Chapter 5 – In Repair

Devon looked sideways at Hermione and swallowed uncomfortably. He put his hands in his pockets, sighed and leaned against the wall. Hermione, meanwhile, was rummaging through her bag. When she pulled out a familiar looking book, he blinked.

“That’s…” he began.

“You want to go home, don’t you?” she asked.

He nodded. After today, nothing would make him happier. As he went to touch the book, he looked questioningly at her.

“I’ll tell her you said goodbye,” Hermione said quietly, handing him the Portkey. “Have a safe trip home, and remember to concentrate hard.”

Once he vanished, Hermione walked down the steps and into the pub. She stopped when she came face-to-face with Harry's worried face.

“Where is she?” he asked.

“Did Molly send you? I said I would take care of it.”

“You haven’t so far, have you?” Harry said.

“You know she doesn’t want to see either of us, not after what just happened,” his girlfriend replied.

Harry sighed and walked with Hermione outside into the sunlight. “Her disappearance doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that she’s hanging around Malfoy, does it?” he asked suspiciously.

Hermione stopped walking and stared at him. “If it does, she’s better off with him than us.”

“But you hate him!” Harry said with certainty.

Her eyes darkened slightly at his accusation. “It’s been seven years, Harry, get over it.”

When he blinked again, Hermione was gone.

Being left along in Hogsmeade didn’t bother Harry in the least. In fact, he liked having less people around, because it gave him more thinking time.He prayed he would run into Ginny, and she would explain everything, but he knew that was impossible. She was probably somewhere with Malfoy, and he most likely had his hands all over her, the bastard.

Without planning it out, Harry Apparated to the flat.


Ginny’s flat was dark and cold when he slipped through the door. As he hung the key on the hook by the kitchen, he turned around and took in all the little gadgets and things in her home; clearly her father had sent her some gifts. He knew very well that Arthur Weasley had always been fond of Muggle things.

He felt something caress his nose, and he gave a little sniff: lavender. He vaguely wondered if she smelled like that as well; he hadn’t been close enough to tell in a long time.

Abruptly, a noise from the upstairs sounded and Draco reached for his wand, only to discover that the bathroom door had opened. Ginny was exiting it, steam following behind her as she padded down the spiral staircase to where he stood.

He knew she hadn’t expected him to be there.

When she saw him, she let out a tiny scream and covered her mouth with her hands.

His gray eyes widened and he turned around. She was about to ask him what the hell he was doing when she noticed the towel pooled around her ankles.Quickly, she grabbed it, her cheeks red, and started apologizing. “I’m sorry! I just didn’t...”

“Expect me to be here?” he said, staring at the door, and trying not to imagine what she looked like naked.

“Yes,” she said quietly. “I’ll go get changed. Make yourself at home.”

When he finally heard her bedroom door shut, he turned back around and stared at the spot she had just been in. He exhaled and took a seat on the couch, and leaned back.

A few moments had passed, and then Ginny reappeared wearing low cut jeans and a scarlet-colored tank top, her hair tied in a ponytail. She sat beside him and when she reached across Draco to turn on the lamp on the table, he watched the way she moved, the way her body twisted, the way her muscles strained. His mouth went dry suddenly and he coughed.

Ginny sat back and gave him a tiny smile. “I hadn’t expected you to come here today,” she said honestly.

Draco frowned slightly. “I know I shouldn’t have after the incident before.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

“Had you expected him to come after you?” Draco asked, watching her sit cross-legged on the couch.

Ginny shook her head. “I didn’t expect anything from Devon after I told him I was a witch.”

Draco glanced at her and flicked a strand of hair out of his eyes. He thought a moment before saying, “You realize you did a risky thing by letting him know who you were, Weasley?”

Ginny blinked at him and bit her lip. “I trust him.”

“He’s a Muggle, Gin,” said Draco tersely. “He can never be trusted.”

“You sound like Bill,” Ginny said softly. “He’s always worried about people finding out about us. I don’t know if he realizes it yet, but we’re careful about where we go and who we reveal ourselves too.”

“Until you went to America,” reasoned Malfoy with a glance. “All I’m saying is you should be careful from now on.”

“What harm would it do if a few other people like Devon knew about us anyway?” asked Ginny.

Draco wanted to tell her that all Muggles weren’t like Devon. Some of them would probably hurt Ginny or her family if they knew there were 'abnormalities' like them around. He had never come across people like that, but he knew from the stories he heard from his mother and father the Muggles could be heartless.

“Devon’s a different sort of Muggle,” said Draco. “He’s the type that thinks things like fairies and dragons would be amazing if they were real in his world, but if he ever came across one, he’d probably wet himself, especially if it was a dragon.”

Ginny wanted to laugh but she knew he was serious. “Do you think they’re looking for me?” she asked worriedly. “I didn’t mean to piss anyone off.”

As Draco opened his mouth to answer, there was a pop and he landed beside the couch, his emerald eyes wide.

“What are you doing here?” Harry snarled, glaring at Malfoy.

Draco smirked and grinned slightly, but did not reply.
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