dracos_beauty927 [Contact]

Real name: Stacey
Registered: Aug 29, 2004
Membership status: Member

I love Draco/Ginny! I find it's the best ship, and will hardly ever read any kind of fanfiction. It's great.

margaritamelissa's harry potter: whos/whats your favorite?

Created by margaritamelissa and taken 22 times on bzoink!

harry or ron? harry

hermione or cho chang? Cho

sirus or lupin? Sirius

crabbe or goyle? E-oo! Do you HAVE to ask that?

harry or malfoy? Definately Draco

ron or malfoy? DRACO all the way

gryffindor or slytherin? Slytherin

hufflepuff or ravenclaw? Ravenclaw

favorite class? D.A.D.A

least fav class? History of Magic

harry potter books or movies? Movies=Tom Felton :D

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Favorite Authors
1. Christine
2. madalene3666
3. VioletJersey