughly and causing bruises; she didn’t so much as wince.

She didn’t struggle; just walked over to the staff table where Blaise sat, looking very pleased with himself.

A/N: Next chapter shouldn’t take too long, and it will be longer. Ginny's inner monologue seems to become less and less frequent as I write more chapters in this story, not for any particular reason, but I just thought I'd tell you; it might just be my imagination. Please review, it’s very helpful for me to know what you think!
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