Chapter 17 – Find Your Way

Draco had appeared at Blaise’s flat the next afternoon clutching a slew of papers under his arm and looking worried as he invited himself in and took a seat on the couch. He glanced at his friend and said, “Why didn’t you tell me you saw Ginny at that pub the other night?”

Blaise blinked at him and frowned. “I didn’t see her, because I wasn’t there.”

“You weren’t there?”

Something in Draco’s voice made Blaise step back to the kitchen table and grab his wand, keeping his eyes on the blond wizard. “That’s funny, because I’ve got proof that you were.”

“From who?” he asked, scowling.

Draco stood so slowly that Blaise thought he was going to turn around and curse him.

“An old friend and, incidentally, an old flame of yours, saw you talking to my girlfriend, and then you mysteriously vanished.”

“L-Luna was there?” Blaise croaked out, his eyes wide. “I didn’t even know she was back in town.”

Draco’s eyes darkened and he took a step forward, watching Blaise back into the table; he had nowhere to run now. “You talked about Ginny like she was a common whore, and you knew full well that was never true, but you went after her anyway.” His mouth curled into a sneer. “You waited until she was most vulnerable. You knew exactly how to weaken her defense, and you knew how to keep her quiet, didn’t you?”

Blaise simply smirked. “It was rather ingenious, if I do say so myself,” he said calmly. “She was too stupid to know what I was doing to her, and I would have gladly fucked her brains out had she not passed out on me.”

Draco’s eyes widened and he smiled grimly. “Since when don’t you fuck anything unconscious? I knew I should have kept her away from you. Did you want what I had so badly that you had to sink to that level?”

“The first time I saw her with you, I wanted to drive hard into her, to rip her apart,” he whispered sadistically.

One swift movement found Draco’s hand around his throat, and he was squeezing gently. Both of them were bent over the table, Blaise’s hands trying to pry Draco away.

“You will not fucking look at her again, if you make it out of this alive, do you hear me? I told you I would make the person who attacked her pay, and I don’t give a shit that you were my best friend, because I will kill you for hurting her.”

There was crunching noise and Draco stared down at his foot, and as he lifted it, the broken wand lay on the floor. “My-you bastard, that was my only wand,” Blaise choked out.

“This is to make sure you will not be able to hurt another human being as long as you live, which in your case, may not be long.” Draco’s hand tightened around his throat and he leaned over, his face looked deranged as he sent his knee flying at Blaise’s crotch. Over the hissing of pain, he said, “Would you like it if I ripped off your fucking dick? It seems like a better payback for what you did to Ginny.”

“She deserved it-” Blaise gulped for breath as Draco released him. He coughed and wheezed before glaring at Draco.

“No, she didn’t,” Draco said, his hand trembling as he reached for his wand. “She did nothing to you.”

“If I could do it all over,” Blaise said softly, “I would make sure I raped her.”

White-faced and trembling, his eyes burning, he gripped his wand and shouted, “Crucio!”

The spell hit Blaise at full force and he fell to the floor, screaming and writhing around, the whites of his eyes showing as he convulsed. There was a moment when Draco wanted to stop it, but instead he just let it go, because hearing his friend’s horrible screams didn’t make him feel bad about what he did at all.

And then with a crack, he vanished, leaving Blaise almost at deaths door in his own home. Draco Apparated to a tiny graveyard near Malfoy Manor and he walked along the rows of tombstones until he found the one he was looking for – they were all next to each other, just as he had assumed they would be.

He knelt down beside the first grave and touched the cold granite. He ran his fingers over the name etched in the stone: Narcissa Malfoy, next to her was Draco’s father and her husband, Lucius Malfoy, and then lastly, Bellatrix Lestrange. Draco’s eyes narrowed, as he heard someone walking up behind him, but as he turned, wand in hand, he stopped.

“It’s nice to see a friendly face around here,” said the girl dreamily. “Though, you don’t look too nice at the moment.”

Draco stared at her.

“You’re visiting your family, aren’t you?”

“Your information helped me a lot,” he said, ignoring Luna’s question.

“It did? I’m glad. How is Ginny doing?” she asked with genuine concern. “Have you been to see him today? I bet you have. I would if I were you.”

“Yes, fortunately, you’re not me,” Draco responded dryly. “Ginny’s resting at home with her family right now.”

Draco watched Luna gaze out at a few tombs in the back of the cemetery and she said with malice, “I hope Blaise gets what he deserves. I can’t believe I was so stupid to get involved with him at Hogwarts.”

Draco shrugged. “A-are your parents here?”

Luna shook her head. “I was on my way to see you actually.” She gazed at his platinum hair. “You’re hard to miss.”

“Me?” Draco said, looking surprised. “What for?”

“I need a favor,” Luna said quietly, pushing her blonde hair behind her ear. “Ginny told you about the Ministry banquet that’s in a few weeks, didn’t she? Oh, don’t look so worried, she used to keep things from me too at school. Anyway, I was wondering if you would take her to it, to lift her spirits, you know.

“She doesn’t want to go?” Draco asked, mildly surprised. She usually liked these kinds of functions.

“She doesn’t want to see Harry,” Luna said. “I don’t blame her. Actually, I heard he’s been a real git to her lately.”

“Royal prick is more like it,” Draco snarled. “He’s still got the biggest ego I’ve ever seen even when he’s not playing the hero these days. He thinks she’s not over him.”

“But she is,” Luna argued. “She loves you so much that-”

Draco’s eyes widened and he smiled slowly.

Luna clamped a hand over her mouth and swore.
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