tisha yoon [Contact]

Real name: tish anne
Registered: Mar 17, 2008
Membership status: Member

17 things you should know about me:
1. i love the beach
2. i AM a squiggle: UNIQUE, not easily contained, SENSUOUS, open-ended, fun-loving, crazy, imaginative to the point of savagery, creative, flexible, crazy, disorganized. AND i LOVE it.
3. i love coffee
4. i love taking pictures
5. i love sports
6. i love KOREA! i love everything about it.
7. i love the beach vibe:surfers, hot abs, bikinis, beach parties, and the sunset
8. i love to dance
9. i sometimes cannot be controled
10. i hate creepy crawlies
11. i do not like scream-o music but neither do i reject them.
12. i want to learn how to surf one day
13. i feel restless everytime i do not do what i really want
14. sometimes it's hard for me to tell what i really feel.
15. i sleep easily when it is cold
16. i love being around my friends
17 and lastly...i am very much in love...WITH MY FAMILY...

*according to my VISUAL DNA:
i am..

.an easy rider-always taking life as it comes and living for the moment.i don't get fazed by life, i just breeze through.

.a thriller-makes the best out of any situation.always a lot of fun to be around.loves to laugh and have a bit of a naughty side.

.back-to-basic-always striving for a simple life.does with out disposable trends.i am inspired by nature and longevity.

.a love bug-falls in love a thousand times a day.my feelings snowball quickly and i have lots of passion.
i have yet to learn about myself.
but one thing's for sure, i'm glad i'm this way!

...oh! and of course! I LOVE DRACO AND GINNY!
that's why i'm here!
Favorite Authors
1. greeneyes0419
Brilliant writer. I admire your works.