black_adder24 [Contact]

Real name: Shevi
Registered: May 13, 2007
Membership status: Member

A girl who's high on D/G drugs! Love those two together. Never gonna happen but I love the fanfics...hey, I might just make one myself!
Favorite Authors
1. Anise
Just one story. It's going against my rule for candidates of favourite authors but I'm damn willing to make an exception. Her story is amazing. Long but well done! Fantastic, complex plot. It leaves you at the edge of your seat and the characters have such a gripping journey. She needs to update soon.....
2. CCC
A really great author. I've read a lot of her stories.
3. Hearts Cadence
Their stories must be...all in all...wonderful. Every aspect of it. There must be a visible plot. It can be written in any style just as long as it sounds good and the words flow.
4. Kerichi
She was the author of my first D/G story. I'll never forget that story. Now, I'm addicted to the D/G drug. She had one long story that was good from start to finish.
5. rowan_greenleaf