
Display Issues

Microsoft Word is a great product in many ways, but in many others it's a pain in the butt. Why am I mentioning this? Because, as is explained in greater detail in the help page, its little foibles are causing a lot of your stories to not display properly in browsers other than IE. I'd really appreciate it if y'all took a look at the help section, as I came close to rejecting a story tonight because of an issue that's the fault of Word and not the author, and I'd really hate for that sort of mistake to mean an author's story got rejected or delayed because of this.

Posted by Mynuet on Mar 05, 2005 04:38 pm (5 Comments)

Yup, for anyone who has pasted word into an HTML file know it really sucks.
My tip: Copy the text into Notepad.
It will clean out all the little buggers.

Aurora @ Mar 08, 2005 12:00 am

I have had so many chapters rejected because this system is not compatible with Word. I don't have notepad so I spend ten minutes combing my story before I post it every time. There must be some way that you can make this site work with word. Until then, I will continue posting and praying that I catch all of the problems so the chapter will be allowed in.

Mell8 @ Mar 08, 2005 03:46 am

The only way that I have seen to make our system compatable with Word costs hundreds of dollars that we do not have. So, for the time being, unfortunately, the system is what it is. Flaws and all.

megh @ Mar 08, 2005 02:14 pm

How can you not have notepad though? It's a very simple text editor that comes with your computer, right? And in case you really don't have it, there are free text editors on the internet to download.

Saaraneth @ Mar 08, 2005 08:50 pm

Yeah, having a site compatibale with Word costs A LOT. Must be why Bill Gates is a billionaire...:) Mell8, do what I do. Just write your first draft using Word, copy, then paste it in the text box of the publishing page of this archive. Do the coding there, as it is pretty idiot-proof (I should know, I'm a big doofus with codings). This way, not only do you get a decent-looking copy of your story, but you could check it again for flaws (grammar, spelling, details, etc.)!:) Two birds with one stone...

enchanted18 @ Mar 09, 2005 04:49 am