
Hosting Fees

Sorry for not doing this earlier, guys, I got so wrapped up with school that I forgot.

It's time once again to pay for a year of ad-free FIA goodness! We have two weeks to raise the $95.40 that we pay for all the bandwidth and storage space we could possibly use. So, if you can spare a few bucks to support the archive for everyone, shoot some paypal to donations -at-, or send me an email if you want to contribute but don't have paypal.

(Update: As of a day later, we're up to $52.65, leaving $42.75 to go. Much thanks and love to our donors!)


Posted by Mynuet on Dec 04, 2007 11:20 am (1 Comments)

Happy Holidays!
from dgloves70

dgloves70 @ Dec 05, 2007 07:06 pm