She woke with sunlight pooling into the room. The curtains had been drawn apart, presumably sometime during the night because she didn’t remember doing it before they left. A cool breeze slid across her naked body as she twisted in the sheets. Then, something, almost like a feather, caressed her spine. She shuddered.

“Sorry,” a voice mumbled. “I didn’t know you’d be so twitchy.”

“My back is sensitive,” she mumbled into her pillow. “Has Pansy come home yet?”

Draco shook his head. Then, realizing she couldn’t see it, he said, “No. Did you really expect her to? She looked like she was on a mission last night.”

“She was wearing pants,” Ginny said as she rolled over. She blinked up at him and moved the red hair from her eyes. “I didn’t want to look like her, wherever I was going.”

“I didn’t mind how you looked,” the blond said.

“Because you knew I’d sleep with you,” Ginny said, sitting up.

“Actually,” he mumbled, “I thought you’d walk away.”

“You’re a Malfoy,” Ginny pointed out. “Since when do you not get what you want?”

He shrugged. “When I was little, I wanted a pony.”

Ginny had to bite her hand to keep from laughing. “Seriously?”

“You’re making fun of me,” he said, staring at her. Then he put a hand on his chest. “That’s not very nice, Ginevra.”

She smirked at him. “What are you going to do about it?”

Draco chuckled, rolled over, and trapped her. He stared down at her, his hair hanging in his grey eyes.

“I was going to take you out for breakfast, but now I’m rethinking.”

Ginny pouted, knowing that it usually got her what she wanted. What she didn’t expect, however, was to have that little action turn him on.

“Sorry,” he said. “I should have warned you about things like that.”

“Why?” Ginny asked, raising an eyebrow. “It’s not like we’re going to, you know, continue this.”

“This?” Draco looked confused. “You mean the really good sex?”

Ginny blushed.

Draco bent his head and kissed her. Then he pulled away. “Just so we’re clear, I do want to keep having sex with you, Weasley.”

“But we only-”

“Did it a few times?” he offered. “Isn’t that enough to want to do it again?”

“Maybe once more,” mumbled the redhead. She pulled the sheets tighter around them, and caught the scent that was just him. She pressed her lips into his neck.

“What are you doing?”

“You smell like you,” she said, her tongue touching his heated flesh.

“Who else would I smell like?” He looked at her as she moved her head away. “Natural human scent is supposed to be extremely intoxicating.”

Ginny bit her lip as she stared at him, and when she reached out to touch his face with her hand, he smiled. His lips were inches from hers when the door flew open, rattling on its hinges, and a shriek met their ears.

“I didn’t expect to find you here, Draco. It is morning, after all.”

Draco looked at Ginny apologetically before he turned his head. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Please,” Pansy muttered as she sat on the edge of the bed. The mattress dipped a little and Draco smirked. “You’re Draco Malfoy, or have you been Obliviated lately?”

“Have you been on an eating binge?” he snapped. “I know who I am, Parkinson. People do change.”

“Not you,” Pansy muttered, obviously hurt by his comment. “And not with this. I would have never set this up had I known you’d have actual feelings for her.”

“Wait,” Ginny sat, sitting up more. She stared at her roommate. “You only set this up so I would have a one night stand?”

“Yeah.” Pansy shrugged. “I thought that was what you wanted.”

“What I wanted,” Ginny began, “was a decent night out with a man. Instead I had a decent night in with one.”

Draco smiled and moved away from her to sit on her other side.

“So, you like him?”

Ginny thought for a second. “He’s pleasant enough to be around.”

Pansy looked satisfied, until she looked at Draco, then her eyes darkened. “I’m not fat,” she declared. “This bed is old, you idiot.”

“Sorry, Pans,” He shook his head. “How was your night?”

Ginny stared at them. “Can you please both get out so I can get dressed? We can continue this conversation somewhere that isn’t my bed.”

“Draco,” Pansy stared, clearing her throat, “you might want to take care of that. But the view is enjoyable, don’t get me wrong.”

He blinked, looked down, and dragged a hand down his face. “You know what?” he muttered as he put on his boxers, “I can’t help that little issue. You try having one of them!”

“Apparently you never heard the rumor,” Ginny said, giggling.


Pansy’s shout was from the hall because Ginny had ushered them both out of the room after she said that. She could hear Draco asking what she meant through laughter.

She changed quickly and met them in the living room. Pansy was lounged out on the couch, and Draco was standing in the kitchen making a pot of coffee.

“Don’t you have work?” Ginny asked.

“Soon,” Pansy muttered, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. “Don’t you?” she asked pointedly.

“Not today,” she said, and then she glanced at Draco.

“I have no plans,” he said, shaking his head. Both of them watched Pansy rummage around for her things, then she Apparated from the flat. “So, uh, who started that nasty rumor?”

Ginny, who had now taken Pansy’s spot, looked over at him as he came toward her with two cups of coffee.


He was laughing so hard that he nearly dropped both mugs. He tried to speak but it was hard to make out his words through him trying to breathe for air. When he sobered up, he sat beside her.

“Why would he do something like that?”

“I don’t know. I think they dated or something and she said or did the wrong thing.” Ginny shrugged and took a sip of coffee, cringing. She stuck her tongue out and hissed.

“I could have told you it would be hot,” Draco said, rolling his eyes. He leaned over and pressed his lips to her mouth. “Feel better?”

Ginny nodded and curled up against him, his arm going around her waist. She didn’t understand anything she was feeling when he kissed just seconds ago, but she found out that she didn’t care when he held her the way that he was.
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