Winter Fleur [Contact]

Real name: now why on earth would I tell anyone that?
Registered: Jun 14, 2005
Membership status: Member

Hi all, Winter Fleur here. I am absolutely OBSESSED with the good D/G ship (obsessed meaning dropping all my other fiction works in order to spend more time writing my D/G's!).
I'm about 5'6", have a kind of light-brown hair that morphs between auburn and gold depending, and gray-blue eyes. And, I am a hoplessly puppy-eyed Draco worshipper... hence my lack of love life ^-^.
Hmm, lets see... things I love: chocolate, chinese food, Draco, drawing, writing, chicken, Draco, aquamarine, puppies, Draco, and, well, Draco are just a few off the extensive list.
Well, that's all anyone else besides me needs to know about me, so toodles my friends!
Much love, Winter Fleur
Favorite Authors
1. Anise