dumblond [Contact]

Real name: Cecilia Walker
Registered: Jun 28, 2004
Membership status: Member


I am 14 as of March 16

I go to church faithfully every Sunday, I am Morman.

I live in Alabama, USA

I am the huggest fan of Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, and Bowling for Soup.

I am in love with Orlando Bloom, Heath Ledger, Frddie Prinze Jr., Vin Deasle, The Rock, Hugh Grant, Hugh Jackman, Luke Wilson, Owen Wilson, Colin Ferril,

I am slightly obsessed with Harry Potter fanfics

I could live on Cheetoes Flamin' Hot

my mottos:

Don't be stupid, it's not smart.-Ty Pennington
Just bite me.-Me
I would love to have a battle of wits with you, but you appear to be unarmed.-Cathrin Walker
A friend will bail you out of jail, a best friend will be in the cell next to you saying "That was freaking awsome."-Sheone (motified from the story 'A Joke, A Kiss, And A Journey of Love")
Stop staring, you will never be this good-Me
When the going gets tough, the tough make lemonade.- The blond chick from "Josie & the Pussycats
The best leaders inspire by example. But when that is not an option, brute intimadation works pretty well, too.
Women who want to be equal to men lack ambition.
Sometimes I dream that a big, giant squirl is carrying me around; does that make me a nut?
Earth first; we'll screw up the rest of the planets later.
Don't take life to serious, you'll never escape it alive anyway.

More stuff about me:

I am 5'7", blonde (you could tell if you met me), have bluish-greenish-grayish eyes, dark pink lips.
I am the most beautiful girl you will never meet.
I am just an empty shell.
I am book smart but lack the common sence God gave to a jar of mayonase ex. I could walk into a wall and tell you the width and density of it but not know to move out of the way.
I am convinced that the laundry elf is eating all my socks and it is not me that is loosing them.
I am also convinced that I am completly sane and everyone around me is insane.
I have losta friends but have a lack of a life outside of church, babysitting and fanfiction, so much so that it is depressing.
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